TFD: For Teh Clarity

Day 858, 09:47 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

All in all, the framers would probably agree that it's better to impeach too often than too seldom. If presidents can't be virtuous, they should at least be nervous.
- Joseph Sobran, on Impeaching Presidents.

Teh Ban

Let's get a few things straight shall we? I enjoyed a pleasant 24 hour vacation courtesy of Teh Admins because I made reference to Zblewski's name in a somewhat unambiguous comparison to a slang word for fellatio on one of his articles after he used his paper to grandstand and take a pot shot at me for exposing the whole charade which was the SdC affair. First ban for me, totally unwarranted in my opinion but someone must have written up a real heartfelt complaint.........

Kept my hard worker streak going tho.

Congrats Zblewski, you're the third Judicial official
I have burned thru this month...

Teh Impeachment

What I DIDN'T miss was watching the CPF get hoodwinked by certain persons who I shall not name here (because I will blackmail you later) into initiating an impeachment against Country President Chucky Norris. I sat and watched the whole thing develop on IRC. I sat in silence, knowing that if I spoke up I would have to say something. I let the culprit leave before I spoke...

He who shall not be named, whispering temptings
into CPF member's ear...

What did I tell the CPF Party Privy and fellow enthusiasts?

"You don't want to do me."

They were completely convinced otherwise. The CPF Party Forum poll actually indicated that the Party WOULD like to see an impeachment. The debate was furious to be honest. Not the first time this has happened either. First under my watch was Tantis, then Gofarman. (Domino_Gray's attempt was known to us, but not orchestrated by the CPF.) I spoke in condemnation of every impeachment attempt. During my 5 months building the CPF, I emphatically was against having a Party line in Congress. Unlike other parties in the political spectrum, the CPF would permit their elected Congressmen to serve the voter - the nation at whole. Nobody who really knows the game mechanics really believes that Congressmen are responsible to the region they are elected in - your job is to work for ALL of Canada, not just your little coterie.

I digress.

To try and avoid the party staining itself with yet another impeachment attempt, knowing that this was unstoppable, I took it upon myself to post in Closed Congress - an impeachment thread. I specified that I had received enough PMs asking for me to propose an impeachment from respected Canadians that I could not ignore my DUTY as a CANADIAN Congressman - NOT a PEI Congressman. Better to make this thing legitimate so we don't have to wear this as a party - cuz I knew damn well that the political opportunists would exploit this to get more subs for their newspapers and grandstand for perpetual or planned CP campaigns..."Oh, I stand for national unity", or "Oh I have teh morals and stand for justice", etc. It works like clockwork really. I can name the usual suspects, but they are irrelevant right now. Tinny voices traveling on a string to another tin can, thinking that anyone really gives a rats arse what they think.

So I posted that puppy then went back to the Party forum where things had simmered down a bit...tempers did indeed flare. I thought my words had worked. I returned to the Closed Congress impeachment thread and deleted it, thinking that a potential Party crisis was averted. I would rather take the heat for a stunt like that than have it paint my beloved CPF - again.
Five people had viewed the thread by the time I had deleted it.

I'm all up in ur innernetz, Kraken skulls, killing cultures
and arranging coup d'etats.

After all, I am the eQuebecois Cultural Genocider Terrorist. Of course I am pulling all the strings, right? Even tho I am working 18 hour days on a dumb ass talking puppy show that will go straight to DVD and take $50 million out of the pockets of young parents across the continent who will buy the damn thing just to shut their kids up and keep them out of their hair.

I designed the CPF to be a Party that churns out quality leaders. I made the CPF a modest Corporate empire, legislative power, Gov't institutional militia to challenge whoever led that party to be truly the finest we had to offer. You had to be able to manage a large group of companies, being successful in elections, politicking and managing an army.
CPF leaders would be multi-faceted. Not just citizens who get elected to Party Ministries and feed at the trough on the tax payer dime...

In rl I learned that you don't create good leaders by making them 'yes men'. You have to give them room to grow, to make their own mistakes - AND TO LEARN FROM THEM.

That is why I didn't run for reelection for PP of the CPF.
The road trip was a McGuffin. I could PP any Party in my sleep.

It was time for the party to grow on it's own. I had taken it as far as it could go as far as I was concerned. We came from a 64 member party that ALL the other parties targeted for their own political opportunistic reasons and put one of our own in 24 Sussex. We dominated Congress. This country's entire tax system is based on CPF initiatives. But yeah, we're all evil n stuff too. Tell me, did the world end in cataclysmic Armageddon during the jbdivinus Presidency? No. Actually it was quite entertaining. The only scandal was an internal party one.
The scandal where Acacia Mason went from enjoying a TFDesque PP election victory (he was for all intents and purposes unopposed) to nearly shattering the party and being forced out in about 5 days time with THE REAL details that will stay in the CPF only.

