[Special Report] Phoenix presidents hacked – Attacks launched on Serbia, USA.

Day 990, 17:15 Published in USA USA by Sossu

Tonight at 14:16 eTime the first attacks were launched in a series of events that concerned the world due to their obvious insanity. The freshly elected prime minister of the United Kingdom launched a wave of attacks practically against the entire East Coast of America. The attacks included several U.S states alongside with attacks on Polish-owned New York, Irish-owned Connecticut and Newfoundland & Labrador, a region belonging to Canada. The attacks immediately raised questions, whether he went rogue on his first day at the office, but the later attacks on other neighboring nations, the sudden retreats from the attacks he already started and the statement from the Prime Minister through external ways of communication strongly imply that his account was indeed hacked by an unknown party, though the perpetrator has been referred as Polish.

UK continued attacks on virtually all neighboring nations, including Netherlands, Sweden and new Irish original regions besides Dublin which was invaded legitly yesterday. These attacks were quickly retreated as well. Finland, a neighboring nation of UK due to the British occupation of Northern Norway, got an open war via the chain reaction rule as UK attacked USA. Finland took the chance and attacked Nord-Norge, invading the region only minutes after as the hacker retreated from there. Finland then proceeded to do a so called friendly wipe, where two neighboring, friendly nations temporarily merge to prevent a PTO or to clear excessive MPP-stacks. Finland already wiped Norway once when they were beaten back by Russians, who had open MPP😒 opened during WWIII, when Norway attempted to block Russia from advancing in Northern America.

The situation continued as Serbia suddenly attacked China, which is equivalent of committing suicide regarding their colony of Liaoning. Serbia stands alone against 9 MPP😒 and facing them on the fields of Liaoning would result to a catastrophic loss of their source of Iron. The shenanigans continued as Serbia attacked Pakistan, opening a war with their neighboring nation of Hungary. An attack on Hungary would effectively cancel nearly every Serbian MPP and drive them to the verge of destruction, as the president also launched an attack on Romania, opening yet another excessive MPP-stack.
Also the Hungarian president has been hacked, and he has launched attacks on nearly every neighboring nation, including Serbia which resulted to the cancellation of all their MPP😒.

The Administration team has not responded yet, but the obvious nature of these attacks will result to a sure reversing of all illicit attacks as soon as possible.

However, the administration team found time to “ban” the Finnish president, apparently from taking advantage of a bug. Kammo XXIII’s friends dropped to -1, his health was reduced to 10 and he supposedly has 6 FP😒, meaning a permanent ban under normal circumstances. He was still able to log in, shout and write this hilarious article. To me this looks like the ultimate proof of the awesomeness of the Finnish people. Permanent bans don’t hold us back when we want to log in to eRepublik. We are immortal.

Croatia saved by overwhelming margins, Hungary captures Iron-haven Podolia.

In other news about legit events, the Serbian attempt to vote Lipec in to office in Croatia either failed miserably or was never carried out as planned. Lipec received only 876 votes while the Croatian candidate got nearly 3500 votes. Serbia could’ve done better, and the voting was expected to be a tight one. However there was little to none advertising in Phoenix nations to move to Croatia, completely in contrary with the media campaign of Eden, consisting dozens of articles spread around the Allied nations, giving orders on how to save Croatia. Suspicions have been heard that the threat of PTO:ing was a false flag, diverting attention from other PTO😒. No new PTO😒 were launched though, despite the threats of the Phoenix SG Dishcmds towards Japan who let Poland to Asia earlier this week. In Australia, the Indonesian forces won with clear margins, and in Norway, a late vote rush condemned the nation to the hands of a takeoverist as a president for another month, unless Norwegians claim 66 in the congressional elections held 19 days from now and impeach him. In South Africa, Eden ATO units prevailed and voted a South African to lead the nation.

On the fields, Romania suffered a narrow loss in Podolia, though they fought against the entire Phoenix alone, inflicting massive amounts of damage and nearly humiliating the offenders. This loss gives the success in Croatia a sour flavor, as the 5th of August wasn’t a complete success to the forces of Eden.
The entire Romanian campaign against Podolia can be questioned, as it should’ve been obvious they can’t hold Podolia for longer than two weeks when a nation with 9 MPP😒 against them sits just 2 regions away. Help from some Eden nations and from America was minimal, which has yet again spurred complaints from Romanians. They should learn that campaigns that are doomed to fail aren’t worth supporting. Sure it would’ve been a cool PR-trick to win 9 Phoenix nations alone, but that’d be about the only gain a victory in that battle would’ve given.

After the mess done by hackers is cleared (hopefully), Hungary will sit tightly in Podolia with no fears of Poland or Romania invading it as Hungary has MPP😒 open against both of them. It will be interesting to see, if Ukraine is compensated for the help they gave to Hungary and for the fact that Podolia is an original region of theirs. Hungary renounced their lease agreement with France regarding the stone region of Rhone Alps and they might negotiate a deal with Ukraine to rent their region. Other options are selling the region back to Ukraine, giving it for free or simply taking it with brute force. As said, Ukraine’s options to regain the region forcefully from Hungary would be very slim, the best bet would be to attack it by themselves, backed with significant mobile support from Eden.

A thing about France’s deal with Hungary, usually the leaser pays compensation if he wants to renounce the lease earlier than what’s agreed. Well, France did it otherwise and paid Hungary 1400G to get them out from Rhone Alps. From my understanding the lease was significantly lower during the first month of the agreement, so basically Hungary rented Rhone Alps, tested the crib and sai😛 “I don’t like it, pay me my rent back and some compensation for all the harm you put me through.”

Well, the stupid one is not the one who asks.