[USA] On Brotherhood

Day 857, 22:56 Published in USA USA by Woxan
This is a ghost written article by my friend jbdivinus, meant to promote and expand the Brolliance in its member countries. He has given me his full permission to quote him.


On Brotherhood

Click the picture to go to the official Brolliance forums

What exactly is the Brolliance?

To this day, one of its many strengths has been its complete lack of a definition. To many, the Brolliance represents the bonds shared between the USA and Canada. To others, it includes all the countries that these 'Founding Members' consider Bro's.

One thing is certain though, if the Brolliance is to expand beyond the limits it has placed on itself over the months, in size, organization, and purpose, it is necessary that we define ourselves in some real way.

To me, the Brolliance certainly does imply the existence of a special bromance between Canada and the USA. But it is not something exclusive to those two nations. One of the greatest things about Canada and the USA is their strong beliefs in protecting the integrity and community of the smaller nations in this game.

My vision of the Brolliance is a group of nations, bonded not by necessity, but by choice. A team, not only on the battlefield, but in every aspect of erepublik. My dream is of a Brolliance united towards the purpose of improving the community, towards the goal of increasing activity and retention, and towards victory on a social level.

Membership in the Brolliance isn't something a country can use to advance its military goals. You shouldn't need to pay to be a bro.

The Brolliance is about sacrifice

Sacrificing your time, your experience, perhaps even napoleon training, so you can give advice to the new guy, so you can give him or her a few gifts.

The Brolliance is about improving the eRepublik experience, not relying on war to hold us together.

The Brolliance is about charity, friendship, and brotherhood. It is priceless. It is unconditional. It is eternal.

How can YOU accomplish this?

Thats right. I don't believe you can *help* make a difference, I believe you can BE the difference.

"Tony Stark: What would you say if I told you we're putting a team together? "
-The Incredible Hulk (200😎

I believe in the Brolliance. I believe in a team effort, to accomplish extraordinary things. Together, we can do the impossible.

Inspired by these ideals, I have put together a team. We have begun creating SHIELD.

SHIELD is an organization created for the sole purpose of strengthening the Brolliance. Its primary function is to build up a community of bros (brolliance citizens) and organize international activities designed to increase retention, education, and success of the younger players of our society.

To this end, SHIELD's main organizational structure will be a militia of Bro's. This militia will provide jobs for SHIELD members, and will recruit new players, to enter a training course designed to teach them about the game, before "sending them out" into the "real world." This militia will still serve as a full militia, and will supply its members with weapons, moving tickets, etc... for missions. It will act in defense of all Bros, and will fight for the little guy, the country who needs help defending itself from imperialists.

This is NOT just for new players, but rather for any citizen looking to find their purpose in eRepublik

If you don't want to join a militia, you can still be a part of SHIELD. SHIELD is planning several projects which will require volunteers to develop and to optimize success in, such as:

1) The most organized Media Mogul Campaign to ever be publicized in any of our countries.

2) The publication of a Brolliance Allied Hotsheet; it will be expanded to Australia and all other Bro nations.

3) Frequent status reports internal affairs in each Brolliance country, including political coverage, trackbacks to excellent articles, and reports on any other interesting event.

4) Each SHIELD member will be encouraged to participate in the SHIELD anti-PTO squad

5) SHIELD will operate a completely unique and innovative Brolliance Charity

6) SHIELD will work with sponsor companies

7) SHIELD will be offering several fun contests for its members

😎 A Baby Boom pyramid scheme

9) An education system for all new brolliance citizens, including an eRepublik Library.

10) A radio station for all brolliance citizens

11) SHIELD and Brolliance Wiki Pages

SHIELD clearly has unlimited potential. It is a monumental task to get it started, but if you believe, YOU can MAKE it happen. Do you want to see SHIELD start something else? Do you want to get involved? Sign up on the Brolliance Forums, or Send a message to SHIELD HQ.

Have a company that is closed down? Why not loan it to SHIELD? You can get it back any time, and it will be used for the sole purpose of helping new citizens, and will absolutely never take any profit, but rather re-invest into Bro citizens, with free gun giveaways, and more missions for the troops, etc...

Are you an artist? If you want to get involved, we are still looking for a forum banner on the brolliance forums. We have a contest going to the Brolliance Motto, the Brolliance Flag, and SHIELD avatars. Show us your stuff!


For just 5 easy payments of 5 gold..... jokes 😉

The Brolliance Economic Council is a seperate organization working with the Brolliance to promote intelligent economic policy beneficial to Bro nations, especially with respect to trade with each other. If you have any questions about the economy, these people will be the ones to ask! If you have any innovative ideas, feel free to send a message to Woxan, founder of the BEC.

If you are REALLY AWESOME, you will Create a Brolliance party 😉

Jbdivinus; ready to fight for all Bro's.

Thank you for reading, please vote, subscribe, and comment with your thoughts. Becoming a Bro is a long term commitment, but the opportunities provided are limitless!

Send me a message if you want to talk more, or join #brolliance or #shield on IRC (rizon server) and someone will be able to help you out!

That is all,

assisstant Supreme Commander of EDEN
Founder of SHIELD
Proud Brolliance Visionary

Aus Article
Irish Article