Population Statistics 4th July - Region Swaps and a War of Pride

Day 957, 10:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello. Welcome to another edition of eWorld Population Stats! There are two new sections to my article this week; Upcoming country and Timeline Graphs. 🙂

First of all I’d like to thank everyone who has voted, commented and subscribed to my paper in the last month. I recently managed to achieve the Silver Journalism Award from the eUK Government for both my 13th and 20th June Editions of this article series. Without you guys and gals I doubt I would have been considered but you have been awesome at voting me up and regularly getting this article to #1 in the eUK and once even 11th on the international list. Thanks so much! Hopefully I can get the gold award soon. 😛

For new readers of my article

I have used this website to get accurate stats. The population shown below are from the server reset time on Sunday each week. I will be posting a new article every Sunday with updated stats and identifying a best performer and worst performer.

I also have another article series running that focuses on the population statistics of one country at the time. Click the links below to view them. To request a country go onto the latest article (eBrazil) and comment on which country I should view next.


The next Focus on Article will be written as soon as possible. I have been very busy recently and I apologise to the people waiting for me to write one of these articles.


Link to full table!

Click This table to see a bigger version of it.

Summary of the week

After Poland started attacking last week we saw a continuation this week which included Ireland and Canada. The eUK managed to successfully block Poland for a few days before Sweden was used to stop the eUK from halting Poland’s progress. Ireland started attacking the eUSA creating a bridge in which Poland could move across too. This now means that Poland has a few new high resource regions with Version 2 coming in a few days. A massive rent agreement has been made but Poland still stand to benefit extremely from these regions.

Also in the news this week Lithuania and Estonia decided to attack Latvia; who were recently kicked out of Phoenix for attacking Estonia previously. With Latvia out of Phoenix both these countries were freely able to attack whilst they had limited MPPs. A pact with Poland was being signed so Lithuania and Estonia decided to attack just before it signed so that they stood a chance of beating Latvia. Eventually Latvia lost all of its regions. Whilst writing this articles two regions have been successfully regained via resistance war.

Two more things that will not show in the stats this week but will most definitely show next week will be the massive war with Croatia that started last night. Croatia has been an impenetrable fortress in the past but with Hungary and Slovenia MPP’d up with a potential Serbia soon able to hit them too I imagine them losing some regions soon.

The last thing I want to talk about is Version 2. The Admins made us aware that Version 2 is going to go live next week. This could be a very important time to monitor these stats as it is almost definite that we will be losing a lot of citizens; but we also may see some new baby booms popping up as a result of improved game play. Watch this space.


The winner this week is Estonia. As mentioned above Estonia; along with Lithuania decided to attack Lativa; a former ally who had been kicked out of Phoenix recently. This war was a war for pride and to some it was a way to make a potential baby boom take place. The result of this war was Estonia and Lithuania both taking two regions each and wiping Latvia off of the map. In regards to a baby boom it didn’t really work according to the stats but with Estonia gobbling up Latvia it does make them move up the rankings by 14 places increasing citizen count by 1505 with a growth rate of 115.59% This effectively doubles Estonia’s population count which is why I gave them the winner this week; but don’t be fooled completely as this is Latvia’s population too. Congratulations though do go to Estonia for this victory on the battlefield. Hopefully this has made the game more interesting for their citizens and can spark a baby boom soon and with version two coming up this could be very important.


The Loser this week is unfortunately Latvia. As I have explained once they were kicked out of Phoenix it gave Estonia and Lithuania clearance to attack them. When Latvia were attacked they only had a few MPPs that were small Phoenix countries that were directed not to fight in that battle. A Polish MPP was in the process of being signed but it did not pass until after the battles started. These losses against Estonia and Lithuania meant that Latvia were taken off of the map. Recently they have liberated two of the regions they lost but this was after the server reset so this is not reflected in the stats. This week Latvia lost 1771 citizens moving down 28 places to be 60th on the list which is rock bottom. Of course since they were wiped off of the map they had a contraction of 100%. Now that Latvia have gained some regions back they can begin to rebuild. Although I’m from the UK and Support Phoenix I wish Latvia good luck in future battles.

Upcoming Country

Welcome to a new section of my article called “Upcoming Country”. In this section I will be looking at one country that has performed decently in the week according to the graph and I will try to give explanation why they have done well.

This week I have Identified Germany as the Upcoming Country. This week Germany gained 437 Citizens and today alone have gained (at the time of writing this) another 675 citizens. This is a very big growth rate and I hope it is a baby boom for Germany. I feel as if Germany are one of the countries that are most deserving of a baby boom considering what has happened to them regarding Poland recently. If you didn’t know Poland managed to use its baby boom damage as an advantage to wipe Germany off of the map.

