Promoting the Future of the UK

Day 1,645, 11:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
On top of my mind is the recent UK boom in population numbers. In a month the population jumped by more than 4000! It is important for not only the UK to maintain these numbers but the UK's allies. This article will address a large amount of things being done to try and keep the UK's youngest players alive.

UK military news/Free weapons

The UK Ministry of Defence puts out articles every few days. These inform players where to their fights are most needed and there is the possibility for any UK player to get free weapons. To get 4 Q6 weapons for free, comment at the bottom of the MoD articles with this: Call to Arms o7

The blue writing here is a link to the Ministry of Defence newspaper.


The NHS offers players under 30 days old, 400 health a day (40 Q5 food), until they reach 1 month old. This means you can save up money for companies and weapons instead.

The blue writing here contains a link to the NHS application form. Alternatively contact Big Ant via clicking the blue writing here and writing him a message.

Establishment grants

If you’re under 3 months old, you can claim a £3000 free establishment grant. You can use this to buy weapons, or companies to help increase production and your town hall.

Apply by talking to Master Hofkens, who is the deputy Minister of Finance, and responcible for grants, by clicking the blue writing here and sending him a message on the subject.

New player guide

The UK has a great guide for new players created by Kravenn. Have a look at it by clicking on the blue writing here.

Newspapers to subscribe too

Click on the links in blue to view the newspaper. Then subscribe at the top right of the page.

Ministry of Home Affairs (Genral communications and new player advice.)

Ministry of Defence (Military communications)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Communications regarding other nations)

The UK Prime Minister (Communications from the UK President)

Spreading the message

Please spread the messages in this article by posting/shouting the link to this article:

Promoting the Future of the UK:

...And by passing on this advice to anyone that asks, or looks like they need help.

To conclude...

Thank you for reading, please vote for this article if you think it is helpful/useful for UK players.

I will be continuing to publish the 'free health and help' series as well as 'the battle for the UK' series and other more general articles, so subscribe if you like what you see in this newspaper.