The Federalist Press [day 2256]

Day 2,256, 13:08 Published in USA USA by Trekker Tlumac

Lions, Tigers, and Bears! George Takei! Err, I meant Oh My. Really I did. Okay, maybe I didn’t. But no one needs to know, right? I can bribe. There is a cookie in it for you if you don’t tell anyone. And not one of those invasive digital cookies. Or maybe it is… I’ll never tell.

Well at any rate, it is the great and mighty Trekker Tlumac bringing the news to you again. Welcome to the Federalist Press to all Feds and friends! By the way… Bang your head! Metal Health will drive you mad!

I bet you did not see that one coming!

State of the Fed

1) Congressional elections are coming up on the 25th. Be sure to vote Fed!

2) As speculatively reported last week, Tyler Bubblar did indeed win the Party Presidency. He won over 56% of all votes cast.

3) Tyler has since instituted incentives to encourage Fed activity on the boards and in IRC. As well as instituted benefits for signing up to the party. He has this message for all Feds seeking the incentives:

“Fed Forums:
make a profile if you do not already have one and request access I will award all newcomers to the Forums with 12 tanks, finish the week as one of our top posters 20 tanks, participate in an activity 12 tanks, publish an article in game 15 tanks. These are not exclusive you can stack the tanks just for having fun with us.

Fed IRC:
This is our IRC channel join us and say hi to Tyler_B this is worth 5 tanks as well.

Fed Job:
Applying for a Fed Job is worth 5 tanks. Doing the job well and earn a positive report, another 15.

Please join us and be a part of the active fiber of the Federalist Party! Not only will it be fun, but I will make it worth your while. Come for the tanks. Stay for the community!”

4) Speaking of Jerbs, erm, Jobs… How would you like to join the Fed team and work for the party? It is the best way to move up in the party. To join in and show your willingness to the help the party. Those who work for the party get noticed. The Fed party is always looking for new blood to help out. Apply today! That link again (if you do not want to read up above) is:

5) Are you hungry? Are you in need of big guns? Well the No Fed Left Behind program will give you food and tanks. Since its inception, the program has given tanks and fed over 1000 orders for hungry Feds.

If you are a Fed and are hungry or need protection, the name of the program says it all.

6) For those of you that are new to the Feds or even just Fed-curious, we welcome you to come find out more about us. The Fed forums are a great place to start. There are games, news and discussions constantly being discussed. It is a great place to get know about your party members better. You can also join us on the IRC party chat, which is another great way to get to know your fellow feds.

On Rizon at #fedpartychat, or

Not sure what to post about? Not ready to join up in eRep or ePolitical banter? Well we have just the place for you to start. Start posting in the Fun Zone and work your way in the other discussions.    

SHIELD wants you! Come join the ranks of SHIELD, the official Fed MU. But just because it is the Fed MU does not mean that non-Feds are not welcome. Everyone is welcome to join SHIELD. If you are looking for a friendly MU with good supply line, consider SHIELD.

State of the country

There has been a lot going on country wide actually. From new agreements being implemented to the take of new territories, we have seen quite a bit of activity over the last week. And it has been to the general benefit of eUSA. This has provided an interesting and quite exciting week of events.

As many people may have noticed, the eUSA has been at war recently. This has allowed for a lot of True Patriot activity for eUSA warriors over the last week. More over these battles have been done so under the controlled agreements. This helps ensures the continued peace for the country and strengthen foreign relations.

1) For much of the past week the eUSA has been involved in a training war aimed at assisting eRussia. eArgentina proposed eRussia as Natural Enemy, which would likely have led to a wipe of eRussia in war. To help out an long term friend to the eUSA it was decided to start a war with eRussia. This serves the purpose of allowing the eUSA to take a couple regions to ensure that eRussia could retrieve these regions in time to allow for them to have a congress. The eUSA is also acting as a buffer to prohibit further advancement of eArgentina. It has been stressed publicly that this action was not a sign of aggression against the invading forces of eArgentina (who currently hold 6 eRussian territories) and only a sign of friendship to eRussia, in hopes that a complete wipe will be avoided.

CP WildOwl states the motives for this in the following article link:

2) In other war news, the eUSA has struck an agreement with eRepublic of China (Taiwan) to take two of the occupied provinces of eJapan. Hokkaido and Tohoku, respectively. The agreement calls for the eUSA to take Hokkaido immediately (that war is currently underway) and to take Tohoku after congressional elections.

The treaty also calls for no Natural Enemy legislation to be levied against eRepublic of China or eChina. This seems to be a promising venture on strengthening foreign ties as well as gathering bonuses.

Here is the link to the agreement:

3) CP WildOwl has continued his promise to communicate to the people through media and has released articles of his own, as well as plenty of government press. Here are a couple of the most recent releases.
Which briefly covers the CP’s thoughts the war in Russia, the disbandment of TWO, and the bonuses situation.
Which contains short interviews with all the current top 5 Party Presidents, coverage of the foreign affairs including the wipe of eItaly, and the war in Canada.

State of the World

1) Speaking of the war in Canada, there is a war in Canada everyone! DoD orders are clear to not interfere with the fighting. This would be bad considering the developing relations with the three invading countries (eUK, eSpain, ePoland).

2) Also to be stated, as noted before, eArgentina is at war with eRussia and currently controls the bulk of the latter’s territories.

3) With the collapse of TWO there is a new world of politics emerging, the eUSA must find itself in the new surge. This will surely be done over the next few weeks.

State of my Gold

Konoha no Kiiroi Senko is the winner of my gold from last week.

Same rules as last week are applied again. Comment and you get an entry for my Gold. Before the next issue I will use to pick a winner. For extra entries tell me your favorite video game in your comment. (World of Warcraft does not count. I despise that game, so pick something else. 😛 )

State of my Mind

Not really sure where my mind is. I am kind of lost amidst a gambit of swirling thoughts, possibilities, and self-perpetuated fears. As well as less tangible things that are as yet undefined. The general gist is that this week is full of potential. That potential is undoubtedly better than I see it to be.

Other than that, it now occurs to me how serious a geeky conversation really can be. I had such a conversation the other day with my cousin. On out regular trip up “The County” to drop his son off we got to talking about obscure video game lore. We were roughly an hour into the return trip (it is about three hours each way) the subject of Pokemon came up. My cousin is a Pokemon addict. He has owned every North American version of the game to come out.

This is probably not something anyone cares about, but though it is never directly stated in the series or games, the Pokemon games occur after a massive war. This is proven by some mentions by characters in the series that the protagonist would never have survived the war and so on. This is most easily shown, however, by the stark lack of adult men. They are few and far between. Most of the world is run by women or children. Those children fill in for adult roles in society.

We discussed this and it quickly went to, “We should have seen that sooner.” types of thoughts. And then we discussed how my cousins father used to tell him stories about going to places as a marine after this long wars had taken place and how he had told us stories about how the children there did fill the adult roles because there was a lack of mature men. So kids worked in the jobs left open and that needed to be done. We then discussed how that would affect society and culture of the affected area. We learned some philosophy and all because we talked about obscure facts from a silly video game.

Who said video games teach us nothing?

I will raise my glass to that any day…


Have a great idea about how to make the country a better place? Not sure where to turn? Contact a congressional member. Party should not matter. But the point is, make your voice heard.  The country needs active citizens.
Read up on what is going on.

List of current congressional members:,29778.0.html

Public section of congress:,15.0.html

Also… For anyone with foreign friends or e😜ats that are still living abroad, now is the time to invite them home. We have peace and are starting to get bonuses again. Things are improving and we need more citizens. You can help them get back by referring them to the IES procedures as found on the eUSA forum and the application to receive citizenship.


IES section of eUSA forums has all the needed information:,21080.0.html


Education in this game (and life in general) cannot be overstated. Nine out of seven people would agree with that. Another 83% will not believe this statement, but we don't talk about them.

With that in mind I would like to share links that are directed at helping people learn about the eWorld around them.

This week we have the same grab bag of education links:

As well as the continuation of the series about surviving in eRep by Gnilraps:

That is all for this week. I sincerely hope that whatever becomes of you over the next week will be if not wondrous, at least pleasant. As always, thanks for reading. Stay Proud and Horny out there; unless you are not a Fed, then I suggest you stay your equivalent catch phrase. Or better yet, join us… 😉

And until next time.

Trekker Tlumac

Oh yes... I went there. :3

Who says chivalry is dead?

Who doesn't want a little jackass, erm, donkey love?

This is dedicated to someone... You know what you did!

FPR is UP!