Stop the Parasites! VOTE NO!

Day 1,429, 12:31 Published in USA USA by Stranger Here Myself

A Communist coup has just started in the eUnited States:

The CBO already takes 99,999$ out of the treasury every day! That is the maximum possible amount. There is absolutely no economic rationality in this move. Government revenues won't grow - there's technically no room for growth. There is only one single possible explanation for this absolutely harmful and stupid move:

They want to deprive YOU of YOUR economic freedom!


An American worker makes 0.15 Gold a day. A Polish one makes 0.2. An Indonesian 0.17.

An American worker can buy 4.66 tanks a day. A Polish one 6.7. An Indonesian 6.47.

An American worker keeps 85% of his wage. A Polish one 99%. An Indonesian one 95%.

Tomorrow the American worker will only get 75% of his wage.

Apparently a bunch of invisible "gurus" decided to destroy the whole private sector, so YOU could only play by THEIR rules.

These laws won't add a single cent to the eUS budget. They merely aim to discourage open and competitive employment.

The Bolsheviks in the congress try to forcefully kill the tax paying competition of their tax evading/tax spending communes - with a vision of buying foreign imports made cheaper by killing home consumption - and controlling the distribution of them.

Congress is picking your pockets, stealing a quarter of your wage - and burning it right on the spot! Stop this nonsense now!

Congressmen still loyal to the average eAmerican citizens: Stop them, before it's too late! Vote NO!

Supporting these proposals means changing the Stars & Stripes to this: