Reaction to LOL IA PTO, Oprah, and various other eSA things

Day 1,449, 19:04 Published in USA USA by GoneAndGone

(To my American readers, sorry, this is eSA related)

So, shit's been going down.

@IA people: IA sucks. Former IA members will privately admit it sucks. People join because you're big, and want to get into politics, but soon discover how inactive it is, and this become two clickers.

Case and point: Had3z CP run. Almost no political experience, voted over a superior candidate in Chubbzilla. No offence.

@Mark: Long time no see. I hope you've been well (honestly) just to touch on a few points: Oprah was a decent CP, nothing big happened in eRep, so to compare to Grim is unfair. A better comparison would be to Rexdues, or Miya, who went AFK during their terms, and with Miya who released zero articles. Also, Ines was a fucking bitch, so, yeah, sorry :/

Also, the two-clickers of IA deserve a voice as you say. But, they can be criticized for being dumb two-clickers. Other than that, your article was pretty much right. In fact, here is a link to it. To paraphrase: it's basically about how people are jelly of IA, and the PTO is fucking dumb, and will kill many things. IMO, Oprah should not have PTO'd (or claimed that he planned to) or try to attempt to PTO IA WE'RE UNDER A REAL PTO!!! Ill timed fail troll PTO was ill timed. But yeah, enjoy two-clicking Mark. I hope you get involved in MoS again, as Chuck will probably need your help this term, either with PTOs, or helping craft future MoS people.

@Stryke: Like Mark, pretty much right. IA is only as big as they are due to dying two clickers, old vets who don't actually play, and zombies who vote in ways which could have a detrimental effect on eSA. Say a PTOer ran from IA. He would get in simply because IA members vote for IA without thinking. Stryke, like Mark, was also pretty spot on. Here is Stryke's article. TBH: Stryke and Mark have probably the two best articles on this, as they are well presented and reasonable, as opposed to being trollful, dumb, or written by nick jones.

@Nick Jones: lol. try harder next time.

@Twilight: refer to Nick.

So, yeah. Can we chill on this? eSA, you are under a PTO threat. A REAL ONE! Not from Oprah, not from other eSAFFERS, but from Serbs. Cut the crap, get together, and prepare. As someone who has seen PTOs occur, let me make this clear: If they REALLY want to PTO eSA, they WILL PTO eSA. Admins WILL NOT help us. Only WE CAN HELP OURSELVES! Stop this BS, stop these fakes PTOs, stop this drama, prepare, come together, and fuck up some PTOers.

Peace o7