Ministry of Media Report Day 1,235

Day 1,235, 14:01 Published in Japan USA by Vincent Garibaldi
Ministry of Media Report Day 1,235

Domestic News

-All regions conquered by North Korea during the war have now been returned. A peace proposal is currently being passed to end the war between NK and Japan.
-Chinese held regions are expected to be returned by RW in the near future, barring any unforeseen circumstances.

Presidential Elections
-Incumbent Alfred Ball was re-elected for a second term with over 50% of the vote.
-His victory speech and cabinet announcement can be read here. Cabinet & Thanks For Re-Election.

Military Reform
-MoD exReality has announced that starting tomorrow, all members of the JIA must work in government companies or self supply. (Read More)

-A private commune based militia, the Shinsengumi has begun operation. (Read More)
-PM Vincent Garibaldi to join.

International News

Polish Botboom
-A Polish babyboom was believed to have started a couple of days ago and began with over 5,000 new accounts registered on the first day.
-Over 4,200 of the new accounts were permanently banned within 48 hours.

Romanian Presidential Candidate banned
-The leading candidate in the Romanian CP election was banned on election day for using and promoting scripts.

-Croatia and BiH were both wiped from and returned to the map.
-France continues to be overrun by Spanish and Polish Forces.
-The USA and Brazil have been invaded by Spain
- Bulgaria and Greece have both begun to invade Turkey, though Macedonia and Serbia have both begun an invasion of Bulgaria.

Semper Fi?
-The US military declared that it would not be bound by the decisions of the government. Drama ensued, and at a poor time for the US.
-The US military will now function as a large commune based militia system. An end to hostilities between the government and military has mostly been hashed out.

International Trolling Awards
-The top 10 eRep trolls have been announced. A vote is under way to decide the number 1 eRep troll. (Read More)

Game News

-A new change to the war module was introduced. Battles now end as soon as one side reached 1,800 influence points, theoretically allowing a battle to end in as little as 90 minutes. The subsequent battle begins 5 minutes after the conclusion of the last.

Hey Big Spender
-A list of the 80 top fighters by damage from around the world was released. (Read More)
-The top 80 players by damage spent 233,836 Gold between them in the last 30 days, suggesting a minimum monthly revenue from these 80 players alone of just over 58 thousand Euros.


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