Although this looks encouraging for Germany it may be negative. I have done some research and I think this random increase in citizens may not be a Baby boom; but it could be Poland creating Multi accounts just in time for the Presidential elections. In the elections last month Donnie Bronco needed about 700 votes to win; I have no idea if any of the candidates are Polish but considering 675 citizens are new today and many more have signed up during the week this could be one more attempt to take over Germany and move through Europe again.

Only time will tell if this is a PTO attempt or not. I really hope it isn’t as it makes EDEN look bad. (I know that EDEN are not the only culprits of PTO’s as Indonesia recently took over Australian Congress) I think both alliances are as bad as each other and in my opinion it sort of ruins the game somewhat…especially when Multi accounts are used.


As you can see from this graph the top 20 countries are shown. Using this graph you can clearly identify where the biggest changes are. Significant blips are explained briefly below:

Poland – Took regions from USA
USA – Gave regions to Poland
Brazil - Dead babies from baby boom

Italy – Lost Mexican and Spanish Regions
Estonia – Gained Latvian Regions

The Countries that stand out from this graph are:
Netherlands – Lost regions to the UK
Latvia – Lost regions to Estonia and Lithuania

Active Citizens

Using a census website I was able to find the amount of citizens that are above 40 wellness and are currently employed. The table below gives us an opportunity to see which countries have high active rates. This also shows which baby booms have been effective and which have not.

- Just like last week we have a new Country at number one. Canada overtake Finland to be first on the list with a 62.62% active rate. This is only 0.5% difference between our now second placed Finland. It would not surprise me if there could be a constant battle to be number one on this list.

- Latvia with being wiped out have the lowest active rate at 0%; but apart from that Isreal stay near the bottom with an 18.38% active rate. This is very bad and continues to get worse. I imagine they are still recovering from when Turkey attacked a few weeks ago.

- Polands Baby boom was halted this week; and they have gained citizens because they have taken a lot of America’s regions which include a big amount of their inactive citizens. Though; saying this they have moved up nearly 2000 citizens in active citizens. However; with no hospitals in these regions it is expected they will die or be moved back to American regions.

Other Notes

- Spain had an impressive week. They moved up three places to be third. It must also be noted that the USA lost a lot of citizens because of the region swaps.

- With the region swaps this affects the gap between Poland and Serbia. It is now 9308; just over 2000 more than last week. I expect the gap to stop widening next week.

- Estonia, Poland and Spain all gained over 1000 citizens this week. Congrats!

- Five countries lost over 1000 citizens this week. These are Serbia, Latvia, Brazil, Italy and the USA.

- Overall this week the new world lost 12672 citizens (about 3000 more than last week) with a contraction of -4.02%. This isn’t very encouraging and we are nearly going to go under 300,000 citizens in the new world. Who knows what will happen in Version 2.

Phoenix Versus EDEN

This section in my article look as the member count of each alliance, with both official and unofficial members included. Analysis of this is shown below. This is a very unique week. I have spoken to some people to confirm some changes to these tables. Latvia have been moved to the mutal EDEN list and Italy have been removed from the Phoenix mutual list because of the Spain/Mexico situation.

These tables show the different countries in the two major Alliances Phoenix and EDEN. From this you can see that:

- The alterations had a very big effect on each section of this table. Phoenix still lead the way but their lead has decreased in all sections.
- As I said; Phoenix still have a health lead over EDEN in each category but this could all change in Version 2.

Quick Stats

These links direct to other tables, each of these tables show the top 5 of each category. 🙂
The UK are mentioned positively in these tables! Yay! If you’re from the UK be sure to leave “Woo go UK” in your comment. 😛

Biggest Population Change

Highest Growth and Contraction

Highest Active Citizens Count and Percentage

Timeline Graphs

This is another new section of my article. Tell me what you think. 😃
After looking at all of the different statistics I thought it would be suitable to set a line graph indicating the changes over the last 5 weeks (I have used my last 5 articles for the accurate stats)

Alliance Graph

eWorld Graph

As you can see the analysis mentioned in other parts of this article try to explain this decline. There is no official region but most people think it’s due to the anti cheating thing being successful and a lack of baby booms. I find it interesting that EDEN seem to be increasing slightly as of recently.


Congrats to Dncelyn for winning last weeks contest. I will send you your Q3 Weapon shortly. I used a random number generator to get the result.

I apologise that I can only send you a Q3 Weapon this week. With the recession I am currently unable to afford to give you a Q5 Weapon and instead will give you a Q3 instead. Sorry!

As always be sure to Vote, Comment and Subscribe to this newspaper! A comment will give you a chance to win a Weapon next week! If you're really cool you'd shout this newspaper out so I get more votes and comments! 😃 With Version 2 coming out next week I have no idea what the prize I give out next week will be. You’ll just have to wait and see (It will most likely be a high damage weapon)

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Oh. Also join the eUK forums. They're cool.

P.S. I’m Voting Iain Keers tomorrow for Prime Minister. You should too!