Chucky Norris running for PREZ in March! [EN/FR]

Day 823, 18:33 Published in Canada Canada by Chucky Norris

Chucky Norris is running for prez in march!

Yes, a few people made me rethink this and finally I decided to run yesterday. I am not running to fight agaisnt any scandal or inherent problem. My goal is not to stop any candidate reaching the highest position this country as to offer. I just think that I can do the job better than anyone who will be running agaisnt me. That's why I decided to run. This and the medal! (just kidding)

I think I have the experience to do well in a Country President job. It's definetly not my first job in this country as I've had countless of opportunity to develop my skills and mature as an eRepublik player. I've made some good move, I've made plenty of mistake, wich is what makes me now a stronger player. Each experience I had in this game made me go this far, and now it's leading me to this new challenge. I will admit that I'm not the best Economic CP you could get. I do have weekness, but that's why I'll be setting up a team that will be composed of the best people around in that domain, not just the party I want to win to my side. And I can guarantee you something, I'm in my opinion the Best President you can have on the Foreign affair and military issue.

A little bit about myself. I first started my activity as a Private in the CAF regular in April 09 after 2 month of 2 clicking and very little notable activity. Ever since I've been a member of our National army. During the invasion of Canada I started Ranking up and I moved to the rank of sergeant right when we we're under the constant attack of the terrible alliance PEACE GC. Even when Canada fell, I kept on fighting like all of my CAF bretheren. This is probably something that made me took interest in being a part of the cabinet, as I then realised that never would I want this again. So I would try to not repeat the mistake of the past. Just when we got back Alberta from the Brits, I received a promotion and then became the Lieutenant of my own platoon. At the head of 22nd royal regiment I kept on serving my country for another few months.

As a side project, I also started to work in the executive branch, as an ambassador. I started with Derek Harland and we had some really great time. I was very quick to take on innitiative and start new projects. This is in big part why I was made a few weeks later the Minister of Foreign Affair of Canada for the 2 next term under William Duncan, in wich I had a blast working with all these nation to better our relation. But Then Came the election of Jacobi in December, where then again I had the opportunity to fufill yet another great project. Being at the head of the Defence as the Ministry of Defence. This brought me to understand a whole diffrently the World, from a perspective of War. I grealty benifited from this experience during the 2 terms Jacobi allowed me to serve Canada to the full extent of my capacity. And the next month I took a break from the executive branch for various reason. But nonetheless, I kept an active role in Eden as an Advisor and I was still loyal to the oath I signed to serve my country in the army. I received yet another promotion. This time as a Colonel. And I was handed out my last duty to this day, command of the elite Branch of the CAF.

Well that's pretty much what there is to know about my career in Canada.

You might wonder, but who would team up with that crazy foo for the take over, erh I mean Election for Country Presidnet!

Well I will be running with someone I've been working with on so many occassion, Goran Thrax!

The space pope, the one that invented the whole concept of getting ''thraxified (being served a page long argument in Congress that you can't do anything agaisnt). Yes that man, the voice of Reason. The most non partisan and sound politician I know of. I have full trust in his ability to second me at the highest position. And I think he will bring some very positive change to Canada.

I will be frank, I'm not Chuck Norris, no it would be blasphemy.

Chuck Norris Kicking the persian off Northwest-Territory during the liberation.

BUT, my goal will be to transform this great nation into the greatest roundhouse kicking machine that it can become, or better, that it was meant to be! How can we attain this? Well the answer is simple, yet very hard to attain. We need a baby boom! And this will be one of the focus of my campaign As I intend to increase the Canadian population by 15% once my mandate is done. This is the single best way to create great nation. We can improve how much we want, Erepublik is, and will remain a game about number. I know we can do it, I have a plan, and a new approach to the problem. More will be reavealed in my platfrom that I will publish right after the congress election. So please just hold on, the Best as yet to come!

As for my Cabinet, most spot are filled but I still need to make a few addition but it should be ready quite soon as well.

Part1 Social service
Part2 Economy
Part3 Army And Foreign Affair


Chucky Norris se lance dans la course à la présidence en mars 2010!

Oui, quelque personne m'ont fait pensé à me lancé, ce qui a fait que j'ai pris cette décision hier. Je ne me lancerais pas pour régler un problème abominable de socité ou pour empêcher quelqu'un de rentre au poste le plus prestigieux. Je me lance parce que j'ai confiance en le fait que je suis le meilleur candidat qu'il y aura dans ces élections. Ça et la médaile bien sûr! (non, je blague)

Je pense que j'ai l'expérience afin d'être un excellent Président. Ce n'est définitivement pas mon premier travail, j'ai d'ailleur eu d'amples opportunité de développer mes habilité en tant que joeur d'erepublik. J'ai fait des bons coups, j'ai également fais beaucoup d'erreur, c'est ce qui a fait de moi un joueur plus fort aujourd'hui. Chaque exéprience dans ce jeu m'a permi d'aller aussi loin, et maintenant ceci me pousse à aller encore plus loin. Je vais l'admettre, je ne suis pas le meilleur CP économique qu'on pourrait avoir. Par contre je vais m'assurer d'avoir la meilleure équipe jamais et non l'équipe la mieux placé pour avoir du support de parti. Cette équipe sera ma force, puisqu'ensemble nous pallierons nos faibless à chacun. Mais je peux vous garantir une chose. Je vais être le meilleur Candidats sur le plan diplomatique et militaire que vous pourriez avoir.

Sur quoi je me base? Et bien j'ai été dans les CAF, j'ai tenu les rang de soldat, caporal, sergent et caporal. J'ai également été Ministre des affaires étrangère pendant deux mandat. Mon dernier poste gouvernemental fut d'être ministre de la défence pendant 2 autres mandat sous Jacobi.

Peut-être vous demanderez qui voudra bien supporter cet énergumène?

Et bien je vais me lancer avec un collège de longue date, Goran Thrax!

Le pape de L'espace, celui qui a inventé l'expression se faire ''traxifier'' (se faire servir une page longue d'argument au congrès sans même pouvoir y répondre). Oui cet homme, la voix de la raison. Le plus non partisans et raisonné de tous les politicien que je connaisse. J'ai pleinement confiance en ses habilités à me seconder aux plus hautes positions. Et je pense qu'il va amener un changement positif au Canada.

Je vais être franc, je ne suis pas Chuck Norris, ce serait blasphémer contre le prophète.

Chuck Norris Bottant des perses lors de la libération des territoires du Nord-Ouest

Mais mon but sera de transformer cette grande nation en la plus grandiose machine de ''roundhouse'' kick qu'elle pourrait être, ou même mieux, devrait être! Comment atteindre ceci? La réponse est simple mais dur à atteindre, Nous aurons besoin d'un Baby boom!. Et ceci sera un des enjeux parmi tant d'autre de ma campagne. Puisque j'ai l'intention d'augmenter de 15% la population d'ici la fin de mon mandat. Ceci est le seul et unique moyen de créer de puissante nation. Nous pouvons nous améliorer tant que nous voulons. Erepublik est et demeure, un jeu de nombre. Je sais qu'on peut le faire. j'ai un plan, et une nouvelle approche au problème. Plus sera révélé dans ma plateforme que je vais publier sous peu. Tenez vous bien, le meilleur est à venir!

Pour ce qui est de mon cabinet, les postes sont presque comblé, et je vais finaliser le tout d'ici quelque jours également.

Partie1 Service Sociaux
Partie2 L'économie
Partie3 Armé et diplomatie

Alors rappelez vous VOTEZ CHUCKY NORRIS/ GORAN THRAX pour les présidentielles en MARS!!!