Memoirs of an eChinese Citizen 3/一个 e 中国公民的回忆录 3

Day 718, 23:25 Published in China China by DarthXile

我是Darthxile。开始新文之前,如果没有读过前两章的同学可以从下面的链接找 到

第一章 介绍

第二章 自由之月 及 国外政治颠覆

祝贺e中国成功收复几个地区。怎么庆祝一下呢?我想最好的方式就是,记住e中国式怎么 从外国政治颠覆中解放的。

政治颠覆者和傀儡政府:这里指的是被Mimihitam和她的一群e印尼和e伊朗同伙 窃取的e中国政府。

好了,言归正传,上次说到e中国的抵抗力量完全瓦解,e印尼和e伊朗全面控制了e中国 。

之后,2009年4月,傀儡总统Mimihitam做了一个直到今天还令我匪夷所思的 决定。她决定入侵e南韩。虽然我不明白她为什么要这么做,不过我猜可能的原因包括:
1)她的政党,Stars of Melijiana,声称要使e中国成为像汉代和唐代那样强大的帝国。对e南韩的侵略 可能是试图告诉新人们她的政党是一个合法的政党,而不是政治颠覆的产物。

当然,不管出于什么原因,侵略一开始是成功的。e南韩因此也就杯具了。由于有PEAC E的支持,侵略军成功入侵并占领了京畿道。不过,后来的事实证明,这是Stars of Melijiana和Freed0m(政治颠覆中的e伊朗政党)衰败的开始。
一开始,这次侵略对外国人来说是个极好的想法。e南韩在当时完全被Goons(大部分 e中国的人都知道他们)占据了。侵略的结果就是这些人全都跑到了e中国。之后他们分裂 并摧毁了e中国抵抗力量原有的团结。有些人认为Goons威胁更大些,认为抵抗组织应 该搁置原有的分歧,一起对付Goons以防止他们夺权。也有人认为应该和Goons团 结合作,推翻e印尼和e伊朗的傀儡政府。总之来说,大家都很困惑,这也直接导致了抵抗 力量最终的完全瓦解。
与此同时,有些比较活跃的Goons分子开始进入傀儡政府。我不太记得什么人在政府里 任什么职位。不过印象中Dongles做到了央行的行长而Stalin-Chan是外 交部长。
紧接而来的就是分裂。e伊朗的政治颠覆集团开始对Goons进行镇压。他们把政府高层 的所有Goons赶下台,然后和整个组织划清界限。我认为这是为了防止Goons获得 更多的权力,因为他们觉得Goons的权力已经够大了。但他们没想到的是,当时大部分 真正的中国人开始同情Goons,而且私下里联合起来对抗傀儡政府。而Goons在S nayke的领导下也加入了推翻傀儡政府的行列。这是在e中国的历史上,所有人第一次 也是唯一一次团结在一起。

首先我们发表了许多文章来提升所有人的士气。当然现在看来,我不得不说当时的很多文章 很搞笑,甚至有点傻。例如:

1) 所有的Goons把他们的头像改成了Goon之星(参考纳粹德国期间,希特勒强迫所有 犹太人戴在身上的大卫之星):
2) 还有一篇说的是一个无辜的女人如何被解放力量救出的故事:
3) 这一篇说的是Goon的游击队进攻e伊朗的集中营解救了所有囚犯:
4) 这样的文章还有无数。最终到了选举当日,为了推翻傀儡政府,有人发表了这篇文章,发动 人们共同反抗傀儡政府:

在2009年5月,e中国自由了!e中国的人们获得了议会的大多数席位。占据总统位子 的e伊朗人被弹劾,Snayke被选为总统。

以上,我亲爱的读者们,就是e中国如何最终挫败e伊朗和e印尼的政治颠覆以及e中国勉 强同意Goons作为中国的一分子的简单概述。然而,和平并不长久,因为前面还有新的 黑暗力量。Goon内战即将到来。



It is I, Darthxile, and before I start off this article I want to say to read previous parts 1 and 2 look here:

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Month of Liberation and Political Takeover:

And congratulations to the liberation of more Chinese regions and what better way to celebrate than then to remember how eChina was liberated foreign PTO?

PTOers and Puppet Government: I am referring the chinese government that Mimihitam and her group of eIndonesian and eIranian took over.
Goons: a political group that apparently believes that the “Glorious Leader” is some sort of god.

Anyway, when my last article left off, eChina’s resistance has collapsed and eIndonesia and eIran was in full control.

Then in April 2009, Mimihitam, the puppet president made a decision that to this day I have no idea why she did it. She decided to invade eSouth Korea. Even though I have no idea why she chose to invade, possible reasons might be:

1) Her party the Stars of Meilijiana claimed that they wanted to make China a great and powerful empire similar to what it was during the Han and Tang dynasty. Invading South Korea might have been an attempt to convince new players to eChina that her party is actually a legitimate party instead of a political takeover party.
2) eIndonesia government forced her to.

Anyway, despite the reason the invasion was a success in the beginning for the unfortunate South Korea. Peace supported allowed the invasion to successfully invade and conquer Gyeonggi-do in South Korea. This whoever proved to be Stars of Melijiana’s and Freed0m’s (the Iranian take over party) downfall.

In the beginning, this invasion seemed like an excellent idea for the foreigners. South Korea at that time was filled with the Goons that most people in eChina know about. When they arrived in eChina as a result of the invasion, they divided and destroyed what was left of the unity of the eChinese resistance. Some citizens believed that the Goons were the greater threat and that the resistance should put aside their differences to ensure the Goons to not take power. Some believed that it is best to join with the Goons to overthrow the Indonesian and Iranian puppet government in eChina. To put it lightly, it was very confusing and the resistance collapsed completely as a result.

Meanwhile, prominent Goons were given positions by the puppet government. I don’t remember exactly who got what position, but I think Dongles was governor of the reserve bank and Stalin-chan was the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Then came the split. A crackdown of the goons began started by the Iranian PTO group. The kicked out all high-profile Goons from their position of power and alienated the entire group. I assume this was to prevent the Goons from gaining any more power then they already did. What they did not expect was that the majority of real Chinese, began to sympathize with the Goons and even unofficially united to drive out the puppet government or that the Goons began to reorganize under the leadership of Snayke to overthrow the puppet government. For the first and only time in eChina’s history, we were united.

First we started a whole series of articles intended to raise the morale of everyone. Looking back now, I must admit most of these articles were pretty funny and somewhat silly.
1) The goons for example all changed their avatar to that of the Goon Star (a reference to the Jews and the Star of David they were force to wear during Hitler’s reign in Nazi Germany):

2) Another one was about how an innocent woman was saved by the liberation forces: .

3) One article was about how Goon guerilla forces attacking an Iranian concentration camp to free the prisoners:

4) The list of articles would be literally endless, but finally on election day to overthrow the puppet government this article was published to rally support against the puppet government:

In May 2009, China is free! The people in eChina held the majority of Congress.
The Iranian holding the position of president was impeached and Snayke took on the became president of eChina. And that my readers, is a quick summary of how eChina finally defeated the Iranian and Indonesian PTO on China and all of eChina reluctantly agreed that Goons were part of eChina. The peace however will not last long as a new dark problem is looming ahead. The Goon Civil War was coming… Read the next issue to learn about how Snayke left the Goons and the end of the Goon’s power.

A special thanks to:

Gmeowmeow for translating this article

And every person in eChina who fought for independence from foreigners!