I am Returned ... and stuff ...

Day 991, 19:28 Published in USA USA by citizenslave

I am Returned!
Federalist Party Platform Committee
Penix Presidents Hacked?
eUS National Primary, ATO Efforts
v2 - We're All N00bs Now
Also in the News
Federalist Party Literature

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I am Returned

Following several months of on-again, off-again activity, I have returned to eRepublik from the semi-retirement I took following my three terms as the Federalist Party President. I have very fond memories of serving the Federalist Party as its president, but running a party as organized and institutionalized as the Federalist Party is not for the faint of heart. I am very proud/horny when I look at the progress the Federalist Party has made since my retirement, and I am certainly arrogant enough to think that the systems and processes put in place during my presidency are at least partially responsible for that progress.

Since my retirement, I have been relaxing (which the Federalist PP can hardly afford) and getting involved in RL politics in the Libertarian Party of my native state of Delaware. This has also been a deeply rewarding experience and has been keeping me busy, but I love me some Feds so I decided to try to get more involved in eRepublik and the Federalist Party again a week or so ago during the SoH elections in Congress.

Since my return, I have grown even more fond of what the Federalist Party has become, but I have noticed a lapse in some of our less well known traditions. Foremost among these traditions is the office of the Director of Awesome. This is a party leadership position tasked primarily with keeping the Feds awesome. This is an easy job, and following discussions with the current Party President, David Landon, I have been honored to earn his appointment to this position to reinvigorate the Federalist Party's Department of Awesome, including an emphasis on the importance of the Sekretarie of Lolcats. I have also begun work with acting Federalist Political Director, JDR1986, to tighten up the Federalist Office of Domestic Affairs, coordinating the Federalist Party's inter-party ambassadors and assisting with congressional elections. Finally, I have been appointed to serve Nikolai Omega, the Federalist Party's Business Director, as the Managing Director of the Federalist Business Department. I am deeply honored by the high esteem I am still offered by members of the Federalist Party, young and old, and I look forward to serving you in these capacities.

Thank you.

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Federalist Party Platform Committee

Following a vote among the leadership of the Federalist Party, I have been selected to head up a Platform Committee charged with drafting a new platform for the Federalist Party. Our old platform was drafted during my tenure as Party President and is posted on the wiki. This platform still reflects many of the values of the Federalist Party, but is tl;dr and almost a year old. In addition to bringing newer and less involved members of the party into the Federalist fold, the Platform Committee will endeavor to freshen up our party's platform and simplify it to succinctly capture the essence of the Federalist Party's proud and horny nature.

One of the key goals of the Platform Committee will be to bring newer and less active players into the party and offer them the opportunity to participate in the party's activities and influence our direction over the next few months. We will also be aiming to draft a platform that is simple, useful to our congressional candidates as a basis for their own campaign platforms, and appealing to new players trying to decide on a party to call home for their eRepublik experience.

An important part of boosting our membership's involvement will be bringing them to the Federalist Party's Forums, which is hosting the sign up thread for the Platform Committee. If you have not already registered for the Federalist Party Forums, please do so and reply to the Platform Committee Signup thread to begin your journey with the Federalist Party, share your views, and carry our party into the future.

Visit our Forums
Register for our Forums
Join the Platform Committee

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Penix Presidents Hacked?

Yesterday evening, eRepublik citizens all over the world were shocked to discover a blitz of attacks from the eUK, eServia, and eHungary. A number of articles have been published on this topic, and they all seem to indicate that the newly inaugurated Country Presidents of these eNations had been hacked. This follows a bug/exploit that does not seem to have been totally resolved in which ads and shouts for newspaper articles lead to a compromise in the users' accounts allowing G to be drained and newspapers to be defaced. Hopefully admin will get their s*** together one of these days, but pundits (like this one) are not optimistic.

The Front Line Journal - Sossu
Cloud's - Laya
I just went blind. - batterytime
a small short rant - havocpwn

Thank You, Security Breachers [US Edition]

The High Times - Sztandrowy
FreeNativeTimes - Arthur Brian
That Sting You're Feeling... - SolidSnakeXC

eRebuglik Insider - admin (...)

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eUS National Primary, ATO Efforts

This month, the eUS tried something different with its Country Presidential Election by running Operation: Swift Fury, in which eUS citizens were asked to vote in an offsite primary election, secured by the eRepublik API, to select their next Country President. This was done to assist our Brolliance allies, eCroatia, in combating a PTO attempt by eServian candidate Lipec. In order to secure the result of the primary, all of the top 5 eUS parties would agree to nominate a blocking candidate, except for one party which would be responsible for nominating the winner of the primary.

