一个 e 中国公民的回忆录 第二章 /Memoir of an eChinese Citizen Part 2

Day 682, 22:17 Published in China China by DarthXile

一个 e 中国公民的回忆录 第二章 - 自由之月 及 国外政治颠覆 / Memoir of an eChinese Citizen Part 2: Month of Liberation and Foreign Political Takeover

这是我,Darthxile , 和我的 e 中国公民回忆录第二部分。 说的是 e 中国被解放的自由之月, 还有不久之后的政治颠覆。

不得不说, 我刚刚加入 e 中国的时候相当失望。 现实生活中的我是美籍华人 。 作为中国人的后代, 我充满了自豪。 在游戏里呢,e 中国在那个时候是个相当弱 小的国家。 只有 300 人, 没有高资源的地区。 经济倒还算不错。 得益于 Billy Fleming, Laffopurita 和其他一些对 e 中国满怀忠诚的人开办的一 些公司。 大部分地区还在敌对的 e 伊朗占领下。 国库空空如也。 当时 e 中国被 e 伊朗和其他 PEACE 同盟国团团包围, 直至今日,e 中国的国民对这些国家充满 了不信任。 在那处处充满了没有希望的 年代,e 中国的唯一的优势就是我们 发自内心的民族自豪感和凝 聚力。 当时 e 中国的每个人都互相认识, 我也就是在这个时候结交了 我的大部分 eRepublik 的朋友。

那个时候最重要的事件, 是 e 罗马尼亚人对 e 中国解放。 每个人都因此而兴高采烈。 北京在当时是唯一的高资源 地区, 几乎每一家 e 中国的公司都开在北京。 Logomaster304 ,e 中国的总统, 不久就想办法买到了一座 Q5 的医院, 放在了北京。 北京由此成为了 e 中国最重要的省份。

之后, 随着 e 罗马尼亚对 e 印尼以及 PEACE 同盟国的宣战, 亚洲战争爆发了。 当时普通 e 中国的人们对于这场战争基 本上都是抱着打酱油的心态 。 毕竟看着以前的敌人被 e 罗马尼亚修理还是件挺爽的 事情。 当时也有说法认为如果 e 罗马尼亚打了胜仗的话,e 中国的各个地区被解放的可 能性要大大高于 e 伊朗和 e 印尼。 不过 e 中国也不愿意卷入战争。 反正只有 300 国民, 就算参加也只能当炮灰。 而且 e 中国一直奉行的是绝对中立 的政策。

随着 e 印尼对 e 中国的政治颠覆, 一切都会改变。 e 印尼在战争中节节败退。 PEACE 盟国在 e 罗马尼亚的进攻前显得不堪 一击,e 伊朗和 e 印尼瞬间被打蒙了。 在我的印象中,e 罗马尼亚最多的时候占领了 40 个地区和大部分被 PEACE 占领的 e 中国省份。 于是 e 伊朗和 e 印尼在中国创立了两个政党 。 叫做 Freed0m 和 Stars of Melijiana 。 他们从伊朗和印尼带来大量 人口, 把他们选进了国会, 之后来自 e 印尼的 Mimihitam 又拿下了总统席位。 e 中国彻底沦为傀儡国家, 政府完全处于 e 印尼和 e 伊朗的控制之下。

他们立刻同 e 印尼及其最强大的同盟,e 巴西、 e 匈牙利、 e 伊朗签订了军事协定。 然后又不顾其他所有政党的 反对, 迫使 e 中国对 e 罗马尼亚宣战。 同时他们利用媒体进行大量 的宣传攻势, 告诉人们 e 罗马尼亚是多么邪恶, 他们只是为了保护 e 中国不受 e 罗马尼亚的控制。

