Tyler F Durden: CPF Party Address

Day 746, 11:54 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

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First, a little history on the CPF from the perspective of it's Party President.

When I first ran for PP of the CPF, I had in mind creating a military machine with the ability to back it's words up with fists. We were at war, and were unable to help ourselves without allied support. I envisioned an active base of members who all had eachother's backs. I envisioned the Party having a completely independent economy, worked by members and purchased by members. I was advised to shy away from weapons and military minded vision...

At that time I realized that we could not move forward with such a plan as we as a Party were reviled by the establishment for doing things our own way. We were the Resistance movements. We are patriots. At NO point did we EVER intend to act dishonourably to our countrymen - despite what our detractors lied about when they said otherwise.

So I accepted the obvious, as it was foolish to not do so.

I focused on Congress. We shocked the hell out of the country 2 months in a row until finally the other Parties began to mimic our methods.

Party companies began popping up in Orgs of our rivals. They said nothing, but chose to imitate our success. We did not change our method and fell prey to larger numbers using our system. We did not adapt and overcome. Instead we have stagnated.

I intend on remedying this. For if we do not move ahead, we WILL move back.

I played nice with the other children in the sandbox...even tho they left me clumps of their thoughts for our Party for me to find in my little corner. At every turn the chips were stacked against us. The "left" banded against us unanimously. This ensured a Jacobi 4th term, and the two successive terms of his heir apparent, William Duncan.

But seeing as no Party was willing to endorse our candidate - and a high quality one at that - I believe it may be time to kick a little sand back in the faces of they who took such pride in ensuring we had nothing. Even the Party which the CPF chose to endorse twice in a row - the CNC did not even so much as send a single solitary message to me about today's election.
For all our support in the past, of which only Rainer_N truly knows the extent of...amounted to nothing.

We at the CPF had felt kinship with the CNC - the only Party who actually looked beyond their myopic interpretation of eCanadian politiks and saw fit to accept us we are - despite what crotchety old, bitter citizens think they know of us. We worked together to place jbdivinus into the Executive, then Treian.

We at the CPF spent our gold and our time for these candidate of the CNC - and we were alone.
The DAL pushed Jacobi, and then William Duncan and was almost held hostage from an also-ran in November.

Today, the DAL blames us - the CPF for Derek Harland's lacklustre election performance at the hands of Jacobi. I cannot wrap my head around the bitter irony! After all, it was the DAL that ensured Jacobi's rise to legendary status in the first place! Then his successor!

It is as tho the DAL thinks that whomever they endorse for PM is inherently entitled to the highest office of responsibility!

But enough of this...

I now turn my attention to the Canadian Progressive Front Membership.

I will run for what may be my final Party Presidency of the Party I helped to build into a reputable group who has contributed to Congress and the betterment of this great nation - yet is still kept out of the executive by a united "left" who still attributes us to Parties long come and gone.

It is my opinion that the CPF undergo a massive restructuring process and enter a time of re-invention. There are those who may not like it - and they are welcome to voice their opinions or even move on... I simply cannot permit the tireless work of myself and others to go waste and fail at achieving our goals. It is my firm belief that we have hit the wall with our current raison d'etre.

We have no army of 2-clickers. What we do have is a dedicated group of active individuals who saw in me and the group assembled around me a future to believe in.

I intend on delivering that future.

I also firmly believe that war is coming again - for us, with the re-invention of PEACE: GC into Phoenix with Battalgazi at the helm as Supreme Commander. Anyone who knows that name knows that Phoenix will NOT be some fly by night half assed organization.

North America will be invaded again. At our current rate of progress we will not only be ill prepared, but it also appears as tho we'll have the same Prime Minister to lead us down the path of destruction as last time...history repeats itself until you take history by the horns.

Glory is never given - it comes from within!
It comes from never quitting, never surrendering!

Ladies and gentlemen of the Canadian Progressive Front:

I ask now that you lay your trust in me - as I have in you for so long.
Our journey has been long and arduous - the most challenging of ANY eCanadian Political Party in our fine nation's history. We have faced that challenge and smiled in the face of adversity!

I ask now that you take the next step with me.

I will ask many of you to sacrifice for the Party, your labour and your fists!
If you have shuttered companies - especially upgraded ones, I will ask you to donate them in trust to the Party for your brothers and sisters to use to help us move forward. If any of you have a High Iron company - I also ask you to work with us. Together we WILL accomplish that which no individual can on their own.

We must protect our beloved nation from the inadequacies of it's elite, and from the enemy which the powers that be continue to underestimate.

Let us be the only Party prepared for the enemy when it once again arrives at our beachhead - and it will - which is currently guarded by goats, because we have evidently learned NOTHING from the last invasion!

Our time will not "arrive", that is clear now.
Our time must be recognized and acted upon...
...and that is what I intend to do.

Well, shall we?
