TFD Can Into CP: War Face

Day 893, 18:25 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden
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Seeing as Canada will be heading into battle with our Declaration of War upon France, it has become painfully obvious what must become of my Country President platform...

Like it or not - that is just the way it is.

Two months of work down the drain...but none of that matters anymore.

All I can do now if you choose to elect me as your Prime Minister on May 5th is to work as hard as possible to maintain the initiative and WIN this war! Addy Lawrence and I have already begun Congressional debate threads to align our Tax System into a War Time posture.

The ONLY thing that matters now is managing this war properly with our Allies.

To mark the occasion, I have decided to change my avatar to something more relevant to the times...

Where is YOUR War Face?

You call THAT a War Face?

I want to see YOUR War Face below by 06:00!">