eJapan Unofficial Beginner Guide (Part One)

Day 424, 07:59 Published in Japan Japan by Kogarashi Hazuki

Hi, welcome to eJapan. This is a quick "wall of text" about what new citizen of eJapan should do to have good beginning in eJapan.

First step:
Learn what wellness and EP means in eRepublik!

Second step:
Gather all free and easy EP so you can raise your level quickly!

1. Upload your first avatar, a picture that represent yourself in this eWorld.
EP Gained : 2

2. Get your first eJob.
How? Visit "Human Resources" in Market section and choose job offer that require 0 skill. And it's highly suggested to apply job in Q1 company and not Q3 or Q5 (If eJapan had Q5 job offer of course). Also please remember, currently there is 3 type of working skill (Manufacturing, Land and Construction). Please choose your job wisely. I'll explain more about these skill type someday when I am not lazy.
EP Gained : 5

Third step:
Start familiarize yourself with the daily routine in eWorld.

1. Working duh.
How? Click "Company" in My Places section and click work. You will be required to answer 5 trivia question. The more question you are able to answer and more question you answered correct before 5 seconds will increase your productivity. Once you done with that, you will obtain your daily salary (minus tax), skill increase and 1 EP. Remember you can only work once every day and remember the day changed according server time not yours.
EP Gained : 1/day

2. Buy Q2 foods (Or Q1 foods if you are cheapskate).
How? Click "Market Place" in Market section and choose food. You will be able to see the list of food company available, their quality, stock and price. Just buy cheapest several Q2 or Q1 food for today. And your character will automatically eat one highest quality food in your inventory when you are not looking. :3 (Don't ask me when your character will eat their foods! Only admin and God know the answer.)
EP Gained : 1/day

3. Train
How? Click "Army" in My Places section and click Train. You will be required to answer 5 trivia question. The more question you are able to answer and more question you answered correct before 5 seconds will increase your STR increase. Remember you can only train once every day and remember the day changed according server time not yours.
EP Gained : 1/day

Fourth step:
If you hadn't realize it, the most important aspect in this game is not answering weird trivia. If what you did everyday is only that, I am pretty sure you won't played this game more than 1 week. Exception might be exist though. Anyway, the most interesting aspect in this game are communicating with other people, flaming or ignoring people that you didn't like, messing other people eLife, etc. So...

1. Register on the e Japan forums and check it daily.
In this eJapan private forum you will be able to pick up other tips, asking question, make new friends (and enemies *cough😉, bug other people, seeing the progress of (Non Existent) Japan Army, find active eJapan citizen, voicing your opinion about current eJapan government, have chance to get some donation if you are lucky, and etc.

2. Checking eJapan (Or eWorld) media.
In your Home section, you should be able to find 5 top eJapan article, 5 eJapan latest article, and 5 eWorld top article. If you want to see more article, you can click more news. Please remember that only article that was published less than 48 hours that able to appear in those top 5 list. So don't be shocked (or worse proud) to find stupid or useless or nonsense article or shameless advertisement sometimes appear in those top list. To reduce that kind of article appear in top 5 list, make sure you didn't vote any useless article even if the one publishing it was your friends or boss or party leader or president and vote only article that you think worth to be read. Btw, don't be afraid to leave comments to the article because people usually like to get response from their readers.

3. Subscribe to newspaper that you think worth to be read daily.
Actually there are newspaper that publish their article in different country, so if you really wanted to not lost chance to read their article make sure you subscribed their newspaper and check your Subscribe list daily.

I'll end this "wall of text" for now.
I might or might not publishing the next part tomorrow.
So if you still have any question please join the forum and bug someone else there.
Just post your question in eJapan forum and ignore the fact that sometimes no people are there.
A few hours later somebody will give respond to you.
eJapan Forum

Kogarashi Hazuki
NAP Member