Day 1,449, 16:41 Published in South Africa South Africa by Tenshibo killed my dog

I'm just gonna state this here briefly.

I don't view IA as dead, as much as I view it run by a bunch of self-gratifying, xenophobic, power-hungry jerks who, when confronted with something new, something different, something that could threaten their grip on power, flip their shit.

The 32% number only serves to validate these people's ego stroking. They fail to take into effect inactivity or new players just going along with what they feel as the status quo. Either that or, when confronted with it, come up with really weak excuses for it.

The Had3z campaign only goes to show what IA has become. Had3z was a joke of a candidate: horribly under-qualified (he hasn't even held a cabinet position), his platform consisted of three bullet points, and (I mean no offense to the man himself, I am only trying to speak politically here) chose Nick Jones as his running mate. Yet the IA voting machine managed to get him to the second most amount of votes in the election, overcoming even someone as qualified as Chubbzilla. IA knows its power when it comes to elections, giving anyone who runs under then one hell of a fighting chance, regardless of how weak a candidate they may be. Oprah comes along and says that such a division of power to a single party isn't right. IA flips its shit.

That's basically all I had to say on that, so yeah. You all have a nice evening now.


Oh fine, have a picture.

Twilight Sparkle signing out