May 5th - Cabinet Release

Day 1,623, 10:25 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

The Campaign Trail:
May 5th - Sperry & Eric Last
A Politics of Honesty - Canada at Home
A Brief Update - Canada in the Real World
The Power of Outreach - Canada Abroad
Of Mechan-Ethics - Canada in the Game

While a country can survive without a strong Cabinet, it cannot prosper. Eric and I are thrilled to present our Cabinet to you: They're active, committed citizens who know that Canadians deserve a better class of politicians than the ones that 'just help us survive.' They're here to make sure that we bring Canada back from the brink, keep us off the rocks, and thrust us into greater days. Here they are, our Cabinet for May 2012!

Vice President: Eric Last

Eric is the every-man. He's a model which all Canadians should strive to meet, and holds a deep respect for the potential of this country. Eric's dual experience with the Military and Political modules will be an asset in the coming months, as Canada faces struggles on both of these fronts.

Minister of Defence: Exalted Druid

Exalted brings a balance of experience and fresh eyes: a rare find these days in eCanada. He comes very highly recommended by several top soldiers, no doubt because of his dedication as a Captain in the Crimson Canucks. Exalted is eager, dependable, and brings the military knowledge to work alongside Eric and myself at providing Canadians with the battles they're hunting without knocking over the house of cards. He's also no rookie to the political scene - he's a sitting member of Congress and has been elected twice before. Exalted knows what it's like to play this game, and knows what Canadians want out of it. That's crucial for our War Guru.

Minister of Finance: Macubex

Macubex is the definition of initiative. There isn't a single financial player in eCanada who steps up more than Mac: he's the Commander of the massive Independent Legion, overseeing its financial records and working with other MUs to help keep the IL strong and engaging. Currently serving his third term in Congress, when he wasn't in office he stepped as a private citizen to draft budgets for the government. At just over a year old, Mac's been going full steam ahead the entire time: He's got more medals than most players twice his age, and is extremely engaged in the eCanadian community. That's what we need from a Financial Wizar😛 strength with the numbers and strength with the people, so that the budget can be put through and revised with care, and not left to be sorted out by elves and fairies. Mac's your man when it comes to the mighty dollar, and he's going to be a stellar MoF.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Plugson

The MoFA is the face of eCanada when the President isn't around. Simply put, you need a guy who can speak clearly and with conviction - who can woo our allies and stave off our rivals. There's no better man than Plugson. One of the oldest living Canadians, Plugson continues to look for the best in eCanada, upholding new and old ideas alike that will help put Canada in the best position. As a writer he is unparalleled - a critical skill for any MoFA. Don't let his quiet profile deceive you: Plugson's behind-the-scenes wizardry and media mastery are exactly what the MoFA calls for. I'm thrilled to have this man where he'll work wonders for Canada.

300 days ago I had the honour of being elected your President. Today I ask for that same honour - to step in when Canada is struggling, and to help bring forth the amazing respect and dedication we deserve. This Saturday, make the right choice. Make your country strong.

To Strive, to Seek, to Find, and Not to Yield.
May 5th: Sperry for CP, Eric Last for VP