DoD Orders Nov. 27 [Day 738, 10:50 eRep] - FREE WEAPONS TO DEFEND CROATIA

Day 738, 05:11 Published in USA USA by USA Department of Defense

UPDATED Nov. 27, 05:00 eRep

My fellow Americans and Emerick:

Hold Fire till last log in and then DEFEND NORTH WEST CROATIA, CROATIA

Now that we have built up damage in Slavonia we must secure North West Croatia

US Citizens living in California or Florida can receive FREE WEAPONS for this battle by requesting on the the eUS Forums at:,15290.msg287744.html#msg287744


I know it is difficult to resist humiliating eUK for a fourth time in three days, but they once again only serve as lapdog to Hungary. The real threat is to our allies in Croatia.

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Friendly Firepower Program

Population. Our enemies are numerous but they also have the advantage of ranking up. Hungary had its babyboom long before ours. The game is linear. The longer you play, the stronger you become. The only counters to this are lots of gold and population. For the eUSA to become a true global superpower, then we must recruit a new generation of eUSA player.

The eUS government and eUS Military are proposing the Friendly Firepower Program. We are asking each active citizen to recruit one friend. Teach them to play the game. Help them. Mentor them. Direct them to the forums. Get them on to IRC. Get them involved and invested in our goal of making the eUSA the strongest and most prosperous nation in eRepublik.

If you look at the population stats for the game, you would think the eUSA has thousands more citizens than next 4 most populous nations. This is deceptive. That is total accounts. We need more ACTIVE ACCOUNTS. We need more ACTIVE CITIZENS.

We aren't asking you to shoot for a society builder medal. We're asking you for one friend.

Recruit one friend to win.

Be Prepared

Weapons prices remain ridiculously low in the eUSA right now. Buy cheap weapons now before prices increase with demand. Citizens are encouraged to keep a stock of weapons in an organization.

Knowledge is (FIRE) Power

Below is a list of helpful articles on war-fighting, using hospitals and techniques to increase your damage and experience through smart game play

So I heard PEACE is dead....

Though PEACE appears to be gone. That DOES NOT mean that the eUSA is safe from foreign invasion or that the eWorld is about to enter a golden (boring) age of peace for all nations. In fact, global instability and changes to the MPP rules likely mean that we are about to enter a period of intensified global conflict until a new status quo is established. Our enemies are as active and vengeful as ever. It is more important than ever to stay informed and stay active. Read and subscribe to these orders. Always check for updates before fighting. And RECRUIT ONE FRIEND TO WIN.

Gaius Julius
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

VIce-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff