New Foreign Policy Doctrine, Titanium Secured

Day 905, 15:23 Published in USA USA by Myles Robinson
In This Issue...
1. New eUSA Foreign Policy Doctrine Declared by POTUS
2. Victory in Limpopo; 7/9 High Titanium Regions Outside of Phoenix Control
3. Other Conflicts: Canada v France and Japan v South Korea
4. Other News: Entente Growing, Info on Liaoning
5. Comment from the Editor

eUSA Foreign Policy Declaration

President Harrison Richardson, after consultation with Senior Counsellor (and former Secretary of State) Inwegen and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs NXNW, National Security Advisor, has declared the new foreign policy of the United States. Improving upon the non-alignment policy adopted by the Woxan Administration, the president has formally announced that the United States will not be joining any major super-alliances and will be maintaining complete control of its foreign policy, allowing it to work with nations on a case-by-case basis. The relationship between the United States is different with each country; for example, we love our bros in Canada, we heart Croatia, and think China is awesome, which is different than, say, our relationships with Poland, Mexico, and Singapore (the latter of which must be destroyed for harboring the terrorist admin).

The President has declared that the flexibility of this new foreign policy is what will make it so successful and good for the nation. He has also encouraged other nations to adopt this bilateral model instead of the "bureaucratic alliance" model. He has tasked Secretary of State Mr. Hyphenated and the US State Department, whose staff has long advised adopting policies similar to this, with going about on the enforcement of this new foreign policy doctrine.

South Africa Liberated; Phoenix at Titanium Disadvantage

When it was announced that high diamond regions would become war-machine-strengthening high titanium regions in V2, the nations of South Africa and Australia immediately became areas of high strategic importance in the struggle between Phoenix and her enemies, predominantly EDEN, Sol, and the Brolliance. Falling under a channer PTO, South Africa was essentially surrendered to the nations of Brazil and Argentina, who swooped in to claim the future high titanium regions. In an attempt to throw the country in complete political disarray, Phoenix nations attempted to maintain complete occupation of the region through congressional elections to allow for open citizenship (newbtip: If there is no Congress in power, you can just move into a country and declare citizenship). A resistance war began in Northern Cape two days before the elections, however, and in the final minutes of the battle, allied support--led mostly by the United States and Croatia--freed the region from occupation, allowing Congressional Elections to take place and a complete PTO to be avoided.

By April, South Africa and allied forces managed to drive Brazil out of the area and liberate most of the territories. Argentina maintained a hold of Limpopo up until now, with allied forces pouring into the area and finally evicting the invaders from South America, restoring South Africa to its original territories once again.

Now, of the nine known high titanium regions in V2, seven belong to nations who are generally opposed to the Phoenix alliance. The remaining two are held by Russia. This puts Phoenix at a significant military disadvantage in V2, and it also may put Russia in danger as well if enemy nations decide to focus their firepower on the resource-rich nation and deal a deathblow to Phoenix's military machine, which has faced significant setbacks in the past month-- most predominantly, of course, being the Hungarian eviction from Heilongjiang.

Canadian/French Peace Negotiations Falter, Japan Halts Advance

Bored and wanting to fight, the nation of Canada invaded France, activating a significant amount of MPPs against itself but, thus far, holding its own. Because of the threat posed by the MPPs, however, the Canadian leadership recently approached France with a peace offering. After some negotiations, the Canadians decided that the French were demanding too much gold for peace and decided to resume their invasion. The Canadian Prime Minister has challenged France to follow through on its threats and try face the might of the Canadian MPPs. As a precaution, however, Canada has decided to return the state of Delaware to the United States; it had previously been holding Delaware to be in a strategic position to block British attacks on the American East Coast. Canada is now preparing for a potential French retaliatory invasion.

Meanwhile, the Japanese have halted their advance into South Korea. After declaring war on South Korea a week ago, with overwhelming support from the Japanese Congress, the nation abandoned its previous "Righteous Nation" policy and decided to attack their neighbors and establish "West Japan" in the area. This war was mostly meant to give the Japanese something fun to do and also to test the strength of their military. In response to domestic criticism of the move, former president KITA Ikki has has explained other reasons in defense of the invasion, citing the sordid political affairs of South Korea and the threat of PTOs of eSK caused by this political instability as an excuse for invasion. In addition, the Theocrats have declared war on Japan again, and those Japanese in favor of war with South Korea fear that the Theocrats--who used to hold dominion over South Korea and have long been considered enemies by Japan--might use the nation as a base to attack Japan from.

However, with the South Korean signing of an MPP with Germany, Japan has seemed to halt its advance for now, reevaluating its position. The United States has decided to not have its military become officially involved in the conflict, but has also pledged that it will defend its Brolliance ally from any attacks on the Japanese homeland.

Serbia Maintains Liaoning; Entente Grows

Despite the successes of EDEN, Sol, and the Brolliance recently in Heilongjiang and Limpopo, the nation of Serbia managed to maintain control of the iron-rich region of Liaoning, known also as Lion King. However, China and her allies have great reason not to be too distraught by the loss. China dealt a significant amount of damage and has once again proven that it is becoming a nation to be reckoned with. Also, the United States itself put out more damage than Hungary, Russia, Indonesia, Turkey, and the United Kingdom combined, proving both its own military mettle and again highlighting what appear to be increasing fissures in the Phoenix Alliance, particularly between Hungary and Serbia. China and her allies have pledged to maintain the liberation of Liaoning as one of their primary objectives.

Meanwhile, the Entente Alliance continues to grow, pulling in Venezuela recently. Now consisting of France, Italy, Venezuela, Mexico, Paraguay, and Ukraine, the generally Phoenix-aligned alliance appears to rival Sol.

Comment from the Editor
Sorry for the lack of articles lately for those who have been waiting for them! Real life has been fairly busy lately and I've been out of the loop; most of my log-in time is consumed by Department of State business. I am now serving as Deputy Secretary of State (Deputy MoFA) under Mr. Hyphenated, and am in my seventh term as the congressman from Maryland. I'll try get back into the regular posting of articles. 😉

Complimentary Dolphin:

~Myles Robinson~
w00t for South Africa