Both of the major candidates, St Krems and Fionia graciously agreed to this primary rather than insisting on contesting the elections in-game as is usually done on the 5th of each month. The members of the top 5 parties also agreed that their Party Presidents should participate in this primary by following the nominating procedure outlined above.

There were problems.

The API bugged out halfway through the primary and many eUS citizens were not able to vote in the primary. There was no way of tracking the election results as any citizen with an organizational account or who has already voted is able to do during the in-game elections. Parties were not able to declare their support for primary candidates and were not able to show their support or direct their less active members to vote for the unity candidate in-game without compromising the blockers. The eServians either suck at life worse than anyone anticipated or conducted a highly effective misinformation campaign leading to a blowout election in which Lipec lost to the eCroatian ATO candidate Fabius by a HUGE margin. Nevertheless, the recent accusations of callousness, resulting from the eUS's failure to adequately assist eCroatia when their country was wiped out by eServian aggression, have been disproven by the massive showing of eUS and EDEN ATO voters in the eCroatian election. As a one-time arrangement, the eUS primary has shown itself to be successful in its goal of protecting "Broatia" from a PTO by its sworn RL and e Enemy, eServia. The eUS should be proud of its accomplishment and ATO voters should continue to support eCroatia in the upcoming Party President and Congressional elections on the 15th and 25th, respectively.

In addition to saving eCroatia, a number of other nations were protected from PTOs by ATO voters from the eUS and other EDEN nations. A full list of ATO operations and their results are listed on the Strategic Air Command newspaper, The Hanging Chad.

Keep up the good work!

Day 990 ATO Wrap Up

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v2 - We're All N00bs Now

The transition to v2 took place during my absence. I stuck my head in often enough to know about the beta site, and to set up my skills transition, but I never really paid enough attention to the eRepublik Insider to know how to play v2 before I came back, so I have been relearning the game despite over a year as a citizen of eRepublik. Even if you have been more active than me, and have been paying attention to admin's prophecies about v2, the bugs, changes, and lack of opportunity to test v2 theories in the crucible of full scale implementation have left even the most experienced and active players exposed and unprepared for the challenges of this new game.

Clearly, the economy of even the greatest nations are in shambles. Activity is dropping. Every day, new articles are posted announcing that one legendary player or another is quitting eRepublik.

The advent of "boosters" in every aspect of the game are clearly affecting the economy. Following the introduction of "Lana" in v1, the increased spending of G on daily training led to what many players have come to call the "Lana Recession". Massive amounts of G were taken out of circulation and returned to admin to boost the strength of players willing to make the expenditure instead of that G being recycled into the global and national economies through higher quality weapon purchases. The advent of v2 has aggravated this effect as now Lana is not the only drain on G back to the abyss of admin. In addition to these boosters, the replacement of medal and level G awards with "treasure maps", which are less reliable providers of G to the global economy, have led to a massive depletion of G and a new advantage to those players willing to spend their hard earned RL money on a game which has repeatedly demonstrated its flaws, haphazard development standards, and callous support infrastructure. Combined with the structuring of companies adapted to v1, a new equilibrium has yet to be reached. Currencies will continue to fluctuate, companies and wages will continue to suffer, and less active "2-clickers" from v1 will continue to leave v2's far more complex and involved gameplay.

In this brave new world, we are all n00bs, but a new equilibrium will eventually be reached and those players remaining will begin the long and arduous process of rebuilding and doing admin's marketing for them by recruiting and educating new players in the intricacies of this new game.

We shall overcome. Have faith.

v2 Military Tutorial - Cromstar
EZ Company Training Document - Qubert18
Analysis: Strongest Weapon - figuar_zg

Reasons why v2 is better than v1 - Ignas Grinevicius

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Also in the News

Federalist Party News
Weekly Fed Newsletter - Federalist M&M
Recruiting volunteer associates of the Business Dept - havocpwn
Easy Company Recruitment

Military Links
DoD Orders - August 6, Day 990 (Updated)
Join the eUS Training Corps - TC Public Relations
««««« Marine Corps »»»»» - Dczip
Fight for Freedom! Join the Bear Cavalry. - Socialist Freedom Org

Military Features
Our military - krimin killr21
Phoenix's New Motto - Dr. Pwnguin

ERX Instant Transfers - AidenAstrup

True eStory of eRepublik - sonofup1

UIP PP Feature
Era of McCravok; UIP Party President Platform - Justin McCravok
A HUGE EXPLOSION and a new PP candidate is born! - Pheno Sony

Please submit any additional articles via PM or in the comments, thanks!

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Federlist Party Literature

Federalist M&M Update
The Easy Company Militia
Business Department Times