So You Wanted a V2 Noob Guide? [#1]

Day 960, 19:24 Published in USA USA by WmQ374

For an abridged version of this article just skip to the take away points. and I look forward to hearing any suggestions for improving this.

In the spirit of Ligtreb’s excellent recent article stating that we are all now noobs, and in order to escape the horrors of noobdom, I will be releasing updated NOOB GUIDES for the new V2 Modules. But before we get to my first guide, you must all complete the Noobification Process.

Steps to Noobdom:
1) Repeat after me now and don’t be shy!...”I AM A NOOB”...
2) Wash and repeat step one until fully noob’d.

!!!Only Noobs Beyond This Point!!!


Other than the new military module, the uptown area of the game is by far the newest and arguably the most improved aspect of eRepublik. The “Uptown Menu” is the first tab in the “My Places” drop down bar. The Uptown Menu consists of a landscape with five important features:

(1) Your Daily Schedule
(2) Company
(3) Training Grounds
(4) Library
(5) Residential District

Your Notepad Schedule
In eRepublik Version 2 you now have the ability to allocate a certain amount of time each day to working, training, studying, and relaxing. There is no single best way to allocate your time to each of these areas but there are a few important things that you will want to keep in min😛 (1) the most obvious is that the more hours you work the more you’ll get in either higher productivity, higher military skill, higher profession skill, or higher happiness; (2) for every hour you work, train, or study you will lose one happiness; and finally (3) for every hour you relax you will gain one happiness. Since you can allocate your time in so many different ways, some people will focus more on working and studying while others will want to get their military skill higher to do more damage on the battlefield. No matter which way you spend your time, if you are a new player you should relax for at least ten hours every day. This will get your citizen eleven total happiness since each hour spent at the residential district is equal to one happiness and you gain one happiness from the Gym session booster. If you either work, train, or study for the other 14 hours in the day you will be at a 3 happiness deficit at the end of each day. If you then work for at least four hours each day you should have no problem making enough money to buy a high enough quality food to make that happiness back.

Finally, if you’re interested in making a lot of progress on your experience, you should also work, train, and study every day since doing each for two hours (the minimum) gets you two experience points.

Your company is where you will be working to make a salary, earn currency, and buy products in-game. First, you’re going to need to join a company, and especially if you are new to the game, you are going to want to join a Quality 1 company. No matter what type of company you join the most important thing to remember is to stick to the profession you choose. You’ll get more money over time by becoming an expert in one profession as opposed to being just OK in multiple professions.

Company Schedule
For the employee, the sole purpose of your company is to work and make a salary. To work for the first time you are going to need to choose how many hours you want to work and the type of booster you want to use for the number of work hours which you chose for that day. For working make sure to remember that: [A] Your productivity will increase for every extra hour that you work; You’re skill will increase equal to 10% of your total productivity for that work session; [C] For every hour you work your happiness will decrease by one; [D] Your Health will decrease based on the Quality of the company you work at ( Quality 1 companies will decrease your health by ONE after every work session); and [E] you will gain 2 experience points.

Productivity Booster
The second part of working is choosing a booster which will increase the productivity you get for a set amount of gold. For now, the best thing to do is to choose the Single Expresso booster which will give you a +10% boost to your productivity and cost you zero gold. The productivity booster will only become effective for much higher level players and only after the V2 market has stabilized. For now it is advisable for all players to just stick with the espresso.

The Secretary
The final part of working actually has no importance in terms of game mechanics but I found it hilarious that the Admins decided to make the Secretaries quote the following:
“Hi Tepwnzor! I'm Emma, the company's secretary. You look fantastic today! Seems like you will be very productive today. Have a nice day!”
Not only does the Secretary you say “look fantastic” but she also hopes you are “very productive” say the least this quote is dripping with innuendo (pun intended). Thanks to MorningAlice for compiling the pictures of the Secretaries in her article on Gender Bias at eRepublik. It’s a good read and I recommend it.

Training Grounds
The training ground lets you build up your military skills so you can become more effective on the battlefield. First, you will need to decide which military skill you want to train in. Just like with your profession, it is highly advisable that you choose one skill and STICK WITH IT! You have four different types of military skills you can train in (1) Infantry; (2) Tank; (3) Helicopter; and (4) Artillery. Each of the classes has different strengths and weaknesses:

-- Have a +20 point attack bonus against Artillery.
-- Have a +20 point defense bonus on Battlefield Forest Tiles.
-- Moves one tile per turn.
-- Cannot move onto water tiles.

-- Have a +20 point attack bonus against Infantry.
-- Have a +20 point defense bonus on Battlefield Hill Tiles.
-- Moves two tiles per turn.
-- Cannot move onto water or mountain tiles.

-- Have a +20 point attack bonus against tanks.
-- Have a +20 point defense bonus on Battlefield Plains Tiles
-- Move three tiles per turn.
-- Can move onto any tile.

-- Have a +20 point attack bonus against air.
-- Have a +20 point defense bonus on Battlefield City Tiles.
-- Move one tile per turn.
-- Cannot move onto water or mountain tiles.

Once you’ve chosen a military skill you will want to budget your time training appropriately. Just remember that [A] Your military skill will increase for every extra hour that you train; You’ll lose one health after each training session; [C] You’ll lose one happiness for every hour that you train; [D] You’ll gain two experience points after each training session.

Finally, just like with working, if you are a new player you are going to want to choose the “Army boots” basic booster. Once you’ve gained some levels and have more money and gold you can move up to using some higher boosters on occasion to really crank up how quickly you advance in military skill.

The Library
The Library lets you increase your skill in the profession of your choosing by studying. While you can increase the skill of multiple professions in one study session even one different than that of your current job, IT IS BEST if you focus on increasing your skill in ONE profession and STICK WITH IT! This will help you increase your salary at your current job much faster!

After you have chosen the appropriate profession, budget your time according to how much you want to study. Just remember that [A] The profession you choose will increase in skill for every hour that you study; You’ll lose one happiness for every hour that you study; [C] You’ll lose one health after every study session; [D] You’ll gain two experience points after each study session.

Finally, just like working and training, if you are a new player you are going to want to choose the “Business 101” basic booster. Once you’ve gained some levels and have accumulated some more money you can move up to using some of the better boosters to help you advance to GURU in your profession!

“Crap...Where’d I leave my house?”
Residential District
The residential district lets you recuperate after a long day of working, training, and studying! It is the best way in the game to gain back happiness and it is key to effective time management in V2. The maximum amount of time you can “relax” is 12 hours. I recommend that new players use the residential district for at least ten hours so you are not losing too much wellness each day.

The same advice applies to boosters here as it did to the previous Uptown Areas. If your new to the game just do the “Gym session” basic booster to save money.

Take Away Points:
(1) We are all noobs now, plan accordingly.
(2) You will lose one happiness for every hour you work, train, or study.
(3) There is no single rule to plan your daily schedule but if you are brand new to the game you should rest for at least ten hours and work for at least four hours.
(4) You gain two experience points each time you work, train, and study for two hours.
(5) Pick a profession and STICK TO IT!
(6) Pick a military skill and STICK TO IT!
(7) Use the Library to increase your chosen profession more quickly.
(😎 If you are new to the game only use the basic boosters in every area so you can save your money.
(9) Subscribe to my paper to get more quality noob guides and articles! The sub button is at the top of the page.

Next article will focus on Health, Happiness, and the Downtown Areas.