Memoirs of an eChinese Citizen/一个 e 中国公民的回忆录

Day 676, 08:10 Published in China China by DarthXile

第一章 序 - 远古时期

我是 DarthXile. 前阵子在 e 中国的论坛里, 我看到有位 e 中国的同仁说现在的新人们 不知道 e 中国应该怎么办, 因为他们对 e 中国的历史不是很了解。 因此我决定要要写一个回忆 录式的 e 中国历史。 这是第一章, 说的是当我还没开始玩这个 游戏时的那些事儿。

最开始的时候 e 中国的人口是相当的少。 与现实生活中不同,e 中国的人口相对于国土的面 积一直都低得不成比例。 当时的 e 中国人口稀少, 需要防御的地区又那么多。 相比之下,e 巴基斯坦的人口要多一些, 所以他们一直想侵略 e 中国。 由于有巨大的人口优势,e 巴基斯坦最终入侵了中国。 而且成功地吃掉了 e 中国。 这是 e 中国第一次被人吞并。 (这大约是 2008 年 5 月的事儿)

到了 2008 年 11 月,e 伊朗人决定解放 e 中国。 他们在 e 中国的北京和辽宁发起了两 场起义战争, 成功篡权。 同时,e 伊朗人 Balash 成了当时 e 中国的总统。 此后的一个月, 他想尽了所有的办法来改造 e 中国, 希望能把它变得强大。 但是他的政策对于当时 e 中国的国民来说资本主义性 质不够。 于是另一个政党开始挑战他 的总统席位, 他们派出了 Billy Fleming 作为总统候选人。 在当时的条件下 Billy 在北京的赢面很大。 Balash 出离愤怒了, 他预感到自己会失去对 e 中国的控制。 于是他发动了对 e 伊朗的战争, 背叛了 e 中国。 在战争中, 他奉行了 “不抵抗” 的策略, 在每一场战斗中都选择了撤 退。 最终,e 中国被 e 伊朗再次吞并。

从此 e 伊朗人占领了 e 中国的全部地区。 直到 2009 年 2 月, 有一些零星的起义军 (传言说这些人之所以发动 起义战争纯粹是为了那枚亮 闪闪的起义奖牌) 成功地解放了 e 中国的安徽和河南地区。 由此 e 中国再次得到了部分解放。 Billy Fleming 发现他们的国家得到了解放 , 就带着他的朋友们回到了 e 中国。 这些人中最引人注目的是 Modelcon, Laffopurita 和 Logomaster304 。 不久之后, 又有一场起义战争解放了上 海地区。 这就是我第一次加入游戏时 e 中国所处的形势。

这之后, 是传说中的 “自由之月” 和 e 印尼的政治颠覆。 欲知后事如何, 请听下回分解。

Part 1: Prologue, Early History

It is I, Darthxile. Awhile ago on the eChinese forums, I saw comment by a eChinese citizen that most of the new citizens had no idea what to decide for eChina, because they have no idea what was the history of eChina. So I decided to write a memoir style history of eChina. This is the first part and will be about before I even started the game.

eChina was first started as an under populated country. Unlike real life, eChina has always struggled with a low population per size. Since, there were low amounts of people and many regions to defend and Pakistan had a higher population they decided to invade. With their enormous advantage in numbers, they invaded. Their invasion was a success and eChina was annexed. China had just been annexed the first time. (I think it happened in May 200😎

In November 2008, Iranians decided to liberate eChina. Starting two resistance wars, they succeeded in liberating Beijing and Liaoning and an Iranian man, Balash, became president of eChina. For a month, he tried his best to improve eChina and make it strong, but all of his policies were not capitalist enough for the citizens of eChina. A political party then began to challenge him for presidency, with Billy Fleming as candidate. He had a good chance of success in being president. Balash angry that he was losing control of eChina started a war with eIran and betrayed eChina. He made sure to retreat in every single battle, which ended up with the annexation of eChina by eIran.

And so the eIranians occupied all of eChina. This went on until February 2009, a bunch of random resistance fighters (rumors say that they were just trying to get a resistance war medal) succeeded in liberating the Chinese regions of Anhui and Henan and so eChina was partly liberated again. Realizing their country has been liberated, Billy Fleming and some of his friends returned to eChina. Most notable among them was Modelcon, Laffopuritan, and Logomaster304. Another resistance war soon after liberated the region of Shanghai and this was the situation eChina was in when I first started the game.

Next Time, I will cover the Month of Liberty and the Indonesian Political Takeover.

P.S. I forgot to get this last line translated, but a special thank you for:

Billy Fleming: provided background information on eChina before i arrived.

Logomaster304: who sent me a document with a summary information reguarding this period of eChina's history.

And GMeowMeow: for translating this article.