The impeachment vote failed, as many knew it would. First the CP came out and called it a coup and pressed Congressmen to vote against it. Then...oh fuggit, It's already old news and you were there, I don't have to fill you in. For the record, I never voted in the impeachment, I was banned.


Long story short, cuz by now no doubt some of you with attention spans that rival a monkey will be typing tl;dr. CPF had it's second worst showing with taking home 9 seats. In November we took home 8 seats - while our entire SVT team was working all day and couldn't manage the vote. This month, they were distracted...

DAL did good, and good to them, it's about time, they only have almost 600 members! The CSD did what they do, get a respectable number of seats for an otherwise antiquated party that V2 shall render obsolete. I mean, with no gifts, there will be no Health Minister. The legacy of emilio sanchez dies with V1 it appears.

The CPP got a few themselves and bravo to them.

The UNION Nationale? 6 seats. They're still learning tho, it's okay. Even with all those experienced ex France citizens the UN still can't make a decent show at congress. For as much as they brag about their political prowess - they still have to prove it. Well, that is not entirely fair a summary. A little back story... I was actually concerned about how many seats the UN was going to garner - at someone's expense. First they targeted the CPP for members. Then the CNC and CSD. How do I know this? Cuz we used to be friends and they told me their methods...They missed the memo on party size not equaling political influence. DAL *cough*.
But that was the old days before they granted citizenship to controversially pardoned war criminals and citizens on CSIS watch lists. Well, in case you've been under a rock, you will have noticed that I took a bit of issue with Samuel de Champlain's potential presence in our Congress. How could this situation be manipulated for teh lulz I wondered...

Then I remember why the DAL never does as good as they should in Congress elections - they waste too many votes on Citizen B. I think he got 150+ votes a few months back...robbing the DAL of probably 10 seats in the process! How could I apply that dynamic to the UN?

I know! Make SdC a martyr! I will call it 'B effect'. This is where the party shoots themselves in the foot by throwing away valuable votes on a single candidate instead of spreading the love.
Well, all it took was the first couple of articles and it caught on like wild fire. Neat social experiment it was. SdC got 75 votes! The UN got 6 seats. [edit]

The UN on March 26th, 2010

They'll deny it of course, but I know - and that is all that matters to me.


Brolliance & SHIELD

There is apparently some confusion as to what is the relationship between the Brolliance and SHIELD. Allow me...

I read today that eIreland has joined the Brolliance. What is the Brolliance you may ask? Stop laughing, because that's a damn good question. The Brolliance is the special relationship that Canada and the USA enjoy. It was created by Jacobi and Gaius Julius during WWIII to articulate the love that grew between our two nations after what we went thru together.
It had never been discussed about any other nation "joining" the Brolliance, it was a special Canada/USA thing. Had YOU ever heard about anyone joining the Brolliance before? Of course not. There was nothing to join because there was no formal organization for it.
I for one am reserved about adding on peripheral nations to the Brolliance.

SHIEL😨 The NEW Sexy!

That was until jbdivinus and I created SHIELD. SHIELD is the official military wing of Brolliance Citizens.
Canadians, Americans, Australians and now Irish can work together and fight together to achieve common objectives for all our nations. We are of the philosophy that what is best for the whole should be given highest priority of any part. We quickly acquired use of companies and began to build the apparatus needed to best take advantage of V2 changes. The Official Brolliance Forums were created to facilitate the dialogue between our two countries. I reached out to many American economists to set up a team to create a Brolliance Economic Council to study ways of harmonizing our economies for the best possible advantage to us both. I wrote to Woxan, Sydiot and Pearlswine to join. Woxan was the only one to really grasp the idea and work together. I also asked Goran Thrax to join the BEC. He has agreed in principle to be a party to the group. We are moving along quite nicely actually. Gotta tell you tho, when I read that the Canadian CP "with great pleasure that we welcome them (Ireland) into the brolliance" I have to chuckle. Not sure he got the memo...yet how does he reply to this?

"Tyler, As the president of one of the member country of the Brolliance I have the right to announce it, beside you don't have anything to lecture me on Ireland, I've probably done a lot more for this country than you in many way."

Thats right Chucky. See I was confused. I was crazy to think that it was everyone BUT this government that made the Brolliance something worth joining! You're not even on the forums!
But we all know, so no need to shoot a dead horse...

Obligatory demotivational poster

jbdivinus and I always liked the idea of including Australia in SHIELD. We have much in common with them. They have high Titanium regions which they will be VERY hard pressed to maintain possession of. We have common interests - common enemies. SHIELD grows by the day, and so does the Forum which now boasts 138 members in the less than one month it has existed. This is a project that is above and beyond individual state control.

We are the people!

And to all who talk the trash at my or the CPF expense...please place your noggin in the towel:

How do you like them apples?">