UPDATE 22:30 Day 1091 - Swiss Fight Orders & Army News

Day 1,091, 09:29 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Switzerland Armed Forces

At Work, Rest or Play...

Your Swiss National Army is Waiting for YOU!!
Ctrl+Click for the Pre-Application Form in another Tab

Dateline : Monday November 15 (Day 1091) UPDATED AT 22:30
Location: Federal Palace, Bern, Switzerland
Reporter: Colonel George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer

Rather than publish separate articles for Fight Orders and News, as Col. Rowan Quigley and I have been doing thus far, it'll be best to publish one piece each day with a time stamp in the title which can be changed as the article is updated.
Let's suppose later today Poland declares war somewhere. Col Quigley or myself will edit this same article and change the title to read "Update" with the new time. That way a single publication has a fair chance of hitting the Top Five each game day, and Swiss players will have the latest Swiss Armed Forces News conveniently on their profile page.


The Situation:
Poland is trying to take all regions of Germany with the help of EDEN; the United Kingdom has been taking regions of Germany to protect them from another attack. Poland has declared war on the United Kingdom and they continue on taking more regions of Germany.

Fight Instructions:
Try to fight towards the end of the 2-hour Mini-Battles (last 20 minutes).
Try to save your last 10 hits for the last 2 minutes.
Do not fight in Mini-Battles in which our MPP allies have a huge lead - save your firepower for later!

If possible come to #eSwiss-Army on Rizon for more coordinated and detailed orders!

Join the Swiss Armed Forces!
This "Pre-Application Survey Form" is mandatory, as a screening process. We will respond within a day or so, quite likely asking to meet for an interview in an IRC PM or secured room.
The actual Application to Join will be sent out individually and privately.

Part Four of the Series: Chain of Command

Before starting on Chain of Command, a word regarding Financing.
The Swiss National Army does not seek financial subsidization from the central government at this time. It's clear that the Executive and Legislative branches of government have their hands full just to stabilize our economy and improve conditions for all Swiss citizens, and this Army does not wish to add to the burden our nation's leadership already faces.
We will, however, require private funding and contributions in order to get up and running. Part Five of this series will address this in greater detail, but suffice it to say that this "Army of The People" will be financed by The People. You may recall the old axioms, "Anything worth doing is worth doing well" and "If you want something done right, do it yourself." If this Swiss National Army is worth doing, we will combine those concepts, and do this Army well and do it ourselves.

Swiss Army Chain of Command

Ctrl+Click on the Image to see it full size in a new browser Tab
This is a quick mock-up for illustration purposes; it is not complete or finalized

As described in an earlier article, the Swiss Army shall serve largely at the service of the President. Here you see the President and the Minister of Defence joining to communicate with the Commander and Executive Officer of the Army. This communication goes both ways, as each of these people has different specific duties and is able to gather different information from their respective sources.

The President declares War, or convinces Congress to MPP with another country, to provide battles for us. That is the Order given by the President to the Commander of the Army, to fight this opponent. The Army, through its Command structure and resources, decides exactly when and how to join the battle.

The Deputy Executive Officer of the Army will be in direct command of the fighting troops, through the leaders of the various Platoons as shown. He is third in line of command of the Army. If neither the Commander or the Executive Officer are available, he is in charge of the Army and will take his orders from the President.

Senior Staff will be the various support units of the Army; Intelligence, Quartermaster, and Public Affairs to start. Each Unit will have a Senior Officer, and Junior Officers as needed. These positions will be filled by the most qualified and are available to all soldiers.
Quartermaster positions will hold the special rank designation of Warrant Officers, denoting the extra level of security entrusted to them.

The Fighting Units will be, for administrative purposes, divided according to their purpose and capability. Everyone will start in the Training Corps, then move on to either the Regular Army or the Politicians Platoon. Especially strong fighters who show the interest and aptitude may apply to the Elite Tank Corps. Each of these fighting units will have a Senior Officer, and as needed a Platoon Executive officer will be added.

