War Bond Program Successfully Concludes

Day 1,181, 08:46 Published in India India by Indian Government Bank

Nearly 3 months ago, the situation was desperate. Dioist Pakistan was bearing down, and our future looked grim. We launched our war bond program in an attempt to get some much-needed gold to try to turn the tide of the war. Nearly 600 gold was taken in, and while it didn't stop us from getting wiped, it did help us retake what was lost. At the time we knew it was a massive program for a country this small, and that it could be filled with bumps along the way, but we decided the ends justified the means.

About two months from the launching of the program, repayment began, as stipulated when the program was launched.

And today, repayment is officially concluded. Aside from a couple dead/inactive citizens* who have not responded to us, all bond purchasers have been repaid as laid out in the initial article.

May this stand as an example of the Indian government's ability to carry through a long-term program, and may we never be so desperate as to have to launch another such program 🙂

*If you're one of them and you see this article, send this organization or CBI a message