Fear or Revere? An AB, C, D Guide to the COBRA Crisis

Day 579, 20:06 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson
Q:The word "snake" springs to mind.
A: Don't knock it. You can only get smarter by playing a snake.

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The AB, C, D Crisis = The Augustus Baldwin COBRA Doomsday Crisis

Preamble – The Ego Revisited: Instructions on how to read what follows
special thanks to Vincent Chaotic for providing the link

Revolver - Releasing the Ego - Part 1:[url] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtfNM4f2-iQ[/url]

--The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look. – Julius Caesar, 75BC

--Fear or Revere me. But please….think I’m special.

Revolver - Releasing the Ego - Part 2:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G9zr5Rnokw

--You have a meeting. Give him what he wants. I’m sure he’ll be very happy.
--If you can’t do it, then you’re not a free man. You are controlled.
--Use your perceived enemy to destroy your real enemy.

Revolver - Releasing the Ego - Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mvLZB-fbcA

--You know what is so elegant about this little game, Jacob? Nobody knows where the enemy is. They don’t even know he exists. He’s in every one of their heads. You have to admire the opponent’s elegance.

--The ego manifests as the Devil and, of course, no one realizes how smart the ego is because it created the Devil so you can blame someone else. There is no such thing as an external enemy.
–Deepak Chopra

Revolver Explaine😛 http://usefulthought-s.blogspot.com/2008/05/explanation-of-movie-revolver.html

"Movie Instructions:

7) In every game and con there is always a victim and there is always an opponent. It's good to know when you are the former so you can become the latter.

6) But the question is how do you prepare yourself for this game?

5) You only get smarter by playing a smarter opponent.

4) The smarter the game the smarter the opponent

3) Checkers is an example of such a game. Chess is a better game. Debate is an even better opportunity to learn and so on.

2) But the question is where does the game stop? or one can ask what is the smartest game one can play?

1) The answer according to the movie is: "The game of con you play with yourself".

0) The second smartest game: “eRepublik and the cons you play on others.”

eCanada is facing its Third Crisis – what I have previously called the Infernal Crisis (I believe the tome warns of 3 crises. The first has past, the second will soon come, and the third not long after. )…or The Anti-Crisis.

You may think COBRA controls you, that events are spinning out of your control. That is both a lie and a truth because you decide which is to come – the Infernal Crisis or the Anti-Crisis. You are in the ones who will decide to Fear or Revere the enemy.

Imagine you are a lost wanderer in purgatory (ePurgatorio) - where you can expiate your Ego to gain enlightenment or be lured towards damnation by the devil’s serpent lies.

You have two choices – To Fear the Infernal Crisis or To Revere the Anti-Crisis