May 5th - Meat, Potatoes, and Politics

Day 1,626, 12:30 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

The Campaign Trail:
May 5th - Sperry & Eric Last
A Politics of Honesty - Canada at Home
A Brief Update - Canada in the Real World
The Power of Outreach - Canada Abroad
Of Mechan-Ethics - Canada in the Game
Cabinet Release - Canada as a Team

In the past month, a lot of people have asked me why I've "bothered" to campaign. The reason is simple:
Because I'm tired of it: year, after year, after year, after year; having to choose between the lesser of who cares. Of trying to get myself excited about a candidate who can speak in complete sentences. Of setting the bar so low, I can hardly bear to look at it. They say a good man can't get elected President. I don't believe that. Do you?

Canadians aren't used to campaigning. They're not used to candidates who communicate what they're going to do as President beyond "try really hard" and "make Canada better." What Connor and I have tried to bring you is not a new standard, it's just a forgotten one. The practice of multi-article campaigns, alongside personal appeals and pan-party conversations, used to be the golden standard for Canadian presidential hopefuls. I commend Connor for continuing to publish his articles and for reaching out to different areas of the Canadian community. Whatever happens at the polls, I'm pleased with the work he's done.

This Saturday, you're going to be making a choice. You have specific campaigns to refer to from Connor and I, with differences both mechanical and ideological. You also have 2 alternative candidates, Francois and Maxis, should you find Connor and I unsuitable for your vote. You have a democratic choice that can be informed and meaningful in a way Canada often does not get to see.

What you do not have, is fear. You do not have an election where there is only one active candidate, or only one candidate who can protect what we hold dear from unsavoury figures. You do not have an election where the runner-up will abandon their post to another country simply because they have lost, or fall into inactivity out of bitterness and frustration.

Connor has said more than once that, should he lose, he will not abandon his initiatives. Certainly I will continue to play should I lose on Saturday. Today's direction for Canada is communicative. It is committed. It is caring and it is constructive. We are Canadians, and today we set a higher standard.

I would like to thank EPIC, CPF, CNC, PAQ, and Norsefire for their nominations. I appreciate what this means individually to each party - and what, in turn, you expect of me. You expect a candidate who will be active not just for themselves, but for the nation. Who will keep Canadians informed in ways that they already use, and who will engage others in the community rather than push them away. You expect a candidate who will honour your perspective and respect the fact that there are some things you do (and will always do) better than other people. You expect a candidate who will uphold the importance of Canada's mechanical status, and who will merge our community with the realistic needs of growth, war, and achievements.

More than anything else, Canada seems to expect a candidate who will give them a reason to play: a reason to hope, a reason to be proud, a reason to enjoy logging into eCanada and be tempted (as I so often am) to brag about their eWorld to people that they know. This is what I want to offer Canada.

I also bring an expectation: Mone me, si erro - Advise me if I err. Canada does not need a God Emperor. It does not need a flawless player or a "Greatest Canadian of All Time." It needs someone to lead this country, and anyone who knows anything about my style of leadership will attest to the fact that I thrive on feedback and guidance. This isn't a Plato Presidency - I run surveys and primaries because I want to know what the people around me think we can do better. If you vote for me on Saturday, please, keep your voice loud and clear and remember that my inbox is always open.

Sunday morning will be busy for our President. They will need to rebuild clear, public connections with Terra and EDEN in addition to the private relationship that Trenton has been working on this month. They will need to choose where to get Canadians an active and meaningful war, and find a way to get us the True Patriot medal that we have been lacking for the past week. They will need a specific, constructive response to vote buying and they will need a practical working relationship with Congress and the rest of the country.

While leadership in Terra and EDEN have changed since July 2011, I am thrilled to see that many of the now-leading members of these alliances were advisors and cabinet ministers during last year's wars. Most particularly I am thrilled to see Vanek26 carry such high rank in Terra. You may not know him, but Vanek was instrumental in our repatriation last year and is an excellent ally and friend. The wars in Britain and Portugal are such that Canada will soon have a border with the UK or Spain (or possibly both). These are chief among our opportunities for free gold for Canada, and I look forward to seeing that opportunity come to life. Turning homeward, where corruption is condoned by many government officials both current and former, I am optimistic about pushing Canada toward that Next Era where we do not glibly accept something out of laziness and spite. The frog of corruption will die best in a slow boil, and this summer's a warm one. And in matters of engagement - particularly social affairs - Canada will profit from accessible information and assistance that move us away from "come here for help" and toward "how can I help you?"

There is much work to be done to "fix" eCanada, and not all of it will be done in a day. But with commitment and communication, I believe it can be done. It can be done, for it must be done. Accept nothing less.

To Strive, to Seek, to Find, and Not to Yield.
May 5th: Sperry for CP, Eric Last for VP