The AB,C,D's of the eCanadian Psyche

Day 532, 23:21 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson
**The following article is in no way a valid representation of fact or opinion. Treat it merely as an amusing way to interpret eCanadian politics** For additional material, check out "What the Devil!?": An AB,C, D Addendum & "A,B,CnD's" - Addendum Appended.

The Shameless Plug must reclaim itself as the inane tabloid rag you all know it for. To balance the ‘Yin’ with the ‘Yang,’ I’ve produced this second ‘naughty’ article to complement my other two ‘nice’ articles written this week, those two being the GCAI and Best Article of the Month. Giving away my time and money requires that I counter it with a strong dose of self-indulgence.

Before I delve into each component of the muddled eCanadian psyche, I’ll do a quick run through on the principles of Freudian Psychoanalysis. Any first year psychology student will find holes in my primer. If you do and wish to point out its flaws, then you’ve obviously taking eRep way too seriously and should probably take a breather. Or, if you would rather listen than read, go watch this Psych 101 video instea😛

To put it simply. The mind has 3 parts: Super-Ego, Id, and Ego. Super-Ego tells us what is right and controls our impulses. Id supplies those impulses and seeks only satisfaction. Ego is caught in the middle, trying to mediate between the two while it struggles to operate in the real world. When all three are balanced, the psyche is in good working order. However, there is constant conflict and tension and Id and Super-Ego battle to control the Ego. When imblance occurs, suppression of desire leads to explosive outbursts. Likewise, the free reign of desire leads to oppressive guilt. Think of the psyche as a pressure cooker, the fiery Id boils away at the affected Ego. The Superego tries to contain the building pressures inside until an inevitable steamy release of lust or hate. And since mirror linkenesses abound in Lacanian Freudianism, let’s also assume that every AB, C, D of the eCanadian psyche also has its mirror-image counterpart, as well. So each component of the eCanadian psyche has its own doppelganger – a dual opposite that equally goes through fluctuating stages of suppression and release. Someone once said the dreams of a nation are in the writings of its people. So, in typical dream analysis, we’ll also look at the writing of each public figure to understand the deep unconsiousness of eCanada.

With all that mumb-jumbo out of the way, let’s get down to the AB, C, Ds of Ecanada’s tormented psyche.

AB – Augustus Bruck/Baldwin – The Super-Ego of eCanada:

Super-Ego: “The Super-Ego aims for perfection. It comprises that organized part of the personality structure that criticizes and prohibits his or her drives, fantasies, feelings, and actions. The Super-Ego works in contradiction to the Id. The Super-Ego controls our sense of right and wrong and guilt. The Super-Ego tends to stand in opposition to the desires of the id because of their conflicting objectives, and its aggressiveness towards the ego. The Super-Ego acts as the conscience, maintaining our sense of morality.”

Augustus Baldwin is the moralizing centre of eCanada. He tells us what’s right from wrong. He never fails to point out the failings of others and warn us of foreign threats. Consider the following articles: “Augustus Baldwin Doesn't Support Seperatists, and Neither Should You,” “Government Alert: How You Can Help Recover Canada's Stolen Money!,” and “Augustus Baldwin Wins CSD Presidency; Doesn't Care What You Think.” These are all examples of an overworked desire for control. Augustus eagerly pounces at the opportunity to command, “Move along folks, nothing to see here. The Ministry of Public Safety is in charge now. I have put an end to all future crises.”

His battle with the Separatists is emblematic of the Super-Ego desire to keep it all together and in control. Some might say his virulent reactions are more destructive than protective of eCanada. But is it not so with our body’s immune system? Augustus’ condemnations are but an allergic reaction to a foreign invader. Granted, the sniffy-nosed, puffy-eyed, hive-inflamed reaction is quite irritating. Sometimes Killer-T cells do more damage than good to the body, attacking its own body-politic when mistaking it for a foreign host.

The demianesque nature of the psyche also allows for the Baldwin celebrity and handsomeness of Augustus to have been sublimated by the Bruckian “Will to Power.” While AB was once happy to be the centre of attention, very Id-like in nature, he has been fully enabled as eCanada’s Super-Ego under the Bruck administration. “The Ministry of Public Safety” represents more than the desire to follow the father and laws of society, but to control, subjugate, and reform all in its moral likeness.

