Battlefields in eMiddle East, eEurope and eNorth America [D1199-1200]

Day 1,199, 10:39 Published in Egypt Egypt by Frankopan d.o.o


Battlefields in eMiddle East, eEurope and eNorth America [D1199-1200]

eMiddle East - End of Peace in new Arab countries

Israeli-Saudi Arabia War expecting to start any moment

Today, on day 1200, it is the end of peace in eMiddle Eastern New Arab countries! Natural Enemy Law has been accepted both in Israel and Saudi Arabia and we can expect war between Israel and Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates to start any moment. President of eEgypt has also proposed NE Law against Saudi Arabia.

Iranian-Bulgarian war

Yazd has been conquered by Bulgaria in the war versus Iran and Semnan has been liberated by Iranian resistance forces. Currently there are two battles active: Bulgaria has attacked Sistan and Baluchistan and there is simultaneous resistan war in South Khorasan. Bulgaria is holding 3 Iranian core regions.

Hawaii Heaven

USA, Mexico, Poland

North America - World War 5 Started

Hawaii occupied by Indonesia

World War 5 has begun! For USA it officially started with Indonesian attack on Hawaii, for some others we are in constant World War. Indonesia has conquered Hawaii and now is attacking California, USA.

Even before that Poland waged a war on Mexico and took opportunity to occupy some Mexican held US core regions, in the middle of swapping process with Mexico. So the US declared war on Poland and took back some regions from Polish occupation, including formerly rented South Dakota.

Gulf of Mexico was conquered by Poland in the war versus Mexico. Poland also succeeded to secure Northeast of Mexico in Mexican RW.

Europe - Wars Continued

Croatia and partially freed Bosnia and Herzegovina

Middle and Southeastern Europe - Croatia and its surrounding

Croatia secured Upper Carniola against Resistance force of Slovenia today. Croatia is also holding two important Slovenian regions with Aluminum - Upper Carniola and Prekmurje.

Federation of BiH has been retaken from Serbia and returned to Bosnia and Herzegovina yesterday.

However, Croatian attack on East Srpska Republic was unsuccessful and Serbia has retaken an initiative. Next Serbian attack followed in Central Croatia in last hours of day 1199.

There is a training war for Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) agreed with Serbia and these two countries also have a renting agreement to rent Western Serbia to Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) for 150 gold per month. Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) has conquered Southern Serbia and Raska, Serbia. Currently there is an attack on Western Serbia. Soon Croatia might even get a border with Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).

Middle Europe - Austria divided, Switzerland back on the map

Middle Europe - Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia

Switzerland is fully back on the map, and Italy is still holding Slovenian Littoral.

Austria is reduced to a single region - Voralberg and the rest is divided between Slovenia (3 Austrian regions), Hungary (two Austrian core regions), and Serbia (Tyrol). However, today Austria started a Rebel War in Styria, occupied by Hungary.

Germany is still partly occupied by Poland and Serbia, and there is a Rebel War active in North Rhine-Westphalia.

There is also a Czech Rebel War in Northern Bohemia.

Greece holding Turkish regions and attacking Eastern Anatolia

Southeastern Europe - Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)

Greece is holding Turkish regions firmly and suppressing Turkish rebel wars. The last one was Aegean Coast of Turkey - secured by Greece a few hours ago.
Greece has also attacked Eastern Anatolia, a single Turkish region, earlier today.

Western Europe

Emerald Island is divided between Republic of Ireland, the UK, Canada and the USA. Cork and Kerry has been conquered by Canada in the war versus Ireland and Southeast of Ireland was secured by USA in the war versus Resistance force of Ireland.

Great Britain is still hosting Serbia in East of England and Yorkshire & Humberside, renting them Oil and fish. They have also signed a mutual protection pact a few days ago.

Wallonia was liberated by Resistance force of Belgium in the war versus France, and Flanders was conquered by France blocking the way to Serbia.
It seems that Serbia is frustrated that the attack on the USA started without them and they will have to fight France if they want to get to the USA.

Netherlands is fighting a RW with Poland in Western Netherlands.

American-Portuguese battle

South-western Europe

On the other hand, USA is fighting Portugal. Americans are holding Norte and Centro regions, they also conquered Lisboa and currently there is an American attack on Alentejo. If it falls, which is likely, Portugal will be reduced on Algarve and Madeira.

Eastern Europe

Hungary has conquered whole Belarus and Hrodzienskaya was the last region falling today.

Ukraine has gradually liberated 9 of their regions. They were not so successful in their battle on North Caucasus in the war versus Russia. Their resistant war battle in Taurida is also not going well.

Romania is holding Moldavia and is suppressing Moldavian Rebel War in Northern Basarabia. In Romanian-Hungarian war Maramures was secured by Romania and now Romania has the initiative.

Northern Europe

There are training and swapping region wars in northern Europe. Kurzeme was secured by Latvia in the training war versus Estonia and Lithuania has attacked Scania, Sweden. Finland and Estonia are swapping regions. Kesk-Eesti (fruits) went to Finland, and Oulu goes to Estonia (Iron).

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Bosnia and Herzegovina News
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Hungary News
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