The Bane Campaign - The Introduction

Day 1,396, 13:12 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

Hello, I am MikeBane. As many of you know, I have been around Eire for a while. I remember thinking I found gold when I started this game back in Mid 2010; obviously my opinion has changed from its initial optimism.

But I do not believe because this game sucks that we can't try to make it less boring, monotonous, and down-right b/s. That's why in October, I want the people of Eire to celebrate and to join together as a community.

To recap, my cabinet has been changed. MonsieurGuillotine has been removed and Seanan to be Chief of Staff. Here is a list of my cabinet members:

Vice President - Artaxerxes Pavonis (VP)
Minister of State - Jacobi (MoS)
Chief of Staff - Seanan (CoS)
Minister of Law - Pierce Vaughn (MoL)

Minister of Defense - Patrick O'Leary & Kurdt Fradenburg (MoD)
Deputy Ministers of Defense - Cierenfuergos, xNosferatux, petros1815
Minister of MUs - Kurdt Fradenburg

Minister of Finance - sir adriano prette (MoF)
Central Bank Governor - Sweet Drinker (CG😎

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Bassy & Irasian (MoFA)
Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs - Loyen, Ross_Ninel, Fear Malice

Minister of Immigration - Ian E Coleman (MoImm)
Minister of New Citizens - Chr1sD3mon (MoNC)
Minister of Recruitment - D-Glennon (MoR)

Minister of Community - John Gormley (MoC)
Minister of Silence - Viktor Kurgan (MoSi)

We have a big team assembled for a good fight in October, plan to get a lot of sh*t done! Me and my fellow cabinet members appreciate all the information and help you can offer, governments are for the people, not over the people.

I implore all Eire Aonair members to CLICK HERE and voice who you want Eire Aonair to candidate for the Country President elections in October!

Let's have a good day, in Eire.

Your's truly,

My Intention to Run For October Country Presidency
Short Update
An Important Message to the People of Eire