Myopia Observer 第二十九期:【光源氏计划】智利-阿根廷冲突

Day 1,531, 22:32 Published in China China by Yurikhan

Myopia Observer-远见观察
全文翻译自E保加利亚期刊eNews Live文章《[EN/ES] The ONLY Truth (about Chile vs. Argentina)
[EN/ES] The ONLY Truth (about Chile vs. Argentina)

Well, you may have heard (or not) about recent events involving Chile and Argentina. The conflict between these two countries started a long time ago, since they have always fight for the control of their weaker neighbors. Chile is member of Terra, while Argentina withdrew from Terra last year and is now only a supporter of both Terra and EDEN. These few days Argentina have been in touch with EDEN's HQ and have talked about the possibility of joining the alliance.

While both countries used to support each others RW, there is no comparison between Argentina's and Chile's damage (Argentina is 3 times stronger than Chile). Somehow, Argentina has managed to brainwash EDEN and they have called to all EDEN countries to put on hold future MPP's with Chile while the situation is stabilized. EDEN proposed a NAP (No Agression Pact) between Chile and Argentina, which included to avoid in the future Government support to each others RW. Up to the date, Argentina is the only Government who has officially supported a RW against Chile. Chile officially accepted the NAP, while Argentina rejected it. This shows the true intentions of Argentina which is to wipe out Chile.

This is Argentina's Armed Forces official IRC channel. Notice priority #1 which instruct Argentinians to fight for New Zealand in the RW in Auckland (then controlled by Chile)

Needles to say,Argentina New Zealand won that RW. From the Top 5 fighters that fought for New Zealand, the first 4 positions belonged to Argentinians (#4 Silent Night is actually the Argentinian CP)
不必说,自然是阿根廷新西兰赢得了起义战胜利,新西兰方的伤害前五有四个是阿根廷人(排名第四的Silent Night正是阿根廷总统)

Both governments have published articles denouncing these kind of attacks:

阿根廷: [ESP/ENG] El Conflicto Argento-Chileno / The Conflict Argentinian-Chilean

智利: La verdad del conflicto eChileno-eArgentino [ES/EN]

Judge for yourself.

While all of these has happened, Chile's alliance (Terra) has been conspicuous by its absence (yet again), and the only true friend that have supported Chile (always) is Bulgaria (well, INCI and Moldova also)

Meanwhile in Argentina...

If you are still lost and don't understand a thing, below is a short animation showing what is happening between Chile and Argentina.


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