Welcome to eJapan

Day 438, 00:01 Published in Japan Japan by Kogarashi Hazuki

Hi, all new citizen of eJapan.
Welcome to eJapan and if you are reading this, please read it to the end.

There are several important things that you need to pay attention when you just joined.

You need to have job in eRepublik. Please go to Market, Human Resources to find job offer. You will see three types of jobs which is:
Manufacturing, Land, and Construction.
All of those job is different. Everytime you worked, you will increase your skill in that type of job.
Wood, grain, diamond, oil, and iron (The last three company types shouldn't exist in eJapan) is land type of job.
Food, gift, moving ticket, and weapon is manufacturing type of job.
House, hospital, and defense system is construction type of job.

One more things, there are 5 level of company, Q1 until Q5. Q1 will only consumed 1 wellness while higher quality company will consume more wellness. The quality is represented with a star. As a new player, you are suggested to apply in Q1 company until you have higher skill.

Remember! Choose your job wisely, don't just choose the highest paying job. Consider the quality and also the type of company.

If you still have no avatar while other people have it, try uploading your avatar. You can get free exp by doing that. But if you can't do it right now, then try it again later. Most likely at that time, there is problem with eRepublik server.

When you already able to train, please do it everyday. Why? Because by traning, you will get more exp and also STR. Believe me, you will need high STR in the future.

After you finished your job and haven't buy food, you should go to Market place and choose food (The one with bread icon). I suggest to buy several Q1/Q2/Q3 food for now. If you find Q2/Q3 food with price around 6 or lower, you should buy them. Usually it was the cheapest Q2/Q3 food in our market. Don't use your money to buy other thing for now!

Once you finish all of them, visit and join eJapan Forum.
This is where most important and interesting action and discussion about eJapan happens.
You could also get help from people in the forum.
It's very important to join eJapan forum and register yourself again in www.aoi-fan.uni.cc/index.php?showtopic=36&st=100.

Other Useful Link:


People You Can Bug to Help You:

eJapan Secretary of Communication

eJapan President and also one of citizen that managed most company in eJapan

Anyone in eJapan forum
Pretty clear

And let me stop for now.
So if you still have any question please join the forum and bug someone else there.
Just post your question in eJapan forum and ignore the fact that sometimes no people are there.
A few hours later somebody will give respond to you.
eJapan Forum

Kogarashi Hazuki
NAP Member