June POTUS Election Endorsement

Day 1,293, 12:33 Published in USA USA by bombonato

Dateline: June 5, 2011 (Day 1,293)
Location: Field Dispatch, Behind Enemy Lines
Reporter: AMP Chief of Staff, USMarine 1st Lieutenant Sir Valaro Volcrum

A major policy shift
In the past, the Army Times and all USMilitary branches' Official newspapers have refrained from publishing political endorsements or editorials.

The USMilitary has recently incorporated the American Military Party (AMP) as its political arm, to assure our soldiers a clear and unified voice in American politics, and fair representation and participation in government.

The AMP supports the USMilitary, and the AMP supports Glove for President.

Glove's newspaper, The Vanguard World.

In his own words:
Day 1292: Rally to Restore Love in Amerika
Day 1288: A Rendezvous with Destiny
Day 1284: For your Consideration: A Glove Presidency [EN/TR]

Join us on IRC, Rizon server
/j #MilPAC for election news and strategy
/j #AMP for Party information and chat
/j #Glove is The Love Channel

Shout it! Spam it! Spread the word!
Army Times Election Day Special
: http://tinyurl.com/JunePOTUSendorsement
ReShout it!

Future Editions of the Army Times - Politics
The AMP is the political voice of the USMilitary.
Watch for AMP sponsored contributions to this newspaper.

If you want to write Political News for the USArmy,

Contact Sir Valaro Volcrum through the Army Public Affairs Office.

USMC 1Lt Sir Valaro Volcrum
American Military Party Chief of Staff

Recommended Reading:
The Army Times
Army Times Election Day Special : http://tinyurl.com/JunePOTUSendorsement ReShout it!
Saturday : http://tinyurl.com/AmericaAtWar1292 - Maps and stuff
Saturday : http://tinyurl.com/IntelHacksMI-6 - a parody based on a RL news item
Friday : http://tinyurl.com/DraculasRevenge - our first #1 ranking, with our Warfare Analysis debut!
Friday : http://tinyurl.com/1stChallengeCoins - nominate Enlisted (wo)men who define Excellence
