TFD Can Into Nemesis

Day 913, 10:19 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

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eUS Embassy Report

Due to the infinite wisdom of this Executive Administration there is no embassy report. I have apparently been fired from being eCanada's Ambassador to the eUSA - a post I have held for almost a YEAR. I have been replaced by the famous and accomplished Keve69.

Keve69 has been an eRep player and Canadian citizen since way back in Day 906.
Among his great accomplishments are maintaining his Wellness above 80 in that time and managed to work each day.

eUSA, Meet your new eCanadian Ambassador!

How did I discover that I had been "relieved" of my Ambassadorial duties by this esteemed, honourable Canadian Gov't?

I logged onto the eUS Forums - where my Embassy is only to find the thread locked and this Keve69 character fronting as the new Ambassador. "WTF" was the first thought which crossed my mind. I have 9 PMs from eUS citizens in my eRep inbox asking me who this Keve69 character is and I honestly can't tell them anything. How a new born citizen gets the most important Ambassadorial post in eCanada is beyond comprehension and can only be meant as a slight against me. Either that or our Government's FA department had suffered a SEVERE head trauma.

In the shuffling that has gone on in the Ministry of FA since SaraDroz was upgraded to VP, the dept has been issuing Roll Calls twice a week. On the last one (third such in seven days) I called the new SoSAC a retard for not checking with the last roll call which was issued by the previous SoSAC only the day before!

Luddite is the new SoSAC. A former UK citizen who has taken great offense to my reaction to the cluster**** of what this department has become in such short time. Not once - EVER in my year of service to this country's ambassadorial department has a single member EVER set foot in my Embassy. Not once - EVER has an official given me ANYTHING to report to our Bros.

Are there even any REAL Canadians in the Canadian Government anymore?

I kept quiet after the recent CP election. I held my tongue after that ABSOLUTE DISGRACE of conduct which was displayed by those who support this administration. This is salt in my wounds and if they think for one goddamn second I'll take this slap in the face on my back then the immigration stamp on their Canadian Citizenship pass must still be wet.

Attention FAIL Executive of eCanada:

Do you know what nemesis means?

Click on image for definition of nemesis">