D – Dominik/Devil – The Id of eCanada:

Id: “The Id acts as a pleasure principle: if not compelled by reality it seeks immediate enjoyment. It is focused on selfishness and instant self-gratification. The mind of a newborn child is regarded as completely "id-ridden." The Id is responsible for our basic drives such as food, water, sex, and basic impulses. It is amoral and egocentric, ruled by the pleasure–pain principle; it is without a sense of time, completely illogical, primarily sexual, infantile in its emotional development, and will not take "no" for an answer. It is regarded as the reservoir of the libido or "instinctive drive to create". It is the centre of uncontrollable hostility.”

Dominik exhibits all the rage and lust for violence of an overly supressed Id. Read a few quotations from the following articles in Dominik’s Slavia:

“Hate Article”: I don't like either of them and would be quite satisfied if a helicopter carrying both of them got shot down by Uraczak….I can tell you a person, I'd like to shoot; Gofarman.

“Free-Floating Hostility”: Arrogant Liars - Another group of people that ought to get hanged by their nuts over an erupting volcano. While these people do piss me off, it's the group of people that listen to them that really makes me want to drive a bulldozer through a daycare centre…..However, when people who are stupid and ignorant (do it), it makes me want to shove a genetically enhanced hamster up their ass- with stingers and fangs.

“If I Were Admin”: Then the tyrannical dictatorship of the god-admin Dominik would begin.

“Uncontrollable hostility, lust for power, amoral and egocentric, ruled by the pleasure–pain principle, the reservoir of the libido or "instinctive drive to create” – all of which fits not only Dominik’s writing but also his general approach to eRep. He runs amok, with flair and inspiration, founding new political parties, jumping into journalism, impulsively accepting cabinet positions, and then heading off into the wild yonder.

The only suitable mirror-image for this character is the Devil. The Devil – protean and diabolical – creating and destroying – the tie that binds Dominik to AB’s Bruckian ‘Will to Power’ (The SuperDevil of the Super-Ego). The Super-Ego and Id are two sides to the same coin. The duality can be witnesses in the battle that has been raging across news commentaries and forum threads of eCanada. Outright Dom/Devil Flaming vs the Augie/Bruck Shaming as the two powers of eCanada’s pysche battle for control over the enfeebled social consciousness. AB naming the former as a separatist, fearing the split personality that will develop in the all-out tug of war over the Ego. Dom/Devil fighting back against the Super-Ego attempts to contain the the imaginative impulses and desire to break free of the confining limits set by the moralizing superstructure of the PMO.

For now it would appear the Id has been quelled. The battle for conscious control reached a critical point in the April presidential election. The CSD-DAL union of Ego and Id placed Dominik in control social consciousness, only to be narrowly suppressed by the AugustusBruck dominion. In the end, Dominik has retreated from the forefront of public consciousness into the deepest recesses of the Czech cortex. No, the Id, Devil, Dominik, call it what you will, can never be driven from the psyche. It is the twin of the AB Super-Ego, and to separate the two would be like cleaving the shared brain of conjoined twins. They function but with half a brain on their own, only demonstrating full potential when sparring over the psyche of eCanada.

C – Cesar/Cleo – The Ego of eCanada:

The Ego: The Ego comprises that organized part of the personality structure which includes defensive and perceptual functions. Conscious awareness resides in the ego, although not all of the operations of the ego are conscious. It helps us to organize our thoughts and make sense of them and the world around us. The ego mediates among the id, the super-ego and the external world. Its task is to find a balance between primitive drives and reality (the Ego devoid of morality at this level) while satisfying the id and super-ego. Its main concern is with the individual's safety and allows some of the id's desires to be expressed, but only when consequences of these actions are marginal. Ego defense mechanisms are often used by the ego when id behavior conflicts with reality and either society's morals, norms, and taboos. The Id, in general, is caught between the demands of the Super-Ego and the Id, and is the part of the psyche that suffers most or ‘crumbles’ under these pressures, and seeks escape.

