Is This You ?

Day 1,048, 13:32 Published in USA USA by Samuel Seabury

Face it. This is why:

Although I am officially pledged to inactivity - more on that later - I did a little test fight in Portugal yesterday. After all, if I say that the military module is a horrible waste of time and energy, I ought to know what I'm talking about, right ? Truth to tell, I still can't tell what is going on there. I defeat guys, sometimes two or three in a row, but do they get damaged ? Can't tell. I see my own damage mounting, eat back to wellness, and go again. Eventually I ran out of weapon durability and food and had to replenish my food supply, so that was that for me. What was there to see ? Tanks tanking away, that was about it. I made Colonel - big yippee for a player over a year old.
I hear it was an easy win for the eUSA - after all Emerick said so, and Emerick is an honorable man - so who is so bold as to assert otherwise ? Truth is, I just don't care. Really. The Nation State has proven its irrelevance and its corruption once and for all. Fight for the eUSA ? Don't even bother. No amount of bribery or bullying will interest me in doing that. The road to inactivity is a one-way trip.

Back to military mechanics. Here is the admins latest and greatest answer to the Great Hospital Debate:

"- hospitals - in this moment only the defenders benefit from hospitals and even the defenders get the hospitals randomly and cannot rely on its help in every battle. So we are taking into consideration the opportunity to make the hospital available for everybody. We will come back with more details about this topic in the next Insider (in which we will tell you more about the military skill migrations)."

In other words, died-in-the-wool game mechanics, you have nothing, and I mean - nothing - on which to hang your hat. We don't know how this "wall" works. We don't know how hospitals affect battle outcomes - since the benefits are distributed "randomly". And one supposes that defense systems help the defender (in some imprecise and indeterminate fashion).

Moreover, tomorrow, happiness is history. Hit it again, Mel:

Ah, the drudgery of it all. Here is how the admins are going to "improve" your quality of life:

"food will only provide health based on its quality: q1=2 health, q2 = 3 health up to q5=10 health. Also, houses will loose their happiness but instead of this, every house will win some more health points, depending on customization."

What this implies for the average citizen is this. Remember all the complicated alternatives you were complaining about ? Well, now you have two choices:

1. To fight or not to fight (Costs 10 health each time you do so)
2. To train or not to train (Cost 1 health (or will it be 2)

Not working is of course not a choice, because if ye shan't work, ye shan't eat, and if you don't eat you die. And now, because gifts are gone, we cannot help you unilaterally. We can give you food, but you have to eat it.

So - simply put, if you do nothing but work and train, you'll need somewhere between 3 (old V1 rates) and 6 health points from the food you eat each day. Color that one Q3 or Q4 equivalent per diem. And of course if you fight, it will cost much more, up to that 300 health per day limit, plus or minus what the hospital gives you.

Or to put it most simply of all - you're not making out in this deal. The old days when you could go to a hospital state and fight five times for free - they gone. If hospitals help attackers as well as defenders, only the stupidest country elites will build hospitals. Now, housing and defense systems - that is another matter.

Before I get back to inactivity, a few remarks on economic impacts are in order. We don't know exactly what they are or how they will go. There is no guarantee that one or more sectors won't be adversely impacted. Wage rates being low as they are - this only suggests that economic recovery will continue to be slow and painful. Now, more than ever, the temptation to corruption, to gain through cheating and deceit, predominates over honest hard work. Frankly, this may be why political activity is at an all-time high. The robber barons are out on parade, doing what robber barons do.

So, as I've said before and am happy to say again, there is no time like the present to go inactive. Perhaps we shall see a better and brighter New World some day. One hopes so. But in the meantime, the case for a monastic life, one guided by the Rule of Inactivity, becomes overwhelming. Therefore, I give you the Eight Imperatives that form the Rule of Inactivity:

1. Fight the Machine.

2. Get Inactive.

3. Don't Give Them One More Dime.

4. Don't Follow Their Orders.

5. Don't Vote in Their Elections.

6. Don't Pay Any Attention to Their Policies

7. Don't Believe Their False Promises.

8. Be the Nothing You Wish to See in the New World.

Do you want to be free ? Do you want the cares and worries that oppress you now to be lifted ? You don't need to join some esoteric commune and follow some weird e-religion that serves no other purpose that to feed the pride of the egomaniacs out there who started and spread it. Just take the Vow of Inactivity and follow the Eight Imperatives. You'll be glad you did.