New Alliance To Counter EDEN

Day 745, 13:44 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden">

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Well, it is my first day off since I can't remember when. I see that we have as many Country Presidential hopefuls as we do Congressmen. I see that we have returned inwards as a nation instead of looking to the world and putting it into context with our unique perspective.

Today, I have come across a plethora of articles talking about something called "Phoenix".
It is alleged that "Phoenix" is the new PEACE: GC. One article, from an eRussian named thedragon provides a few details. There have also been some other reports of this new alliance being much more authoritarian than any alliance which has yet existed.

At this time, it appears as tho this Organization is the headquarters of Phoenix, and their official newspaper can be found here, and this is their first article.

Mr.Woldy, the Country President of the eUK wrote this article detailing the eUK's inclusion into Phoenix.

James Glover wrote this article, adding more details including secretaries and treasurers, and the inclusion of one million + damage citizen Battalgazi into the new alliance.

Halfie in the eUSA wrote an article along the same lines but without providing any concrete evidence.

Give it a name folks, if these rumours are true, it looks like we'll once again have a united adversary.
I welcome it. After all, it will keep us from going at each other's throats in political circles. Wars have a tendancy to bring nations together. Remember eCanada before the war? We were crazy with Cobras and intrigues...

Remeber the height of the war? This was us...

More to come.