War Bond Repayment

Day 1,139, 19:41 Published in India India by Indian Government Bank

Nearly 2 months ago, our war bond program launched, with the intention of raising funds to help stand up to and eventually push back against ePakistan. It was a great success, netting us nearly 600 gold toward the cause. Beginning on Day 1145, the first war bonds will begin to be repaid. It should be noted that to mitigate any potential volatility in the monetary markets that might result from a significant amount of INR hitting the market, not all bonds will be repaid at this time. In the initial article, it was made clear that the government retains the option to postpone repayment for another month, and then repay at a higher rate. We will be doing that to some extent. Some will be repaid 2 months from the date of the bond purchase, and some will wait for a 3rd month. This will be essentially chosen at random for each individual account.

If your bond is up for repayment, you will receive a PM from this organization or the Central Bank of India no less than 24 hours before your scheduled repayment time. Please be sure to respond, and let us know you're alive. After all, there's no sense throwing rupees at dead bodies, is there?