The Ego bears a sorry lot: conflicted, guilt ridden, seeking security by hiding behind its many defense mechanisms. Cesar Augustus, the name connotes power and masculinity, yet the beneath the conscious surface hides the the Ego’s Achilles Heel. Once closer aligned with Augustus Baldwin, Cesar slowly came under the influence of Dom-Id. Compelled to do the diabolical bidding of Dominik, Soon Cesar found himself regrettably involved in a political party TO. Unable to contain the many voices as head of CPP, Cesar in typical Ego fashion, crumbled to the pressures. Undoubtedly as a result of submitting to Id compulsions, Cesar lost control, striking out at eCanada and his defenders, the CAF. After letting off some steam, the psyche cauldron was depleted, leaving Cesar to retreat to the far reaches of the China cortex. There he sought to return the Yin-Yang balance and reclaim his composure. With the loss of control over Cesar-Ego, Dominik-Id failed in its bid for control over the eCanadian pysche in the April elections.

With masculine power suppressed, a new Ego emerged. Cleomynestra Cathak surfaced as the feminine replacement of the Cesar-Ego. Softer, milder, only speaking when spoken to, she embodied the feminine nature of eCanadian psyche. Feeling she would kindly put things right, the next struggle for control over social consciousness began. Yet again, in typical Ego fashion, the pressures mounted to uncontrollable levels, the Id-like voices of infantility rose to confound head of CSD.

To recap our Freud Primer: “The Ego’s main concern is with the individual's safety and allows some of the id's desires to be expressed, but only when consequences of these actions are marginal. Ego defense mechanisms are often used by the ego when id behavior conflicts with reality and either society's morals, norms, and taboos.” The SuperEgo inflicted a barrage of withering guilt upon the hapless Cleo-Ego for supposed Id-behaviour. Out came the contradictory accusations of multi-accounts and inactivity, both serious social taboos. Once again, Super-Ego maintained its hold on the bedazzled eCanadian consciousness.

With feminine Cleo-Ego suppressed, the Cesar-Ego now shows signs of returning to the frontal cortex of public awareness. In typical Ego fashion, Cesar returned balanced and replete with guilt complex, apologising profusely: “I was wrong and therefore want to Apologise. I am returning to Canada with a clear head and a new longing I hope all of you can forgive me and understand we all have times of need and do stupid things. It was just my turn.” Has Cesar-Ego been absolved of Id-behaviour? With Dominik-Id fully suppressed, Cesar-Ego has no choice but bend his will to the eCanadian psyche to appease the Super-Ego: “Canada made the safe choice in Bruck who can blame them? I would have done the same thing it is in our nature as humans. Perhaps one day we will take a chance as a nation. Till then keep on Bruckin Canada!”

Where does this leave the totality of the eCanadian psyche? How does this relate to the common body-politic and its need to be fed and sheltered? Perhaps we shall see a growing masculine Cesar. Perhaps he shall live up to the manly name of Cesar Augustus. Perhaps he shall rise in phallic glory to take hold of the CEP. Perhaps he shall challenge the AugustusBruck superiority complex and rebalance eCanadian inner-turmoil. Will we see establishment of an AugustusBruckCesar triumvirate? Or, will we see the bedeviled return of AugustusCesarDominik?

Whatever may happen, the Id can only remain suppressed for so long. Be prepared for another outburst of destructive/creative abandon. One may be quick to call this the Anticrisis we’ve been waiting for, yet all is not calm for long.

Before we close this chapter on our eCanadian psychology textbook, let’s review today’s lesson:
AB is for AugustusBruck, the Super-Ego to guide us.
C is for CesarCleo, the masculine and feminine Ego to balance us.
D is for DominikDevil, the Id to compel us.
E is for eCanada, the nation that binds us.
F is for Freudian, the theory that taught us.
G is for Gestalt, the wholeness the unifies all 6.
With those simple letters, you’ll have all you need to understand eCanada:
The AugustusBruckCesarDominik Ecanada Freudian Gestalt.

Yes, it’s as easy as ABCDEFG.

*Super-Ego/Id/Ego references taken from,_ego,_and_super-ego
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