Gender Bias at eRepublik v2? :O

Day 960, 09:38 Published in USA USA by MorningAlice

Hello Everyone! Before I start I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read the 2nd article of Alice’s Wonderland

The v2 of eRepublik just got released and naturally everyone would be excited and thrilled to explore its new features, especially the old timers, naturally they would make discoveries that newbies would have a tendency not to notice or it might just be too complicated or high above our levels for us to care. But! Being a newbie has its own pro’s too. We tend to notice the small things that the “ancient” players would likely pass as something ordinary due to their very long stay at the game.
One of these “small things” that I did notice was that v2 eRepublik is gender bias! I make this accusation solely based on the fact that the avatars of the game are all women.

Emma – Company

Lana – Training

Gina – Library

Lisa – Residential District

I tried bringing this up with some of my iRC male chatmates and they all shrugged it off saying, the male population is dominant so naturally, the avatars would be female to further entice male players to continue playing the game. But what about the female players? Don’t they want to invite them to play the game too? Did they stop and think about that while creating the game? I have no qualms whatsoever that the avatars are women, the only point I’d like to make is why not make male counterparts for the benefit of the female players? Come on, if the creators really did want to increase game population and have baby booms every now and then, wouldn’t they also try and entice girls to play the game? (I’d like to remind you that out of the 6.8 billion people of the world, half of those are women)

Male players too do notice the lack of Females or as they like to call “wimminz” in the game. I have read comments like :

“nice to see a new wimminz in the game, welcome!”


“Kudos to you two for your beautiful genes. You have boosted the morale of our eUS troops. Of course, historically US ladies have helped win wars by various means including rallying the forces.”

Giving further proof to the need for more women in the game.

This isn’t the 1800’s, it’s already the 21st century. The term “Gender Equality” has already been invented. Women and men are not created equal. I do know that, they each have their own God given strengths and differences. However those differences do not condone gender bias.

And if any of the creators of this game, by any miracle is currently reading this article, I strongly urge you to remember that even though eRepublik is as the guys say a “sausagefest”, there are also female players here, so please do keep in mind when you create a v3 to please please PLEASE do create male counterparts for Emma, Lana, Gina and Lisa. And if you want to stop the sudden influx of straight guys turning gay because of this game, I do advise the creators to start making v3 ASAP *cough* Robert *cough*. I know it sounds whiny but we do notice things like these you know.

With all my love,
-M.A. 😶

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