eUK Weekly News - 26/01/2009-01/02/2009

Day 441, 08:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association

This week is slightly late, due to the Congress elections and late Congressional Report. It will be business as usual next week.

It was a quiet week last week in British Media, with little but spam, Congress stats and Presidential Opening Statements. Of course, with the arrival of the Coalition, all but JerryGFL's are redundant.


Author - Empire Corporation
Newspaper - The Destiny Chronicle
February 2008: N.E.W Leaders but no N.E.W President

Another great history lesson from ex Prime Minister and current Coalition Prime Minister Candidate, Final Destiny.

Author - Iain Keers
Newspaper - The Forum Door
Final Results and Forum Statistics

It seems like an age away now, but these are the statistics from the last Congress Election held on the 25th January.


Author - Iain Keers
Newspaper - The Forum Door
The House of Commons, for new players and prospective congress members.

Yet another strong article from Iain. This guy is now on my subscribe list. This article explains the role of Congressmen and the necessity for forum activity.

Author - Tommy Tommasino
Newspaper - J'accuse
Disband the UKRP - The only way forward for eUK Politics

Tommy Tommasino's call to disband UKRP and save eUK from unfair elections caused by sheep voting.

Author - Dishmcds
Newspaper - Dish - Traveller Edition
Answering the Call to Arms (UKRP)

Dishmcds responds to Tommy's article with a defence of his party, UKRP.

Author - Christophia
Newspaper - Britannia Express
President Deathtoll32 - An Evaluation

A good, unbiased, level headed discussion on the last month under President Deathtoll32.


Author - Dishmcds
Newspaper - Dish - Traveller Edition
The Envy of All Others

A great introduction to eUK for anyone new in the country.

Though the election candidates have changed, and new statements are being released this week, I thought it was interesting to post and compare opening statements from our previous candidates.

Author - Hassan Pesaran
Newspaper - Ministry of Truth
Hassan Pesaran: Change We Need

Hassan Pesaran, PCP.

Author - MDU Press Office
Newspaper - Voice of Democratic Unity
MDU: Big Boy Bulley for President

Big Boy Bulley, MDU.

Author - Squiddy
Newspaper - The Political Rag
Squiddy's Journey to No. 10 Begins (TUP Presidential Candidacy)

Squiddy, TUP.

Author - Empire Corporation
Newspaper - The Destiny Chronicle
Final Destiny: Here it goes again!

Final Destiny, F-TP.

Author -
Newspaper -
[jerryGFL] I. eScot going for Number Ten


Weekly Congress Report
Congressional Report 23/01/2009 - 29/01/2009

That concludes our summary of the news this week. If you would like your article featured in this newspaper, please PM the association, or for a more direct answer, HazzN, the Underminister of Information.