A Response to Oprah from Mark Morcom

Day 1,449, 15:58 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK

I am the founder of this version of the IA. The IA has been around a long time, gaining many loyal followers. Things have changed along the way. I mean Loco is our VP, and he was recently on trial for treason. The BS gets turned on its head, recycled, chewed up and made into BS again. Along the way a lot of the players who called IA home started two-clicking, like I am now. I for instance ran consecutive terms as MoS and I felt blown out with the game. I still do, so don’t expect more than simple trolling after this article. The IA is still a powerhouse party, holding the largest share of the cake in congress. It has spawned some of the greatest CP’s this game has ever seen, like Grimstone. The party is NOT a shell, the party is NOT dead!

What is a PTO.
For Oprah to gain the Party Presidency of the IA she will need to enlist the support of other people who will leave their home party and join the IA simply to vote for her. Once they have completed this simple task they will leave the IA and return to their party. Oprah will be PP and she will then embark on her destructive plan to ensure that new players do not join the IA. This will give a decisive advantage to her home party (OOP) and allow those players to move there. What she is basically doing is committing political execution on the IA party. The people who make up the True IA party will then be forced to deal with a person who does not share their views or vision. They will be politically oppressed by Oprah! What we have here is a PTO.

But it is Oprah
According to Oprah she has “occupied” almost every role that the country has (Speaker, CP blah blah blah this is a trumpet being blown). What I have seen from Oprah is a mediocre Speaker and a CP that really did not do much at all. I mean I was sitting there all term waiting for something interesting to happen and it never did! Making bread was more fun than Oprah’s term.
I think that before you blow you trumpet you need to compare you performance in these role to that of your IA counterparts. Sorry to tell you but you were but hot air compared to Grimstone and Ines Schumacher!
I have also heard it said that calling one of our own a PTO’er is kinda stupid. That’s like the time when Malema said that Black people cannot be Racists! Saying that it is kinda stupid is kinda stupid seeing that History has proven that a tried and tested player such as Amun can actually turn out to be a low-down dirty PTO pig!

The IA two-clickers deserve a political voice
I find it AMAZING that Oprah thinks that the people that are not super active in the game do not deserve a political voice! Why not? Are we not a democracy? Are two clicker sub-class citizens that do not deserve to choose their political ideology and practice politics through the use of their vote? Are we implementing Apartheid in eRepublik?
You are so quick to dismiss such a large part of this country’s population as being (NOT IMPORTANT). Think twice before you do that again. You might find you precious little sub-party being wiped from the map – renamed the Nazi Party.

Why is Oprah acting like a Crazy Menopausal Woman?
Oprah is like a tiger. She is crawling through the reeds. It all comes to the fact that she does not like the IA. She is more than likely frustrated that her sub-Party can never make head-way. She has vented before: http://bit.ly/vtBwdC (Backup should she "by mistake delete it: http://i40.tinypic.com/2cnwhns.png") - Saying this comments:

Oprah, too big is a problem and now not-active is a problem?

And then there is this jewel:

Ok, so being too active and being too big is bad? Now being inactive is bad?

And her typical excuse for such actions:

You said something so simplar today

Are we seeing a pattern yet?

Ladies and gentlemen; if you feel like two clicking for a while, why not join the IA, the party that actually values the two clicker. Don’t join OOP, they simply might execute you for being sooo useless


Mark Morcom