熊猫号角特刊: PLA外籍战士访谈录(一)

Day 1,393, 06:05 Published in China China by shawkcn

在eChina,存在着一支实力强大,让敌人闻之色变的军队,那就是PLA。PLA的全称是行星解放军Planet Liberation Army),是土星共同体(Saturn Community)属下的强力军事组织,成立于约两年前,创建者及最高军事领导人是Haferkorn。在过去的近两年时间中,PLA战士们在Haferkorn的带领下,为了从外国殖民者手中收复中国国土、维护中国利益,在国内外各个战场上进行了无数次艰苦卓绝的奋战,赢得了国人及外国盟友们的尊敬。



力量 9079.08
军衔 World Class Force
Battle Hero章 321个
Campaign Hero章 25个
Resistance Hero章 6个
Mercenary章 2个


答: 我的名字是Alexander,23岁。我住在俄罗斯的Samara地区。在游戏里,这里被称作是Volga,这也是我开始游戏的地方。


答: 关于加入游戏的时间,我已经记不太清了,我想大约是2年吧。


答: 在加入PLA之前,我是俄罗斯红军(Red Army)的一员。我很喜欢红军,可惜后来它解体了,我也只好离开。


答: 对于PLA,我最早有一些了解,作为红军的一员,我与你们站在一起。毕竟最重要的是,你们和红军很像。




答: 我想是UranusReborn,在开始时,她理解了我,给了我很大的行动自由性,毕竟我是来自于另一个阵营的。






答: 为了使中俄两国成为伙伴,我尽力做了很多。但不幸的是,在俄罗斯人看来,保加利亚仍然是更好的伙伴。

Q: Can you introduce yourself briefly? In real life, which country and which region do you come from? And how old are you?

A: My name is Alexander I'm 23, I live in Samara, Russia. In the game, the region is called the Volga, where I started.

Q: When did you join the game? At that time which country did you stay in eWorld?

A: I do not remember exactly when I joined, but that was a long time about 2 years I think.

Q: Before joining the PLA, which military unit have you joined? How do you evaluate it?

A: Prior to the PLA, I was in the Russian squad called the Red Army. I really liked it, but then disintegrated and I had to leave their.

Q: When did you know the PLA? Because of who or which event?

A: On PLA, I knew a little, one soldier from the Red Army was with you , I had a small piece of information, and first of all, you were like the Red Army.

Q: When did you join the PLA? Why?

A: For the PLA, I joined about at the end of the year (so soon about a year as I have you) And the reason was that I have long sympathized with China and felt guilty in front of you for the actions of our country against you. I wrote a letter haferkorn and he advised me to write uranusreborn and after I explained the all you accepted me.

Q: Which member of PLA leave you a deep impression?

A: I think Uranusreborn because she allowed me a lot in the beginning, and with understanding, after all I was on the other side.

Q: After joining the PLA, which battle leave you the deepest impression?

A: When I fought for Romania against RW on the Volga (in my home region) This was my first and probably last landing for Eden))
And RW in Siberia in which I fought for Russia with the permission of Uranus).

Q: What do you think of today's eChina? How do you evaluate the military strength of eChina?

A: China I was very fond of that I can not say about Eden, as I have not tried and could not get used to. In China, there is small population and they are not strong enough, but hyper-active that gives great results, as seen in the daily DPS country. I think an even bigger baby boom and the time,China will become the driving force behind it is a pity that on the side of a country like Romania).

Q: For the relationship between eChina and your motherland, what's your opinion?

A: I did a lot to China and Russia were friends, and hope, I tried for a reason. Unfortunately, in Russia the main friends is still bulgaria.


