Day 1484: Tuesday Market / Wages Up 2.02%

Day 1,484, 18:18 Published in USA USA by Chae Dee

It's day 1484 and in the Market at 18:00.

The USA is Rank 14.

A resistance has started in Poitou Charentes. The USA is winning 7:1.

The USA is attacking Auvergne, Poland. The USA is winning 1:0.

The USA took Massachusetts, Limousin, and Ohio.

Moldova is proposing an alliance with the USA which is passing there 34:2.

We end the day with a 60% food boost covering cattle, fruits, and grain. We have a 60% weapons boost covering oil, rubber, and aluminum.

At 18:00 today, gold sat at $995 which is down 0.50% from yesterday's $1000. Today, wages sit at $170.07 which is down 2.02% from yesterday's $166.71.

Quality \ Price \ $ per health point \ +/- Price \ +/- Percent

Q1 \ 0.54 \ .27 \ -.01 \ -1.82%
Q2 \ 0.99 \ .25 \ -.01 \ -1.00%
Q3 \ 1.59 \ .27 \ +.04 \ +2.58%
Q4 \ 2.24 \ .28 \ -.04 \ -1.75%
Q5 \ 2.67 \ .27 \ +.17 \ +6.80%

Quality \ Price \ $ per damage \ $ per usage \ +/- Price \ +/- Percent

Q1 \ 05.00 \ .25 \ 5.00 \ -0.90 \ -15.25%
Q2 \ 10.45 \ .26 \ 5.23 \ -1.02 \ -08.89%
Q3 \ 16.91 \ .28 \ 5.64 \ -0.63 \ -03.59%
Q4 \ 23.48 \ .29 \ 5.87 \ -0.19 \ -00.80%
Q5 \ 29.00 \ .29 \ 5.80 \ -0.58 \ -01.96%

Material \ Price +/- \ Price +/- \ Percent

Raw Foo😛 .25 \ -.03 \ -10.71%
Raw Wpns: .26 \ -.03 \ -10.34%

If you have an article with an opinion or tips to share, let me know and it'll be added to the pot.

The Libertine: RM Companies and Economic Math

The Libertine: Ten Easy Ways to Avoid Paying Taxes

Mr Andrews: The New Tax Code and What It Means to You

Kemal Ergenekon: Explanation Regarding the US Tax Plan

Stranger Here Myself : Stop the Parasites!

Stranger Here Myself : Operation Epic Fail - The EC Tax Plan (I)

CryingLightningPt: Global Monetary Market Analysis November 2011

Chae Dee: Working the Market

Macros the "Black": The Concept of Companies

Macros the "Black": An Introductory 60 Day Wealth Increasing Regimen

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