Dr Duncan for Re-Election to Congress

Day 942, 12:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dr Duncan

Hello wonderful people of the North West of England!

I am here to ask for your votes to re-elect me to Congress.

The past month has been exhilarating and I have had to hit the ground running. The month has been taken up with two main things: To begin with, Caesar, a previous Canadian citizen, becoming a MP. Although this all happened around me to a point (I was still getting used to being in the House of Commons!), it was a major talking point with many very concerned about this turn of events.

There was only one subject that could have stopped this topic being dragged out for the whole month: the abolishment of the House of Lords. An amendment was proposed that would leave the HoL empty and it passed. The likelihood of any Lords being re-proposed looked unlikely and therefore the HoL was disbanded. I proudly voted yes for this motion because I believe that the abolishment of the HoL only seeks to reinforce the control of the HoC who you have voted for.

A new law was passed where players are now being voted in to advise the HoC. These advisors will be there to do that: advise. I look forward to the constructive advice that they will offer us over the coming months.

So, why do the leaders trust Dr Duncan?

Member of the SAS
Former Lieutenant Colonel of the 40th Regiment Royal Artillery
Former Captain of HMS Will Salmon
One term TUP Congress member

I still believe in the new player. I believe player retention is crucial for our country and therefore I will be continuing to vote for and think of new ways to make sure the young players in our country and can survive and know how to take their first steps in their eLife. If you have any issues, PM me in game or on the forum or find me on IRC: when I am on IRC, I am always in #eUK.

25th June: Vote Dr Duncan for North West of England

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