Tyler F Durden Must Go...

Day 826, 21:43 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden
...to Congress

And just when you thought it couldn't get any better...
Fox Blutch Delivers!


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I am running for Congress - again. I hope to secure my 6th total Congress seat for PEI.
I have been a Congressman for PEI - the headquarters of the Canadian Progressive Front 5 times before and I look to continue to serve the national legislature again.

Prince Edward Island is our National Capitol - being as it was the first region that we successfully held in a Resistance War after we were wiped of the map in World War 3. It seems like so long ago now - but we are still at war and must continue our vigilance and protect our national sovereignty while being in an international alliance.

During my 5 months as the Party President of the CPF I took great pride in establishing company after company in PEI. Today, there are many employment opportunities in PEI, courtesy of the CPF. Not that I am regionalist - I am from Vancouver, yet early on selected PEI as the place I would look to in order to represent all of Canada in the national Legislature. I am a member of a Party which holds ALL of Canada's interests at heart - not just one region, or one ethnic group. We are all inclusive and hold our hands out to all Canadian patriots, while Omega1759 of the ethnocentric Union Nationale has been running Negative Campaign Ads against me.

I am not here to promise a Q5 hospital to PEI.

I have enough experience to know not to promise things I have - as one man - no ability to deliver on, and more importantly - have no business in promising. I will however continue making your Canada a prosperous, healthy, militarily efficient country in eRepublik.

I have spearheaded controversial legislation, such as the Iron Income Tax Bill to help streamline Canada's economy and make us a more formidable National war machine. I would like to think I was influential in Operation Tea Bag - sending your national sentiments to the Executive and resulting in war with the UK after the introduction of Canadaball. I have been directed to oversea the Office of Strategic Services - to establish and maintain international relations with non governmental organizations to aid in the war effort. This is a new government office and is not entirely up to speed, but I look to get back into it asap.

I just arrived back late late last night from a 5,750 km road trip that saw me travel from Vancouver, BC on February 10th thru Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Idaho and back thru Oregon, Washington and home to Vancouver BC where I was treated to throngs of cheering fans...who were cheering for team Canada as they whipped Germany's butt in Olympic hockey!
I spent Valentines day in San Francisco with Marla, gambled my comped chips at the Golden Nugget and ended up paying for our entire stay in Sin City at the Roulette and Black Jack tables.

I am back home now and as ever - I am looking out for Canada's interests.
I look to assist in the updating of the Constitution and many other important documents that many of you don't even know exist - yet are there to protect you.

If you click on the Hotsheet Essentials link, you will be directed to a plethora of information to help make your time in eRepublik more enjoyable. Find out ALL of Canada's Laws. Learn how your Government makes money. Find out what Hungary's Battle Orders are for today!
Take a moment to check if your Newspaper is on the Canadian Newspaper Registry - an initiative I began during World War III and am proud to see updated regularly.

I hope to continue making my time in Congress worth your while.

If you would like to vote for me, or any other fine CPF Congressional candidate drop in to CPF Chat on February 25th to see how your vote can count! The Canadian Progressive Front will furnish ANY Party Member with the moving tickets to do so. I'll also take this opportunity to remind all CPF Congress candidates to be registered on the CPF Forums for all the latest info!

If you want to Donate to the Party, please send your donations to the CPF Organization.

If any of my fellow members of the CPF have any questions, I would direct you to PimpDollaz, the CPF Party President, or Wilhelm Gunter - the CPF's election magic man and Party Vice President - which many of you are already familiar with.

Thank you for reading, voting and for your subscriptions!

Warm regards,

Tyler F Durden

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Important Message to CIBC "Investors"