力量 6815.4
军衔 Supreme Marshal***
Battle Hero章 62个
Campaign Hero章 1个
Resistance Hero章 0个
Mercenary章 1个


答: 我开始这个游戏已经超过2年了。由于当时我的祖国被其他国家所征服了,所以我以一个印尼人的身份开始了游戏。数周后,当乌克兰复国后,我回到了祖国,并和其他一些人开始共同创建乌克兰的第一个军事组织。在之后的一年半时间里,我曾数次担任国防部长,还当过一次总统。在结束了我的总统任期后,我离开了这个国家,以寻找一个“更好的生活”。


答: 请参见上个问题的答案。


答: 咋加入PLA之前,我是乌克兰精英组织(Ukrainian Elite Unit)的一员。在V2时代前,这是乌克兰最强大的军事组织,它作战极有成效,但在游戏的V2版本到来后,许多战士离开了游戏,所以在2个月后,这个组织开始重建。现在,乌克兰军队中的精英组织叫作“Guards”。


答: 我是在去年夏季的时候了解PLA的。如我所说,当时我正在其他国家寻找一个更好的生活,当时我有两个选择——向东走或向西走。在东方,我的首选国家是中国。为什么是中国?因为对我来说它是一个未知的国度,在这个国家游历将是一段有趣的旅程。所以我寻找了一圈,最后从alexeipo那里了解了PLA,当时他正要加入PLA。


答:就在我了解它后数天。为什么?因为alexeipo说服了我 xD


答: 深刻的印象,这个说法有点夸大其辞了。所以PLA的成员都给我留下了良好的印象,但要说最深刻的,毫无疑问,是UranusReborn :) 她是我遇到的第一个PLA成员。当我需要时她总是帮助我,及时回复我的信息,即使是深刻时分。我得要感谢她 🙂







Q: Can you introduce yourself briefly? In real life, which country and which region do you come from? And how old are you?

A: I'm playing this game for more then 2 years. Because my country was conquered, i started my "journey" in Indonesia. After few weeks, when eUkraine appeared on a map i returned and with few other people started working on creating first eUkrainian MUs. For the next 1 and hafl year i was MoD few times and a president once. After my president term i left country in search for "better life".
In RL i'm from Ukraine, Transcarpathian region, Uzhgorod. I'm 19, student (Faculty of Information Sciences), not married))

Q: When did you join the game? At that time which country did you stay in eWorld?

A: see answer to the first question.

Q: Before joining the PLA, which military unit have you joined? How do you evaluate it?

A: Before PLA i was in Ukrainian Elite Unit. Before v2 it was the strongest MU in eUkraine and it showed good results, but after v2 came many soldiers left the game, so in 2 month unit like with regular army was reformed. Now the place of UArmy elit has MU called "Guards".

Q: When did you know the PLA? Because of who or which event?

A: About PLA i found out in the end of last summer. Like i said, i was looking for a better life in other countries and had to options - go somewhere to east or west. On the east side a country that was first on the list was China. Why China? Because it was unknown country for me and it would be interesting to explore it. SO i asked around and find out about PLA from alexeipo, who already joined this MU.

Q: When did you join the PLA? Why?

A: I joined PLA few days after i found out about it. why? -because alexeipo persuaded me xD

Q: Which member of PLA leave you a deep impression?

A: Deep impression is slightly exaggerated. All PLA members left good impression, but the best was. of course, UranusReborn. 🙂 She was the first persone from PLA, that i met, and also she was the one, who took me to this MU. She helped me when i needed, sometimes even response to my messages, when it was late night in China. For that i thank her 🙂

Q: After joining the PLA, which battle leave you the deepest impression?

A: There were many battles during that time. Mostly they were not directs battles for China, and there wasn't a lot of epic battles froms them. So it's hard to choose the best from them. But i can say that the Chinese-Indonesian war was an interesting one.

Q: What do you think of today's eChina? How do you evaluate the military strength of eChina?

A: eChina today is a very nice country with great military and economical potential. Also it has a lot of good people that make this country even better. But eChina has a very big problem that doesn't let it use all of it's potential for its own and allies sake. Don't know why, maybe it's because of geographical position, or because of chinese mentality, or because of close relations with USA, but eChina is "isolated" from the outside world. Like USA, eChina is used to playing in it's own sandbox far away from others, especially from it's allies in EDEN. Only few chinese sometimes take a trip to Europe and do something useful there and not only hit by mpp, when president puts it as a batlle of the day. But i realy hope that will change soon. Good luck with that)

Q: For the relationship between eChina and your motherland, what's your opinion?

A: eUkraine and eChina. Can't say that these to countries has warm and close relations, but they are allies in EDEN alliance, so sometimes they cooperate. I think that these realtions could be a lot better if both sides will want and it will surely bring some benefits to these countries.


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