Day 1092 15:30 Update - Swiss Fight Orders & Army News

Day 1,092, 13:00 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Switzerland Armed Forces

The Six P's

Pre-Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance (my old boss used to say that)
Ctrl+Click for the Pre-Application Form in another Tab

Dateline : Tuesday November 16 (Day 1092) Updated 15:30 Day 1092
Location: Federal Palace, Bern, Switzerland
Reporter: Colonel George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer

The Swiss Armed Forces News will publish one piece each day with a time stamp in the title which can be changed as the article is updated. Should conditions change after the initial publication, Col Quigley or myself will edit this same article and change the title to read "Update" with the new time. That way a single publication has a fair chance of hitting the Top Five each game day, and Swiss players will have the latest Swiss National News conveniently on their profile page.

Today's available battles:
As of 1530 hours publication
Poland vs France at Lorraine
Poland won Rhineland-Palatinate then moved on to this battle at Lorraine.
Maybe we'll get real lucky and someone will start some crap in South America for those pursuing the Quests.

The Situation:
Copied directly from Lieutenant Scheisskopf's Stars and Stripes Journal Nov. 15
Hungary Under Fire as USA Removed from Southeast Asia, Days 1091-1092

Poland Continues Offensive in Germany
ePoland attacked eUK-occupied Lower Saxony and Bremen (LS😎 on Day 1089 at 21:43 and easily conquered it. The offensive continued against eGermany with an overwhelming strike on North Rhine-Westphalia on Day 1090 at 13:38, easily conquering the region. The action shows that ePoland is taking its time on the German front, but the move north is noteworthy. Doing so is a delay from moving against eFrance’s Rhone Alps, but may indicate that ePoland instead intends to wipe eGermany from the map; the move is not wholly surprising, since ePoland does list the conquest of eGermany’s capital region as a monthly objective. The delay in meeting these objectives may be an act by ePoland to prevent Phoenix from attempting to win back the regions, denying the ability to attempt multiple resistance wars (RW) on occupied lands ahead of Congressional and Presidential elections-- the latter, of course, being when countries should seek to have all their goals filled.

With ePoland (pink) on its doorstep, the eNetherlands was conquered by the eUK to erase the tiny country’s active wars which could have prompted an ePolish invasion

Fight Instructions:
Try to fight towards the end of the 2-hour Mini-Battles (last 20 minutes).
Try to save your last 10 hits for the last 2 minutes.
Do not fight in Mini-Battles in which our MPP allies have a huge lead - save your firepower for later!

If possible come to #eSwiss-Army on Rizon for more coordinated and detailed orders!

Join the Swiss Armed Forces!
This "Pre-Application Survey Form" is mandatory, as a screening process. We will respond within a day or so, quite likely asking to meet for an interview in an IRC PM or secured room.
The actual Application to Join will be sent out individually and privately.

Part Five of the Series: Funding the Army
Okay, so some readers complain about "tl;dr" articles.. others offer criticism but have obviously not read the material. So today I'll try to make this short and sweet.

An Army can be a bunch of players who come together to "play Army" simply by designating Indians and Chiefs and a central communications center, maybe arranging some coordinated attacks. It could also be a well funded organization with the full logistical support of the government. What we have here falls somewhere in between.
As I mentioned yesterday, this Army won't be getting government funding, at least not for a while. Just as this Army is being developed for the Swiss people, it will be developed by the Swiss people.

Results of extensive studies done in the US show that the most efficient expenditure of funds is through Food.. I won't bore you with formulas and details, it's all been in the news anyways for those so interested. Bottom line is, you do the same damage in two barefisted fights as with one fight using a Q5 weapon, and at a 30% cost savings. Weapons are good, they do add to the damage delivered and to the player's advancement, but they're not the most cost-effective way to spend money.

The Swiss Army will need a Food Company for every ten soldiers, those soldiers working in the Army Companies to provide the Food to be supplied. If the Army surpasses 20 soldiers the decision will be made whether to utilize a third Food Co or start up a Weapons Co.

The first two Swiss citizens who bring a ready-to-rock Food Company with them when they join the Army will, after Boot Camp, be awarded the rank of Warrant Officer (WO1) in the Quartermaster Corps. They will also begin Officers' Training School to bring their skills in line with their rank. These soldiers will run their Food Companies for the Army just as they did as civilians, but all resources in and out will belong to the Army.

Applicants are urged to bring something tangible-- a Company, a stack of Gold, a substantial stockpile of goods-- with them as they join the Army. Such contributions will be rewarded with rank.
That's right.. bribery. Buy yourself an Officer's Commission, or make NCO, with an investment in your Army.

So, anyone who had the idea that this Swiss Army was going to be passing out free guns and food, think again. Soldiers will work in Army-operated Companies to provide their own supplies. And applicants to the Army will bring those Companies and other resources with them or there won't be any.
An Army for the people, by the people.

This article has reached critical mass, that is, it's quite damn tl;dr long enough.
I will follow with another, in which I will discuss financing and development of the functional components of Switzerland's new National Army

Recommended Reading: Please read these newspapers, vote them up and consider subscribing.
Issueing money - an explanation from the Swiss Ministry of Economy
Previous editions in this series:
::One:: Introduction, Bullet Points
::Two:: Non-Partisan Army
::Three:: Appeal to Congress
::Four:: Chain of Command

And FINALLY: We have developed a "Pre-Application Survey Form" you should look at. If interested, fill it out and we'll get back to you within a day or so. This is not the actual Application to Join, but it is a mandatory screening form. The actual Application will be sent out by Invitation Only to those who survive this first cut.

George Armstrong Custer
Colonel, Swiss National Army -|- Editor, the Swiss Armed Forces News
Captain, US Cavalry -|- Editor, the Cavalry Saber
Crabby, Opinionated Bastard -|- Editor, Custer's Stand

Contact the Swiss Ministry of Interior for all kinds of help!