尽管如此,Logomaster304, Modelcon 和其他 e 中国 “流亡政府” 成员还是尝试着说服新生儿 们和傀儡政府进行斗争, 抵抗这次政治颠覆。 他们把真正的 e 中国人首次联合起来, 组建了 e 中国自己的政党, 形成了对傀儡政府的统一战 线。 不过尝试最终失败了, 主要原因还是新生人口不足 , 另外抵抗组织也一直没能成 功建立起有效的沟通渠道。 因此 Logomaster304 心灰意冷, 放弃了斗争, 进而离开了以中国。 而 Modelcon 因为现实生活的忙碌, 以及受到 Logomaster304 离开的影响, 也变得消极并最终离开了 eRepublik 游戏。 抵抗力量逐步瓦解, 最终只剩下很少一些人积极 参与评论。

很不幸地, 随后的两个月都是痛苦的政 治颠覆。 直到有一天, 又有一群人到来了……

下一章: Goons 的到来和 e 中国的再一次解放
第一章 远古时代

特别感谢 GMeowMoew 的翻译

It is I, Darthxile, with Part 2 of Memoir of an eChinese Citizen. This article will cover the Month of Liberation following eChina's liberation and the political takeover that soon occurred afterwards.

I must admit when I first joined eChina I was disappointed. In real life, I am a Chinese American with great pride of being of Chinese descent. In game, eChina at that point was a weak country. Only 300 people, no high resources regions. The economy was mostly alive, because of Billy Fleming, Laffopuritan, and a few people felt loyal to eChina and built companies in eChina. Most regions were occupied by a hostile eIran. The eChinese treasury is very low. Surrounded by Iran and their Peace GC allies, who were not trusted by eChina’s population at all during that time.
eChina’s only advantage in those dark days were our sense of national pirde and unity. Everybody in eChina knew everyone else and most of my eRepublik friends were made from that period.

The most important event during those days was the liberation of the Chinese province by eRomanians. Everyone was very happy. Beijing to this day is China’s only high resource region and almost every single company in eChina to this very day is in Beijing. Logomaster304, president of eChina soon arranged to have buy a Q5 hospital to place there and to this day Beijing is eChina’s most important province.

Then a war began with the eRomanian declaration of war against eIndonesia and Peace GC allies in Asia. The general opinion in eChina at the time was mild amusement, since watching our former oppressors getting beat up eRomanian was of course welcome and there was talk in eChina that if eRomania wins they would be much more likely to release Chinese territories than eIndonesia and eIran, but eChina did not want to join in the war. With only 300 people eChina would have never been able to make a difference in the war and eChina was pursuing a neutrality policy.

This would change with the Political Takeover of eChina by eIndonesia. The war was going badly for eIndonesia. eRomania was gobbling up Peace GC provinces and their military was smacking eIran and eIndonesia silly. I believe at the high point of the eRomanian invasion they had conquered up to 40 regions and most of Peace occupied China. So eIran and eIndonesia started two political parties in eChina, they were called Freed0m and Stars of Melijiana. Bringing people with them from eIndonesia and eIran they voted themselves into Congress and then later Presidency, with Mimihitam from eIndonesian as president. eChina is no nothing more than a mere puppet state, with the government under eIndonesian and eIranian control.

Their first action was to sign military treaties with eIndonesia and their most powerful allies, eBrazil, eHungary, and eIran. Then they forced eChina to declared war on eRomania, despite the fact that everybody who was not a member of their political parties was against this decision. They spammed the media with comments and propaganda articles about how evil eRomania is and how they are only protecting eChina from eRomanian.

Despite, the attempts by the Logomaster304, Modelcon, and other members of the eChinese “government in exile” to resist the Political Takeover by convincing new citizens to fight against the puppet government, wast started. First it combined the all the real eChinese people into the China party to unify everyone to present a united front against the Puppet government. It was unsuccessful, mostly due to the actual lack of new peopl. An effective way of communication for the resistance group was never successfully established. Logomaster304 grew tired and gave up to struggle and left eChina. Modelcon, busy with real life and discouraged by the Logomaster304 leaving, became inactive and stopped playing eRepublik. The resistance had deteriorated to a few people who actively commented.

Unfortunately, this would continue on for a grueling 2-month takeover until a new group of people arrived…

Next Time: the arrival of the Goons and Liberation of eChina

To read any of the previous parts click the following links:
Part 1: Introduction

A Special Thank You to GMeowMeow for translating this article.