Short Update

Day 1,391, 12:42 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

I appreciate all the comments in my last article, I was under a considerable amount of despair that day. That's basically how depressing I am in RL everyday. Time to shine and be a bright star in eRep!

My Presidential Cabinet has been completed. This is the final and official list of my cabinet members. If any of them should give up their citizenship or cause an irresponsible disruption...the list will be considered for change.


Vice President - Artaxerxes Pavonis (24)
-- Artaxerxes Pavonis I have known for a short while, but he seems eager to jump back into politics and I would not mind having an oldie like Pavonis by my side!

Minister of State - Jacobi (30)
-- Jacobi, Eight time Country President of Canada. Much like a Country President, Jacobi will be watching over all ministries and keep them "in-line". I believe a eight time CP knows a thing or two about stability and how to run things smoothly? 🙂

Chiefin' with the Staff - Seanan (27)
-- This man has got the game plan, he knows what he is doing. Chiefin' in the afternoon, breaking his back in the evening. Seanan will get the job a boss.

Minister of Law - Pierce Vaughn (25)
-- Can't say I know much about Pierce other than when he messaged me questioning about the Minister of Law position. In past articles I doomed the definition of the position and many saw it as stepping on congresses feet. "Minister of Law makes sure everybody is not breaking constitutional law. If they are, you report them and the congress will put them on trial. You basically "police" people but do not execute authority (as game mechanics do not allow that)." (Quote from my message to Pierce, explaining the position).


Minister of Defense - Patrick O'Leary (27)
-- Patrick has recently became an ILP hero. I will honestly say I had my doubts and I was proven wrong. Patrick is also a good guy, at least to me, and seems to have a good share of power in the IA and LA. o7 comrade. He is the link between the most powerful army, Irish Army, and the paramilitary unit, Labour's Army, of the ILP.

Deputy Minister of Defense - Kurdt Fradenburg (25), Cierenfuergos (20), xNosferatux (24), and petros1815 (32)
-- I picked a lot of Deputy Ministers of Defense because I want them to observe Patrick (also question and critique him) and learn effective military strategy and about becoming an MoD. These will be our military leaders of the future. Kurdt, good friend of the ILP and active. Cierenfuergos, shows superior intelligence and learning game mechanics would empower this potentially great player. xNosferatux, a good friend of mine and has been involved in the military since I knew em. My last choice, petros1815, is to include Libertad in my Department of Defense. He is the leader of the Greek Libertad and a very powerful and surely skilled individual.


Minister of Finance - sir adriano prette (27)
-- Like I've shown before, I will not lie and say I know all my ministers equally well. Sir Adriano Prette has had Deputy MoF experience and I believe pushing him to MoF rank will provide a good challenge for the lad.

Central Bank Governor - Sweet Drinker (24)
-- Sw33t is the official holder of the bank, no one may take his place. On a personal note, I sometimes can agree with Sweet Drinker and sometimes be so opposite. He's a good lad when all is said and done.


Minister of Foreign Affairs - Bassy (27) and Irasian (27)
-- Bassy has been an old friend of mine and helped me and himself jumpstart the Independent Labour Party. Bassy also is a very active and friendly player whom can boast contacts internationally. Irasian, a former CP and a former MoFA, will provide a great foundation for our Foreign Affairs department. With his experience, friends, connections, and activity; I believe he will serve Ireland well.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs - Loyen (23) and Ross_Ninel (22)
-- Loyen, that young ambitious player, will also be practicing and observing the MoFAs to get further experience and hopefully more connections. Ross_Ninel, always on the IRC when I log onto it. Ross_Ninel also is a friendly, caring, and wonderful player.

Minister of Foreign Intelligence - Fear Malice (26)
-- I expect FM to cooperate with ally intelligence agencies (or networks, military units, etc) to obtain mid level to critical information. I believe FM will be able to provide any information we may need to gain the upper hand.


Minister of Immigration - Ian E Coleman (25)
-- If he is not one of the most rational and respected players in the game, then he must be praised for his excellent past work along with his beyond superior organizational skills. I hope that the whole Department of Immigration will be willing to work together to create a cyclical "flow" of immigrants into Ireland and also to make sure no PTO'ers gain access.

Minister of New Citizens - Chr1sD3mon (23)
-- I do not know Chr1sD3mon well, but I know he seemed eager for this position. I believe Chr1sD3mon will do his best to help new citizens find their way into eIreland.

Minister of Recruitment - D-Glennon (27)
-- D-Glennon, the D-Man, I consider to be a friend, a fellow EA comrade (or member if he prefers), and a well respected reasonable mind. D-Glennon shows ambition in the humblest of ways, D-Glennon does not need all the praise and fame, D-Glennon is the embodiment of awesomeness and progress!


Minister of Community - John Gormley (27)
-- I've known John ever since I came to eIreland. Became really close to him? Naw, but I've always liked his subtle comments and a few jokes he cracks at rare times. I observe and feel that John Gormley is one of the faces of the Irish community that everyone loves (or cannot hate).

Minister of Silence - Viktor Kurgan (26)
-- If I win, the Kurgan will rest in his cave for the month. He vows to not say one word.

That was a brief introduction to my cabinet and also a short description about each member. Thank you all for reading and have a good day.

From your comrade,