CaptainCAPS Oregon congressional pitch on the MILITARY

Day 576, 11:59 Published in USA USA by CaptainCAPS

One of the major things that I am very well versed in, and trained in, is the Military. Especially the U.S military. I have a lot of experience in the Military, being a Commanding Officer of a training Platoon (second division, 10th platoon Home Guard) teaching others new to the Military all they need to know, +some. I am very proud of the 10th platoon, and have served in it since February, as BjornFrees executive Officer. When he left earlier this month to command an airborne platoon, he picked me to CO his platoon. I have learned a lot about the workings of the military, and believe I would be the most effective candidate for concerns about the Military in Oregon, and one of the more eloquent candidates in the U.S on the issues regarding the Military. I’m active on the U.S Military forums about deployments, and other U.S military officer deals, along with very active on the EU.S forum about military, too. Now, experience is key to everything, and I for sure have the experience necessary to deal with Military issues.

Experience, however, means nothing if you don’t apply it to anything, so I will go into my actual platform on the military.

I am proud to give my assessment of the U.S military as very effective, and well organized. However, there is room for improvement. I, in congress, would work to bring about the needed changes to help make our military the most effective force in the world, while not changing a good thing too much that we lose it.

1. Funding. Military funding in the U.S is very good, and we in the Military community have no complaints. Most of the money that congress appropriates goes into Military funds, much like the RL congress. This is NOT!!! a waste of money, as Scrabman and the high up military officials in the U.S give the money away to U.S soldiers in the form of weapons, food, and sometimes (for tanks) health packs. It is important to make sure that U.S soldiers continue to get all our congressional funding, versus another nations army. While the other nation’s army may be more effective, if we fund them, we don’t make our army more effective, so we don’t improve. I would work in Congress to keep all U.S military funds for the U.S soldiers.

2. Foreign Deployment. There is nothing a true soldier likes more in this game than foreign deployments. Deployments are an important part of the foreign policy of the U.S, and with me as congressman, I will keep it that way. The best example of this would be the freedom fights in Greece, and Israel. The U.S deployed to turkey to fight for Israel and Greek independence for around 5 days, doing the bulk of the fighting until the end of the Central Greece battle, where the entire membership of the U.S led Coalition showed their teeth, helping us win the costly, but necessary battle. Foreign deployments should be made in a way that maximizes international cooperation and support, much like the Resistance fighting recently did. As a Congressman, I will help make sure of it.

3. Activity. The main issue of the U.S military is activity. While many of us are active, a small amount of people are not stepping up with more activity. As Congressman, I would work with the Generals and Military personnel that I know very well to help solve the main issue, that isn’t all that big, with the U.S Military. Recruitment drives would be an effective way that I may look into getting done. Speaking of recruitment, here is the link to the Home Guard recruitment sheet, for those of us who are interested in the Military, but need to get trained. Dramaus Katan could join the U.S military)
Join up! Maybe you will be assigned to the 10th!

So far this is my second in depth article regarding my platform. My original platform can be found here,
and my in depth platform on Foreign Policy can be found here

Vote for CAPS, vote in CAPS. Caps for Oregon congress.