Lana Effect

Day 841, 02:04 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

I will be proposing a mass overhaul to the Canadian taxation posture in Congress shortly.

I will contend that our current anti-trade posture in Lana's 'New Economy'
is not one to maintain in order to achieve sought after national goals,
namely - war.

People are addicted to Lana.

Make no mistake - many people HATE Lana.
Me? I've never used her...meh.

Lana caught on fast and furious. Some clearly love Lana. Others have found Lana's call to train as welcoming as the call of the wild.
One of my favourite eRepublik Newspapers - From The Shelf by Bogdan_L illustrates the effect of Lana upon the economy. Yesterday, Day 840 - eRomanians forked over 596.90 Gold to Lana and Napoleon raked in 500 Gold for himself.

Might as well just put his face on Gold

This kind of spending is that of the elite consumer. The consumer who doesn't need a job.
Many have a upgraded companies and earn the bulk of their income not as a worker - but as a GM.
Or, they are Supreme Commanders of vast sums of gold.

Enter the World War 3 baby-boom generation entering the corporate world - resulting in low quality company market saturation.

Canada's Income Tax is 11% across the board. Grain is currently at 6% - the lowest taxed sector by Income. Then there is Iron - which is 50% and should stay that way unless the admins give Canada the high iron or titanium it deserves. This has been put to a vote by Nosyt after I had presented the proposal to Congress.
The vote stands to pass.

The introduction of Lana into the global economy has seen an across the spectrum
degradation of wages. Hundreds and thousands of Gold are being removed from the economy daily worldwide via training, denying wealth activity in the global economy. This is not an indictment of Lana - it is addressing her effect on the economy and how our tax structure would serve us better if it were to take into account the training module.

Workers have less expendable income, therefore they purchase less.
Government continually watches it's income tax revenue stream decrease according to the
drop in wages and market activity. What this serves to accomplish is the gradual reduction in the amount of effort we can apply economically to any particular military adventure we may choose to participate in - or initiate.

Corporate Shelters, like our current tax structure reduce the ability of our Government to create and sustain consistent, entertaining war, or game play.


Forget about it.

Communal systems of corporate organizing - for the first time, have a distinct advantage over the state. When the economy shrinks - that State loses. It loses income via Income Tax. It loses income in less consumer market activity. The Black Market flourishes under these circumstances and only serves to exacerbate the problem by eliminating revenue streams for the Government by facilitating extra-market transactions.

The top value market items; Hospitals, Defense Systems and Houses are rarely sold on traditional markets. Construction was the first sector to be hit by decreasing labour value with the Lana Effect and should have served as a beacon for what position we now find ourselves in economically, both personally and nationally.

eCanada's Trade Policy eliminates many opportunities for the
Government to capitalize on traditional market transactions.
The State is the biggest sole participant in our markets and
should find increased activity in it's own backyard beneficial so
that we as eCanadians get more bang for our Tax Buck and
the Government begins to stem the income tax revenue losses.

We have sheltered the eCanadian GM for a quite some time now with stiff Import Tariffs.
As we have already seen a few importers are still willing to suffer the penalty just for access to our markets. I will be proposing that we tear down that Protectionist Wall and open up our markets to the world. There will still be ample employment opportunities for the eCanadian worker - but also lower prices. If Q1 weapons were $1.71 each last summer and fall, I would have been a Field Marshall loooooooooooong ago.

If you build a wall for yourself, be not surprised if you find yourself unable to get over it.

The eCanadian Protectionist Wall only serves to keep us limited to walls we create for ourselves.
If we want reliable war - and I KNOW we all do, then we have to restructure the way our Government generates let alone maintains revenue in an economy which has seen a monumental percentage of it's consumer base's expendable income be spent in a way that does not serve his fellow Citizen - or Country. It is an intentionally designed method for eRepublik to increase it's revenue stream. The only problem is - not as many people are really willing to buy gold in order to feed the Monkey.

Feeding the Monkey, or training with Lana has exposed the belief
as being false that players would be more willing to buy gold if this
variable was enabled. All it did was remove the expected purchased
gold revenue stream come from the player's own economy - and not
from PayPal, as was desired.


If we want to sustain a viable wartime posture for eCanada, we must first overcome the way that Lana has interfered with government revenue since we met her. Part of this starts with adapting to her and exploiting the effects that she has on competing or enemy markets. Whatever V2 does - turn Iron into Titanium, make your House deteriorate or turn water into wine, the Lana effect WILL remain. The effect of so much Citizen activity (gold) not benefiting fellow Citizens or Government via circulating has led us to where we are today economically. Every time somebody trains with Lana more wealth is removed from the Player experience.

This is a WAR GAME with an Economic Engine and should we as a people wish to participate in more war, then we would be best served to adapt and overcome the Lana Effect and fine tune our engine to the new economic reality.

Sydiot, a USA Congressman has proposed an impressively articulated organized tax proposal called the Tax and Budget Compromise Act. Worth a read.">