Soldier ranks will be much as they are in RL Armies, beginning with Recruit Private and increasing in rank to a variety of Specialist Sergeant ranks, and in Officers ranks from 2nd Lieutenant to the various levels of General.
Soldiers may move directly from Training Corps Rct Pvt to a Senior Staff position with the rank of 2Lt or WO1, should they show the required aptitude, ability and interest.
Such rank increases will be granted based on merit, as determined by a soldier's Senior Officer and peers. All promotions and demotions, as well as disciplinary actions up to and including discharge. must be approved by the Commander of the Army or his designate.

You will notice that the present rank of the Commander and Executive Officer are Colonel and Lt Colonel, not Generals. This is a new Army, and we will be expected to earn our merit rank increases like anyone else in this Army. In the early stages of development, soldiers will not be automatically granted the highest rank designation for their Unit even as they assume leadership positions. Platoons may be led by Corporals, the lead Intel man may be a 2Lt, so that every soldier has the opportunity to earn and achieve greater rank.. and every leader will have soldiers nipping at his heels for his job and the next one up. We will all deliver our best or be replaced or passed over by someone better.

Appointment and Removal of the Commander of the Army
The greatest concern raised has been the appointment, and as necessary, the replacement, of the Commander of the Army. I was appointed by the President, tasked with forming the Army. I shall serve as Commander until such time as I choose to resign or there is just cause presented to replace me for incompetence or treason.
These terms, "incompetence" and "treason" shall be as defined in a common dictionary, and shall be applied by a Council comprised of the President, Minister of Defence, Speaker of the House of Parliament, Executive Officer of the Army, and the three Senior Officers of the Army Senior Staff Units. The Speaker of the House of Parliament shall serve as referee and Sergeant-at-Arms to assure civil behavior and fair procedure at such a Judicial Hearing.

It is expected that the Commander of the Army and the President of Switzerland will develop and maintain a good working relationship, above and aside of any personal and political differences. Failure to play nice and be agreeable at all times are not cause for dismissal.
A formal Judicial Hearing may only be brought about by the President of Switzerland or by the Executive Officer of the Army.
Such a Judicial Hearing shall take place in IRC at a time when ALL these players can be assembled in a secured Invite Only room. Any witnesses beyond those specified above shall be by unanimous approval of all Judicial Board members.

Formal, Judicial removal of the Commander of the Army on the grounds of incompetence or treason must be by a 5-to-2 majority of this Council, to assure an overwhelming balance of justice in such an extreme situation.
It is expected that the Commander of the Army shall not find himself in such a "loss of confidence" situation in the first place, and if so he might display such honor and discretion as to submit his resignation if he sees that holding the job would be detrimental to the Army and the nation.

When a Commander of the Army leaves this position, by resignation or removal, the Chain of Command shall provide his replacement. Should the Executive Officer decline the position, the offer falls to the Deputy Executive Officer.
At no time shall the President or any other elected or appointed member of the government appoint a new Commander of the Army.

The Swiss Armed Forces, currently comprised of the Swiss National Army, exists as the "de facto" military representation of this nation on the battlefields of The New World. The Swiss Armed Forces shall continue to serve in this capacity until it is approved by Swiss Parliament as an "Official" branch of the Swiss government, and shall not be disbanded by the President or the Swiss government.

This article has reached critical mass, that is, it's quite damn tl;dr long enough.
I will follow with another, in which I will discuss financing and development of the functional components of Switzerland's new National Army

Recommended Reading: Please read these newspapers, vote them up and consider subscribing.
Issueing money - an explanation from the Swiss Ministry of Economy

And FINALLY: We have developed a "Pre-Application Survey Form" you should look at. If interested, fill it out and we'll get back to you within a day or so. This is not the actual Application to Join, but it is a mandatory screening form. The actual Application will be sent out by Invitation Only to those who survive this first cut.

George Armstrong Custer
Colonel, Swiss National Army -|- Editor, the Swiss Armed Forces News
Captain, US Cavalry -|- Editor, the Cavalry Saber
Crabby, Opinionated Bastard -|- Editor, Custer's Stand

Contact the Swiss Ministry of Interior for all kinds of help!