eJapan Unofficial Beginner Guide (Part Two)

Day 425, 02:53 Published in Japan Japan by Kogarashi Hazuki

Hi, welcome to eJapan. This is the second not so quick "wall of text" about what new citizen of eJapan should do to have good beginning in eJapan.
You can find the part one HERE.
Anyway today I am gonna explain several more things.

Level and EP Again
Do you know that everytime you increased your level, you can get some bonus or feature activated?
Level 2 Train
Level 3 Move your location
Level 5 Fight in war
Level 6 Vote in election and obtain free 5 gold
Level 7 Join a party
Level 8 Create a newspaper
Level 9 Create or buy a company
Level 11 Create an organization
Level 12 Ran in congress
Level 13 Create or takeover a party
Level 14 Candidate yourself as president
And starting from level 15, you will obtain gold everytime you get level up.
More info : Career Path

In order to raise our level we need EP. And other than eat, train, and working actually there is other way to obtain EP.
1. Vote
EP : 1 EP for every vote you casted.
2. Fight
EP : 2 EP for every fight you take part in.
3. Upgrade company
EP : 5 EP for every quality upgrade in a company of your own.
4. Winning congress election or party election
EP : 20 EP for each win.
5. Elected as president
EP : 50 EP for each time.

Please remember that once you reach level 6 that:
* On the 5th of the month you can vote for President Elections that are taking place in your country.
* On the 15th of the month you can vote for Party Elections if you are a member of a party.
* On the 25th of the month you can vote for Congress Elections in your residential country.
Since you can obtain 1 EP everytime you cast your vote, make sure you always voting in the election. But please do not randomly vote somebody. This election is pretty important so do it carefully. Check whether they have link to their speech or manifesto or anything like that, and read it.
It's not funny to vote somebody that have stupid speech right? Also don't forget to check the media and the forum too. Sometimes we can find useful and important info there.

If you ever check your profile you should had saw 8 slot in Career tab right below Achievements text.
Those are your slot medal. Everytime you obtain a medal, it will be recorded there and you would obtain 5 gold. It's very easy to obtain some of those medal but some of them is incredibly hard to obtain. Here is the list of the medal and how to obtain them.
* Hard Worker Medal (Easy)
Worked for 30 days in a row.
* Congress Medal (Moderate)
Elected as a Member of Congress.
* President Medal (Hard)
Elected as the Country President.
* Media Mogul Medal (Nightmare)
Reached 1000 subscribers for your newspaper
* Hero Medal (Hard)
Inflicted the highest total damage at the end of battle.
* Resistance Medal (Hard)
Started a successful resistance war.
* Super Soldier Medal (Easy)
Have more than 5 STR, have fight in war at least once, and train in the next day after you already have 5 STR.
* Society Builder Medal (Moderate or Easy)
Invited 10 people and make sure they reached level 6.

In eRepublik, wellness represent your health. You will start with 50 wellness as default, and 100 as the highest wellness you can have. Do you know the benefit of having high wellness?
1. Increased productivity when you are working.
2. Deal higher damage when you are fighting.
3. Give you more chance to fight.

Remember that you will lose:
* -1 Wellness every time you train
* -Q Wellness every time you work (Q = quality level of the company)
* -10 Wellness every time you enter a fight (+ additional wellness loses, depending on your Trivia answers)
* -1 Wellness if the citizen has no food and has wellness between or equal with 1 and 10.
* -2 Wellness if the citizen has no food and has wellness between or equal with 11 and 50.
* -3 Wellness if the citizen has no food and has wellness between or equal with 51 and 80.
* -4 Wellness if the citizen has no food and has wellness between or equal with 81 and 100.

Tips about raising and keeping your wellness high?
1. Always make sure you have food in your inventory.
2. Make sure you buy food with 1Q higher than your working place quality.
3. Do not waste your money to buy unnecessary things. Save your money to buy house. Q3 or Q2 house is good enough. They give wellness boost daily.
4. Join a war and fight once then use hospital to heal yourself. The wellness you will obtain from hospital is 10 multiplied by hospital quality. So if you live in region with Q1 or Q2 or no hospital, please buy moving ticket and move to region with Q4 hospital. (Shikoku and Chugoku region in eJapan have Q4 Hospital)
And remember, to be able to use hospital you must already fight at least once that day and you can only visit hospital once every day.
5. When you are at 90 or more wellness, it's suggested to eat Q1 food and ask somebody else to gift you until you reach 100 wellness. Because it's harder and usually more expensive to raise your wellness only with food and house when you already had high wellness.

Working Skill Type
In eRepublik we have 3 type of working skill, which is manufacturing, land and construction. The more skill you have in one skill then the more productivity and the more salary you can get. Please note that while you can have all three of them, it's highly suggested to focus on 1 skill.

1. Land is a skill that you got by working in company that produce raw materials.
Grain, wood, diamond, oil, and oil company are the type of company that will raise yours land skill.
2. Manufacturing is a skill that you got by working in company that produce item by consuming raw material other than wood.
Food, gift, weapon, and moving ticket are the type of company that will raise this manufacturing skill.
3. Construction is a skill that you got by working in company that build a building and requires wood.
House, defense system, and hospital are the type of company that will raise your construction skill.

And let me stop for today again.
So if you still have any question please join the forum and bug someone else there.
Just post your question in eJapan forum and ignore the fact that sometimes no people are there.
A few hours later somebody will give respond to you.
eJapan Forum

Kogarashi Hazuki
NAP Member