MoC: Address to Canada / Message aux Canadiens

Day 598, 18:08 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Information
See this on YouTube

MoC: Address to Canada (en français)

Other Announcements
1. MoC urges citizens to invite and recruit new players to eCanada
2. Prime Minister Jacobi's urgent address to Canada.
3. General Coda addresses the citizens of Canada.
4. Public Service Announcement: Stockpile Weapons!
5. GLaDOS false threat announcement updated and finalized for archiving

Good evening,

I speak to you tonight on a matter of existential importance for Canada.

Recently the United Kingdom to start a training war with Hungary. This, in and of itself, is not a cause for concern. However, the training war stipulates that Hungary will occupy Scotland, which borders our province of Newfoundland. Because the occupation of Scotland is unnecessary for war games to occur, and because it will demolish hundreds of gold in infrastructure, there is only one conclusion that the Canadian government sees as probable.

That the United Kingdom has opened the door for a Hungarian invasion into Canada. And this attack could come at any time.

This betrayal of Canadian trust by our long time allies will come with consequences, but for now we must concentrate on the National Security of Canada. Let me briefly tell you what your government has done, and then, what you can do.

As President, I have taken on extra-judicial powers to quickly start new Mutual Protection Pacts with Poland, and soon with other countries as the situation continues. We are also in the process of emptying the treasury to prevent it from being taken in the case of a successful invasion. Former President Bruck has suggested and I have accepted that he join cabinet as Minister of Public Safety, and lend his expertise as a former CAF General. And to top it off, we are working to reconstitute the CAF reserves. These, and other actions that will be taken in the coming hours and days will in many cases be against the constitution. In the future, I will be happy to have my actions tried in Congress for impeachment. For now, we all must do whatever we can to prepare.

What you can do is easier to say.

First, do not defend the United Kingdom in Scotland. If the President of the UK surrenders to Hungary, all Canadian fights in that battle will be wasted.

Second, stockpile weapons... if you have any spare money, it ought to go towards making every hit you do count.

Third, if you do not live in a province with a quality four hospital, move to Ontario or Alberta now. The government will be providing moving tickets and will have an announcement to that effect.

Fourth, join the CAF Reserves at The CAF will cover weapon and moving expenses and your application will be fast tracked.

We are all in this together, and while it is certainly possible that what we face today is nothing more than speculation, we cannot ignore that this could be the greatest threat our country has faced since the Can-Am war. We do not know when the battle will come, but I say to you as Prime Minister, that Canada will be ready. Your government stands ready. The CAF stands ready. And you too, will stand ready.

And if we have to prove it by kicking Hungarian ass, well, I guess we’re just going to have to kick some Hungarian ass.

The government will keep you informed of developments as they occur, and will be available throughout this situation,

Thank you for watching,

Good night, and good luck.

Prime Minister of Canada