Ranting; Be Warned, It May Get Heated

Day 716, 10:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by GGRyan
Hello, eUK. Today, I'm gonna rant about things that people might get offended by. If you are the subject of a rant; its nothing personal, but you've warranted it, one way or another.

You fail. I could stop there, but why miss the chance to rub it further? You just got whooped in a tiny offensive by PEACE. You have nothing better to do than spam our articles. You think that helps your country? Dont make me laugh. It shows a huge difference between the maturity, mental capacity and goddam lives of PEACE and EDEN. You barely ever find PEACE spamming EDEN. But on our ambassador reports, that were worked hard on and well done, EDEN spam it. Got nothing better to do?

You, the public, work hard, train hard and play hard. You elect people you think are the best for the job and you are quite frankly let down by the foolishness of said elected representatives.

busynurse1510 is apparently a 6 time congressman, and I feel he/she has become complacent sitting on the mass votes of The Unity Party. His/her last manifesto was a copy of his August manifesto. He/she doesnt go to the forum for peanuts - no political debates. No regional chat. No national chat. Nope, all your
congressman does is go to the forum to make a fool out of themself - read it all. Surely a 6 TIME CONGRESSMAN should know better? I highly encourage the East Midlands electorate to never again vote in busynurse; sorry, but it is my honest opinion. My two other fellow congressmen, Dan Moir and Draaglom, are incredible. Thats all I will say.

This, partly, I am surprised even happens. Maybe the electorate are uninformed? I dont know! The stupid congressmen I am speaking of is the like of BartlebyVS, Daniel Dawson and countless others over the terms. The kind of congressmen that somehow get into our politics and then donot show up on the forums, where all the descicions are made. They propose pointless, uninformed laws and rules, and wont go to the forums and have why they cant happen explained to them. Guys, wake up and go to the forums. People, wake up and stop electing these people, these who contribute nothing! (bar XP points for congressmen)

Finally, I am glad to say that there are people in the eUK that want things better in the country. Thats jolly good indeed. But for goodness sake, dont sit there and complain when the people in charge do things wrong if you do bugger all for the eUK. I have CONSTANTLY been involved with the eUK in some way becuase I want to make things better and feel even my small contribution helps. Heck, even if you suck at your job, I respect you. That is becuase you are better than the fools that sit back, do nothing and complain. And moan. And complain. And moan some more.

There isnt many people in the country in it for the country. There was GF, but look at him. Over worked and sick of people telling him what to do when HE does it BEST. Theres more, more than I will name, but please, just get on and get working for the eUK.

Now, the good bit. When you comment, give me a rant! If I feel like expading on your rant, then it gets put in the article. But take this space to rant. Trust me, ranting can be fun

Have fun!
